Tags : portal

A Scene

A Scene

A Screenplay by Huggy Bear

This is a scene that plays in my head a lot. This is a scenario of what happens when someone you care about leaves and this person sees the true feeli..
#2 The Black Portal

#2 The Black Portal

A Chapter by tynamite

Excess Rah Style never ceases to be abstract and bring the wtf is going on here?
Bad Signs

Bad Signs

A Chapter by Venompen

Shitload of foreshadowing.
Never Really Alone

Never Really Alone

A Poem by CT

Running... running... running through these endless, bleak halls... based around the character Ratman from the game series Portal.
Getting it Right

Getting it Right

A Book by Persona

A cross between "The Parent Trap" and "Back to the Future" with a cutesy teen spin!
"Still Alive" - Song

"Still Alive" - Song

A Poem by Jelvin

Song to all the people in my school that either hate my personality, and/or act like i'm the coolest ever.
Chapter One

Chapter One

A Chapter by CrimsonDecorum

(6 YEARS LATER) CHAPTER ONE: Hard Landing "Ashton, wake up!" A smile pulled my lips as I scribbled the final words on my paper. Susan didn't know ..
Falling In

Falling In

A Book by Till The End~

in progress
BTP I: Namarii

BTP I: Namarii

A Book by master squiggles

She enters a new world; she's not sure that she wants to stay. But perhaps they can change her mind... She is determined not to let her nostalgia of..
08. Her Distress.

08. Her Distress.

A Chapter by master squiggles

The rest of the day was slow and uneventful; after having to sit through all of Kaleressa's hour-long speech (although she heard less than half of it..
Princess Maia

Princess Maia

A Chapter by Missy

Princess Maia prepares to enter the portal to find the warrior.
Another Atmosphere

Another Atmosphere

A Story by jennilouhoo

A hole opens in the ground and it leads to another world. Based off a dream I had.


A Chapter by EarthDaughter

Perdita follows her father to a celebration in Crossgate's fey realms. Little does she know that there are prices to be paid for such access to the Fe..
Xylyte - Portal of Darkness

Xylyte - Portal of Darkness

A Book by B. Chuck

Mykale finds himself in an unknown land, with unknown people. He is not sure why he is here, but he is determined to find out. Come join Mykale on his..
Where Am I?

Where Am I?

A Chapter by B. Chuck

Mykale first wakes up in this unknown land, with a very strange family. He does not remember how he got there, or who he really is.
The Mystic Mirror

The Mystic Mirror

A Book by Gosia

An adventure and fantasy story set in a wondrous world of the Callesmere Empire. The heroine, May Lawson struggles to survive and find her place there..
BTP II: Irien

BTP II: Irien

A Book by master squiggles

She's back in their world, but this time, things are different. She knows something is wrong, but she doesn't know why.
Sylvia and The Dark Prince

Sylvia and The Dark Prince

A Book by Anna Ivy

Sylvia has always dreamed of other worlds full of fae and magic, but when she finds herself in one she is betrayed by a fairy and taken to the horned ..
The Horned Prince

The Horned Prince

A Chapter by Anna Ivy

Sylvia follows her dream, literally, and comes face-to-face with the man who had been calling for her in her sleep.

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