Tags : theatre

Musings on the Veiled Dancer

Musings on the Veiled Dancer

A Poem by Elaenor Aisling

A musing on the bronze sculpture, 'Veiled Dancer', greek or roman, I don't recall which.
Chute Out

Chute Out

A Book by Talismanic

What goes on behind the stage lights no one sees and no one knows about. We've got our own rules and we can't break them.


A Stage Play by Ben Martin

Short play about death, memory and handling loss
10 O'Clock

10 O'Clock

A Poem by Jessica Jean

I forgot how quickly Ten o’clock creeps about First you’re dreaming and musing Then it’s upon without a sound And ev..
The Eternal Production

The Eternal Production

A Poem by Haley Wilson

To be a slave to something for your whole life is a tragic fate. Especially when you don't want to be in it anymore.


A Poem by SPF

Anxiety attacks my every nerveAs I wait in the silent wings.I hope the fear will not affect my verveAs the overture vociferously sings.I step onstage ..
B-Sides: Track One

B-Sides: Track One

A Stage Play by Kevin

Scene One of Eleven. "A twenty-seven year old despondent writer and a sixteen year old musician form a profound attachment to each other through their..
B-Sides: Track Two

B-Sides: Track Two

A Stage Play by Kevin

Scene Two of Eleven. "A twenty-seven year old despondent writer and a sixteen year old musician form a profound attachment to each other through their..
B-Sides: Track Three

B-Sides: Track Three

A Stage Play by Kevin

Scene Three of Eleven. "A twenty-seven year old despondent writer and a sixteen year old musician form a profound attachment to each other through the..
B-Sides: Track Four

B-Sides: Track Four

A Stage Play by Kevin

Scene Four of Eleven. "A twenty-seven year old despondent writer and a sixteen year old musician form a profound attachment to each other through thei..
B-Sides: Track Five

B-Sides: Track Five

A Stage Play by Kevin

Scene Five of Eleven. "A twenty-seven year old despondent writer and a sixteen year old musician form a profound attachment to each other through thei..
B-Sides: Track Six

B-Sides: Track Six

A Stage Play by Kevin

Scene Six of Eleven. "A twenty-seven year old despondent writer and a sixteen year old musician form a profound attachment to each other through their..
B-Sides: Track Eight

B-Sides: Track Eight

A Stage Play by Kevin

Scene Eight of Eleven. "A twenty-seven year old despondent writer and a sixteen year old musician form a profound attachment to each other through the..
B-Sides: Track Seven

B-Sides: Track Seven

A Stage Play by Kevin

Scene Seven of Eleven. "A twenty-seven year old despondent writer and a sixteen year old musician form a profound attachment to each other through the..

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