Tags : warcraft

Welcome to My World of WarCraft

Welcome to My World of WarCraft

A Book by Lizzy

A story in progress by me and my fiancé. The chapters will be out of order for a bit so bear with me until its complete....
Becoming a Death Knight

Becoming a Death Knight

A Chapter by Lizzy

In this chapter Uylena was taken captive by the Lich King, Arthas and warped into one of his minions.
Chapter 1 - Birth of a Blood Knight

Chapter 1 - Birth of a Blood Knight

A Chapter by Lizzy

From the day Uylena of Silvermoon was born she was made to walk the path of a Blood Knight, alone.


A Chapter by Lizzy

Ileyna was angry at the discovery of her former mate wishing to dispatch Arthas himself. In this chapter she expresses just how unhappy she is with th..
Chapter 2- Dar'Khan Drathir

Chapter 2- Dar'Khan Drathir

A Chapter by Lizzy

Uylena foolishly decides to take on an undead lich by herself and learns the dangers of traveling alone.
Chapter 3 - Elithia, the Warlock

Chapter 3 - Elithia, the Warlock

A Chapter by Lizzy

Uylena finally recovered from Dar'Khan's attacks. As soon as she was back on her feet she meets a young warlock who may be just the friend she needs.
Chapter 4 - Archmage Arugal

Chapter 4 - Archmage Arugal

A Chapter by Lizzy

Uylena and Elithia have confessed their love for one another. Now they must dispatch the Archmage Arugal and return his head to Dark Lady Sylvanas Win..
The Argent Tournament

The Argent Tournament

A Chapter by Lizzy

Uylena and the others finally arrived at the Argent Tournament Grounds in Icecrown. Exhausted from the trip Uylena wants to spend quality time with El..
Chapter 5 - The Lonely Hunter

Chapter 5 - The Lonely Hunter

A Chapter by Lizzy

Uylena and Elie return to Silvermoon for some R&R but Elie discovers a hunter in danger. They will soon learn a shocking discovery that makes this hun..


A Chapter by Ariel-Marie

Just some backgroung information about Draenei and how the crash of their ship the Exodar effected the terrain. I'm not done with this yet. I wanna pu..
A Draenei Story

A Draenei Story

A Book by Ariel-Marie

I play World of Warcraft alot so I wanted to write about my character and her life. So this is about a young Draenei orphan named Melikia. :D
Chapter One. -Our Story Begins

Chapter One. -Our Story Begins

A Chapter by Ariel-Marie

The 1st intoduction on Melikia, Matron Mabel, and Patron Delone. Not done with this chapter either. Going to add more next time I feel like writing.
The Frozen Throne

The Frozen Throne

A Chapter by Lizzy

Ileyna and Alexandros make way for The Frozen Throne. But who wants to have the final glory?


A Chapter by Prodogee

A young night elf by the name of Prodogee can't choose a side, so she doesn't. She works for both the horde and the alliance, and has no friends.. no ..
The Blood Cross

The Blood Cross

A Chapter by Prodogee

Prodogee, the young Night Elf whom no one knows and loves, doesnt have any friends nor allys until she meets a young human and her two friends, a youn..
The Hunt Never Ends

The Hunt Never Ends

A Book by Fabsfan

A World of Warcraft-based novel. For those who know the game this is set at the onslaught of Arthas. It is adult themed with violence, language, and s..


A Story by ElizabethAmBurns

American stereotypes meet Australian stereotypes. Entry for "Blind eyes, Dead hair, Pink Shoes."
Rise of The Burning Legion

Rise of The Burning Legion

A Story by Fantasy80

this is my first story,ENJOY.

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Compartment 114
Compartment 114
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