Here is a link to my latest poetry reading on you tube.
I'm on a Bukowskesque roll, pounding the poems out, seven or eight a night. I know it won't last. It's like a fast. It's the hunger that drives you. And when you're starving, you eat--then rest. Not today though, I've hit my stride. And the night is mine for the taking. And the words are mine for the raping. And my heart, I am staking on the fact that I will stay hungry.
Sometimes creativity seems to flow and it is fast and fierce and drives us to get those words out to paper and other times it is slow unmovable and stubborn refusing to let the thoughts out.
Mine is more apathy or my inner muse the creative part of my brain doesn’t not want to write what my logical part of my brain does. So I get stagnant.
When Erato sneaks up behind and grabs you by the hair, sometimes she won't let go till you have laid her out to dry... As they say on Bourbon Street "Laissez les bons temps rouler!"
I envy your reading ability I have always had processing issues and post my two heart attacks my already poor processing became even worse lol:/ people always tell me they like my reading voice but what they don’t realize is it’s easier when you talk into a recording device doing it into a live atmosphere is a world of difference! I loved the poem and I have a real love hate relationship with chuck I love how he can transfer his thoughts in a manner that makes it almost as if it’s your own synapse pattern but I hate how he drowned his voice in alcohol
its a great motivator isn't it .. hunger that is .. a bit like pain and fear .. and no less uncomfortable we just have to feed n fuel it .. don't we .. Neville
Sometimes creativity seems to flow and it is fast and fierce and drives us to get those words out to paper and other times it is slow unmovable and stubborn refusing to let the thoughts out.
Mine is more apathy or my inner muse the creative part of my brain doesn’t not want to write what my logical part of my brain does. So I get stagnant.
Fabulous Thomas, we feel yr Hunger for the Glory of The Word and Creation. 'In the beginning was The Word, and The Word was God...' Exceptional ✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️
Also, Frank O'Hara wrote similarly....bunches at a time...several in a if like a conduit.
The hunger leaves then the hunger comes is the way with some of us, Thomas.
Thomas W. Case was born in Oxnard. He has published 3 volumes of poetry. The Bullfrog Dreams of Flying, Artichokes, Avocados, and Van Gogh, and Seedy Town Blues. He has won several poetry contests. Hi.. more..