Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Fifteen

A Chapter by Deanna Ballard

When my Geometry class ends I make my way to Chemistry. For once, I’m not at all excited about seeing Kendall. I just don’t think she’s as into me as she was a week ago.

            I have to pass her Study Hall class on the way to Chem so I’m rushing. As I’m getting to the hallway, I notice that no one’s coming out of her class. I peek inside and see a bunch of kids crowded around one desk. Neither Kendall nor Ivy strike me as the kind of girls who care about high school drama.

            I spot Ivy and oddly, she looks right at me. She looks distressed. What’s going on?

            I open the door and hover toward the crowd. My stomach’s turning. Why?

            “What’s going on?” I ask the nearest kid.

            “That loner girl went to sleep and now she won’t wake up.”

            Loner girl?

            “Is she kidding?”


            That matter-of-fact answer stops my heart. It can’t be.

            “Everyone, back up and give her some space.”

            The class begins to move back as one except Ivy. She doesn’t move an inch and I find it eerie that the kids who are moving, move around her; never jostling or touching her. They move back and once they’re out of the way, she instantly moves to Kendall’s side. Why weren’t they sitting together?

            I maneuver my way through the murmuring kids to stand next to Kendall’s unmoving body. I touch her hand. She hasn’t lost any color or warmth. That’s a good sign.

            “Whatever this is isn’t something we can see or touch,” Ivy says surprising me. “It’s inside her.”

            We lock eyes.

            “Do you understand my sense of urgency now, Will?”

            I want to be angry at her words but she’s right. Who could’ve done this? Why wouldn’t she have told someone she wasn’t feeling well?

            The classroom door burst open, slamming into the wall when it swings in.

            “Move!” someone shouts.

            They part, almost in unison, and Julian quickly comes walking through.

            “What the hell?!” are his next words. “Who’s responsible for this?!”

            His eyebrows are low over his eyes, making them look stormier and more wicked than usual. He’s gritting his teeth. Is that pain he’s trying to mask with his rage?

            “Julian, calm down. You need to get to class. As a matter of fact, all of you need to get to class. Everyone, out,” the teacher says herding everyone up like cattle and leading them toward the door.

            Slowly, but surely, kids start to leave the class although not all of them proceed to their next course. Ivy, Julian, and I don’t go anywhere.

            “When I find out who did this there’s going to be hell to pay!”

            He sounds more upset than I am. When I look back to Ivy, she’s already staring at me. Her eyes are sharper than mine. What does she see that I don’t? She then looks at Julian.

            “No one did anything, Julian. She just went to sleep and wouldn’t wake up. It’s weird because I don’t think she’s ever slept in class before.”

            His eyes widen and he puts his hands on his head.

            “This is my fault. Earlier today she was talking about how tired she was and I told her to catch some Zs in class.”

            “Don’t flatter yourself,” I say. “Kendall doesn’t take orders from anyone.”

            “I agree,” Ivy says a little unsure but with plenty of determination on her face; a face that says she’s up to something; a face that says she has a plan.

            A man who I think is the principal opens the door and two paramedics come in with a stretcher and some other equipment.

            “What happened?” the first asks.


            “She went to sleep and wouldn’t wake up. It’s as simple as that,” Ivy says, cutting off the teacher.

            I can tell both men, and the principal, are taken aback by her protective, authoritative tone.

            The paramedics gently put the neck brace around her neck and move her onto the stretcher. After doing so, one takes her blood pressure while the other lifts her “Bleep the World” t-shirt (How did she get away with wearing that all day?) and presses his stethoscope to her chest and the face he makes is all concentration. His eyes widen. He discards the instrument and presses his naked ear to the left side of her stomach. Again, his eyes widen.

            “Hey, Mark. Check this out.”

            The other guy, Mark, places his stethoscope to her stomach.

            Ivy sighs loudly.

            “Is that--?”

            “We have to get her to the hospital, stat. We can catch it if we hurry.”

            I watch them quickly pack up their things and wheel Kendall from the class. Ivy’s right behind them and I see something shiny in her right hand. The same goes for Julian.

            They’re keys and I know neither of them will give me a ride.

            I run to Trish’s class and ask her teacher if I can see her and I’m given the okay.

            “What’s wrong? What do you want?”

            “Something happened to Kendall. She’s being taken to the hospital. I need the car keys.”

            “Hell no.”

            “Please, Trish,” I beg, stressing the “please”.

            “No. I don’t approve of this relationship so what makes you think I’m going to help you maintain it?”

            “She’s hurt.”

            “So what! You’ll be the one who ends up hurt if you keep messing around with this depressed, tortured nobody. She’s not good for you. It’s time you realize that.  You’ll see her some other time, unfortunately. But for now, I’m not about to let you ditch school for this crap.”

            We stare at each other. She knows this is hurting me but she doesn’t like Kendall and she thinks she’s doing what’s best for me. She can’t be swayed.

            I sprint back toward the front of the school. If I hurry, I may be able to catch a ride in the ambulance.

            As I’m exploding out the door, I see it pulling away, sirens blaring; declaring to the world that someone’s life is in danger; demanding that everyone make way.

            A black motorcycle follows close behind it as well as an all black BMW. Ivy and Julian. I can see it so clearly in my head: Ivy will ride right alongside it, if not in front of it clearing a path for her “best” friend. Julian will dodge the traffic behind it, risking his life to be with her.

            I kick the door. All this while her boyfriend is left behind to worry. I remember Ivy’s words and that pisses me off even more.


            I don’t know what’s going on but it seems as though I’m resting. I find that hard to believe considering I also find it hard to do. I need it though so I’ll allow it. Class will be over soon enough. I could use this boost.

            Just when I’m about to stop thinking so I can reap the full benefit of this miracle, I feel a sharp pain in my left side. My body jerks. I hear a groan leave my mouth.

            I also hear sirens, male voices.

            “Try to relax,” I hear someone say and then I feel a hand on my arm.

            I open my eyes a bit and see a light shining in them.

            “Concentrate on the light.”

            I do as I’m told then feel a pinch in my right arm. I hear a loud noise and light floods where ever I am. I feel myself being moved then I’m suddenly really sleepy again.



            “We’re here!”


            I try to stay awake a bit longer. I’m waiting for Will’s voice.


            I’m waiting for Will’s voice.


© 2012 Deanna Ballard

Author's Note

Deanna Ballard
This novel is a work in progress. This chapter is as far as I've gotten but I am currently working on sixteen. Please, bear with me, especially you, Sam and Shely.

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Added on September 7, 2011
Last Updated on February 26, 2012


Deanna Ballard
Deanna Ballard

Forest Park, IL, IL

What defines me is not what I can tell you, but the things I can't. Know the things I cannot tell, and you'll find you know me I'm pretty laid back. I have a great sense of humor. I don't particula.. more..
