The trial of SatanA Chapter by Twe Stephensthe trial of Satan - billions of years before the dawn of mankindLuciah trembled before The One. All Heaven was glued to their screens to see what The One would do. Hundreds of holographic cameras floated in front of Luciah backgrounded by the entourages of The One. He sensed their disgust as billions probed him, his every word an open book for public inspection. The Zoon flew from the Thrones, circled lazily and landed cat like soft - only inches away, two on each side with eight hundred threatening eyes piercing him coldly. The holographics shifted as God spoke. "Greetings Luciah, May The One be with you." The pause was an eternity as billions waited for his response. Luciah said nothing knowing his thoughts made him transparent before this mighty being, but as he was about to respond The One continued. "Why are you continuing to bare your teeth against us?" "I stand here guilty as you know. And I have said many things I know you don't like; but I have no choices but to accept your leash around my neck." "My will is your repentance," Yahaveh said softly. "You know I can't because I cannot change what I am. I am unable to change my thought processes. You know I tried," Luciah said sadly. "And you think it’s because of that I took your robe?" "Yes." "Did I take our seal off your forehead and my name off your thigh?" "No you didn't." "Can you speculate why we didn't take all our symbols of high office from you? "I still don't know. I never understood…" "It was because we still believed in you, and remembered fondly all the eternities you use to love us. You were the first to stumble. Never did we think it would be you for we were closer than close; but we never dreamed because of that failure, blind arrogance and pride would lead you to dig a pit and burrow deep, take billions with you - and seal it so there'd be no possibility of reconciliation. “Before that, we believed in your potential to return to us. Don't you realize we could’ve forgiven and returned your former glory? Don't you know all things are possible with the Lord? But, it never once crossed your mind to even talk to us; and that is the greatest tragedy in our eyes…" Feeling like a fool, Luciah didn't know what to say for he’d horribly misjudged his Creator, but he stood guilty of the unthinkable. His heart withered like a prune for he’d involved billions in his betrayal - it could not be undone. "You do not love us anymore. You've dismissed our brotherhood and looked at my numbers of life as merchandise to exploit for your salvation and enrichment. You want to rule my creation in my stead - to be Yahaveh The Most High" “I can't change my thought processes; it’s not my fault for I never picked my own personality." "No. Your evil was something you conjured independently of your construction." "You’ve made the freewill you’ve given us a curse, for when we think independently we become cursed and less-loved. And that is not fair my Lord. "Unfortunately Luciah, there is no freedom from fidelity to us; but it was your freewill choice to rebel. We created all our children in perfection without spot." "Why am I here? What will you do with us?" The One ignored the 'us.' "You cannot live in my house with rebellion in your heart; you are destroying our civilization and brotherhood. What were you thinking - did you ever count the cost? You turned your back on us without a second thought as if the all our backward eternities were absolutely meaningless." Luciah's heart was pounding hard within his chest as the flies of butter raged riotously, vibrating the very bedrocks of his soul. "Then I ask again, what will become of me?" The One sighed. "What does a master do with a dog that bites him every time he walks in his own house?" Luciah said nothing. The One continued almost tenderly. It was a complete contradiction to the inconceivable rage he sensed from the Zoon surrounding him. "I knew you tried to repent, and was aware of the internal struggle you faced and lost within yourself. I saw your tears before you went into the Sides of the North. You ignored the sign of warnings we sent - instead you hatched an insidious plan to ensure your own survival apart from us. “You forgot the first immutable truth existing from the beginning of all construction; there is no life without The One. Your fear caused you to trap your brothers falsely thinking it’d make it harder for me to act. Luciah, is there anything too hard for me? "No Lord." "You should have come to me. Even I don't know the outcome. It wouldn't have been as bad as this, if you didn't involve over two billion of my brothers." "I was flawed," Luciah shouted angrily. A tear fell; “You wouldn't have accepted me back!" The One spoke sadly, "Oh stupid Luciah, you’re like the fish who denies the existence of the great expanses of land and the effects it has on its environment. For that cause, ten thousand generations of fish will still bite the hook because they’re unaware of any existence but the water. They deny the land refusing to understand the shore, which is provided as a sign for their benefit. For only through faith is the land truly known, for because of the waters they cannot see the land. “Do you believe your secularism that ignores the obvious shore? Tell me, what do you know about your eternities? If you didn't do these deeds and talked to me honestly, without involving my children and grand public spectacles, you think you’d be where you are now. What is the price of the worship you received? “Do you think everything experienced or seen is the sum of all? Is everything numbered or rationalized in your fish mind? Do you really believe the remedy for betrayal lies within you? If you do, you’re like the fish in the water that denies the power of the land. Your Creator is the land you callously dismissed, denied, and minimized." Luciah struggled to find another feasible angle. This was not working out right. "Can I, and all who follow me, leave this planet and have one of the billions of galaxies you’ve created? I promise, you will never see our faces again and you can have your Heaven the way it was. It’s a win-win for everyone." "Where will you live away from me when your every breath is a condition of my will? I have seen your plans and private designs. Did you really think I would allow this to continue?" Luciah tried desperately to leverage himself in a greater position of strength. "You have constructed billions of universes, there has to be at least one a place for me." He swallowed hard, "I mean us." The One shook his head slowly. "The vast universes and eternities I have constructed are my house. Again, I ask you, what do you do with a vicious dog that is living in your house that repeatedly bites, attacks, destroys your most precious possessions. “Tell me the answer Luciah. Can the audacity of hope exist? I cannot get away from you and you cannot get away from me. What is the alternative? Tell The One, The Adonai, El Shaddai, El Elyon, The Holy One, The Ancient of Days, The Elohim, and Yahaveh The Most High, what he should do about this growling biting dog. I am fair. I am waiting Luciah…" Luciah trembled violently - he knew the answer but was absolutely terrified to say it. This was a disaster. There was no choice but to answer the question. "Kill the dog." The One continued, "I sense complete honesty in you. But from your own mouth you’ve passed your judgment. And now this day, this hour, in front of all these witnesses, I sentence you to death. We evict you from the family of the living, because you have turned those who I love unjustly against their Creator and Father. And you did this with eyes wide open unbelieving in a final tomorrow." "What about the others - it would be unfair to not sentence them to death too." "You are correct," The One agreed. "The numbers of life who followed you will be judged and sentenced; but not in this universe..." "So I’ll die never knowing if you kept your word. Is that fair?" "You will not die in this universe either. And you’ll see I will keep my word - for you’ll be the last to taste death. And then you’ll know by the preponderance of the evidence The One has kept his word. For you will not die until I have executed this judgment I’ve made in front of these billions of witnesses standing in my Throne Room, today." The flies of butter raging within abated in intensity. Luciah felt nothing but overwhelming gratitude; he would not die today. He wondered for an instant what not in this universe meant, but he dared not ask. "You will help purify and reclaim the numbers of life you’ve taken without respect, so viciously from us. Thus, I give you the keys of death so you can reclaim to me what you’ve taken." A set of three holographic keys, representing the trinity of death floated above one of the beast's head. Hundreds of eyes closed tightly as the glowing keys rotated slowly and solidified in the air. "Take them," Yahaveh commanded. Luciah took the keys and held them. They flashed into his soul fusing within. The One glowed brightly and continued. "And because you’ve done this abdominal to our civilization, no one will ever remember your real name for you’ve broken the compassion of The One. I give you new names reeking of the dishonor you richly deserve. I personally named every numbers of life, and in the next universe your given name will never pass your lips. This is the command of The One. "I take the names I gave you in love back, for I have not liked your ways. You will forever be known as Lucifer, The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, The Devil, The Evil One, Satan, The Snake, Abaddon, The Accuser, The Roaring Lion, The Adversary, Apollyon, Beelzebub, Belial, Baal, and the Dragon. You will be The Box Cedar, King of Tyrus, King of Babylon, The Lord of the Flies, The Prince of the Fishbowl Universe, The Bad Fig, The Little Horn, The Serpent, The Tempter, The Enemy, The Father of Lies, The Morning Star, and the Prince of the Air. For you are now and forever, The Man of Sin, The Desolator, The Destroyer, The Son of Perdition, The Wicked One, and Death. "Everything you did in your life is now emptiness for there’ll be no remembrance of you - it will be as if you never breathed or existed. The memories of the just is wisdom; therefore, none will shed one tear in remembrance of you. There will be no tears, sorrow, or pain in our last universe, which this day I swear you will never see. You and all that follow you will die in the past, die in the present, and die in the future; this is the trinity of eternal death. No one will ever say the name Luciah or remember you or your brotherhood. "I will turn you into ashes from within to without and you will exist no more. And your soulless shell will be thrown into the lake of fire prepared especially for you. The Righteous will witness it before I wipe all their The Universes of God: The Chronicles of The Angels memories of you away. And all you think you have or will accomplish will fall into the dust, for you will have functionally never existed. Only The One will remember Luciah, the bearer of the false light. It is your destiny Luciah to be nobody, not thought of for all the eternities. You are less to me now than the specks of dust traveling between the universes. You and all like you are fools to believe you could parley with The One without love in your hearts. "Everything you’ve ever done either good or bad has been for naught, for your glaring error was you tried to out think me and deny my grace of restoration and recovery. You should have trusted your Creator. It never entered your mind that surrendering is victory. You had eternal life at your first summons still in your grasp and you threw it all away. You are a fool. You didn't stop to realize that the backward eternities of your life are less than a microscopic drop, but I swear on my holy names, you and the souls following will be cursed until the day I take what in love I gave them - the very breaths they breathe." With thick black smoke massing from their pores, the Zoon snapped their heads back screaming insanely at ear splitting volume, the sound reverberated throughout the massive room as millions spontaneously fell into shock, senses overwhelmed by the true meaning of what just happened. Though all knew he was willfully aberrant and prodigal - he was still family but was now the living dead. During the chaos in the Throne Room, the seal of The One on Luciah's forehead disappeared as well as Yahaveh's name on his inner thigh. Everything he thought he accomplished was just a façade - self-inflicted self-destruction. He was irreversibly cursed and that knowledge increased his rage. And through the black irrational anger, Luciah knew there was no one to blame but himself; but it did not negate his overwhelming anger or his vow to get back at The One. And with that last thought still burning in his mind, Yahshua who never said a word during this whole process snapped his fingers. Luciah vanished from The Throne Room in a flash of light still violently seething inside. And throughout the home world to those traveling the far distant universes, the news of Luciah's judgment traveled like wild fire through the three Continuums. A new name for Yahaveh who did this to Luciah was birthed that day by the major media - God Almighty. It was spinned to be synonymous of unbridled unfair sovereign power. For in him was absolute power - power of life, and a new concept never known within the numbers of life construction until now, death… © 2013 Twe StephensAuthor's Note
Added on April 23, 2013 Last Updated on April 23, 2013 Tags: Religion, inspiration, God, Jesus, Fiction, Bible, spirituality, Christ, Heaven, Hell, Aliens, Angels, Roman, Satan, Demons, Devils, New Testament, Old testament, bestselling author, Twe St Author