![]() BodyGuard 14A Chapter by Love U StylinsonJake So after Christian got over the official shock of getting a
new car we drove back over to my house so I could clean up and change. When we
pulled up into the driveway the only thing running around in my head was how
was I supposed to live here by myself. I didn’t even have a job so how was I
supposed to pay for food, or the bills. Since my mom died Tyler was barely
paying for anything in that house, I would come home from school with the
lights off and no food in the kitchen. So if he couldn’t even keep up how was I
supposed to do it? “Hey are you okay?” I looked at Christian; he had a concerned look on his face
as he stared at me. I didn’t want to worry him so I just simply smiled before
getting out of the car. He didn’t say anything but the look on his face stayed,
his mouth set into a frown and it didn’t look right. I always picture Christian
with a smile on his face, always happy, loud, and vibrant. So before walking
into the house I turned around and kissed him softly on the lips, it was kind of
a short shy kiss; I wasn’t really used to kissing anybody I was always so
awkward at it. “Im fine so don’t worry okay,” I whispered against his lips
as I looked up at him. I heard his breath hitch the slightest as his face
started to turn a bright red. I turned back around to open the front door, “Are
you sure?” I heard him say from behind me. “Positive,” I said, “You can make yourself comfortable I
guess while I grab a shower,” He gave a nod before sitting down on the couch in
the living room. I glanced at him one more time before going up stairs and
going into the bathroom. Not only a couple of minutes later were I in my closet
trying to find something nice to wear. It was kind of cold out so I played it
safe and wore a long sleeved black shirt, and some gray jeans. Turning around I
moved some stuff out the way to get to my scarves I had in the back; looking at
them I didn’t know which one to pick. “I like this one,” Christian said as he reached behind me to
grab a red scarf I haven’t worn in a very long time. The reason behind that was
because my mother gave it to me the day she died in the hospital, she told me
it was her lucky scarf; had it since she was little. So when she gave it to me
I felt honored to have it and because it was so special to her I didn’t want to
mess it up, so I treasured it in my closet. “Now to top it all off wear these,” Christian said, holding
up a pair of red converses in his hands a smile on his face. “Thanks,” I said taking them from him. Once I was completely
dressed we walked back into my room so I could get my phone. “You have a lot of sketches on your wall,” Christian said as
he looked around my room. “Yah I only hang the one I really like,” I replied back as I
looked over to my desk. I can’t find the sketchbook with all the pictures of
Christian in them. I swore I put it on top of my desk after I wrapped it the
other night. “Hey what’s this?” Turning my gaze towards Christian I saw that he had the wrapped sketchbook in his hand. My face heated up because this is not how I pictured him getting his birthday present. I was going to give it to him after we had our date, but that plan definitely changed now. He was staring at me
with a smirk on his face and I had a feeling he already knew what it was he was
holding in his hands. “So this a birthday present?” he drawled. “Uh…yah just something I was working on….nothing big
really,” I said softly. I watched as the smirk on his face turned into a full
smile, “Can I open it now?” he asked. I laughed, “It is your birthday,” I
concluded. He didn’t hesitate to tear off the green wrapping and opened
it to the first page; I watched his eyes go wide with every page he turned, I
got more anxious when he got near the last page. I mean it was nothing big, but
I was working really hard on that one, I had to get every detail right, I
wanted it to be perfect for him. “You drew this?” he asked his eyes still trained on the
sketch. I let a small smile appear on my face, “Yah…I started when we were at
the park, the first time we met I think,” I started. “You were looking at the
sun and I just wanted to catch the look you had on your face.” I didn’t get to
say anything else because I was pulled into a tight hug; I hugged him back
loving the feeling of arms around me. “Thank you I love it,” he said as he stared at me. His stare was a little unnerving it was like he was thinking about something or he wanted to ask me something but didn’t know how. He let his head fall to my neck, his nose nuzzling my pulse, “Your so cute….can I kiss you?” he asked softly. My face went red again; he was so straightforward about these things. “Um….yah go ahead,” I answered. Not a second later did I
find his lips on mines, it felt so good; his kisses were always so soft and
slow, nothing sloppy or fast and that’s what I like about him. I wrapped my
arms around his neck to pull him closer, his hands on the desk behind me so he
could get closer. Just when I felt the tip of his tongue run across my bottom
lip, his phone started to ring making me jump. “Eh sorry,” he said as he fished his phone out his pocket. “No its fine,” I smiled. I watched as he talked on the phone
for a while. I was kind of happy because if he didn’t stop, things were
defiantly going to heat up and that was the last thing I wanted to
do…..especially if it was our first date. “Alrighty ready to go?” Christian asked a bright smile on
his face. ‘If he keeps smiling that I don’t think im going to last this whole date’ I thought. “Sure, where are we going first?” I asked as we walked back
downstairs. “I was thinking of a movie, then lunch…if it’s okay with
you,” Christian explained. “Sounds great….um what movie?” I asked. He stopped before we
got to the doorway waving a finger in front of my face, a sly smile on his
face. “It’s a surprise,” he chimed before turning out the door. I sighed I hated surprises I liked to know what was going on
and when it was going to happen, but since it our first day and Christians
birthday I let it slide. I only smiled as we walked out the door and headed for
his jeep. As I got in I had a really strange feeling that something was going
to happen on this date, didn’t know why, just got a feeling. Ronni (He’s gonna be in charge back in forth for a while so
bear with me.) I had no idea Christian lived so close to me, I felt so
giddy finding that out. However that meant that he lived near that prick Jake
to….that little s**t I couldn’t stand him. I nearly threw up when I saw him
kissing my Christian; I ought a cut those pretty lips right off his face. I had
a whole plan in my head to ruin their perfect little date, I knew everything
that was going to happen because of course I’ll be the cause of it. I started
my own car a determined look on my face; I was going to break those two up no
matter what Christian As we walked up to the booth to get our tickets I was so
nervous my hands were shaking. I don’t know why I was; maybe it’s because this
is my first real date in months and I don’t want to screw things up, which
somehow im going to find a way to do. After getting our tickets we walked
inside and headed to the counter to get some snacks, I pretty much memorized
what was on that paper Nikki gave me so I had everything I needed. “Popcorn sounds good?” I mused as I looked up at the menu. I
watched out the corner of my eyes as he bit his lip; so cute I thought. “Yah that’s fine with me,” he answered. I smiled, “Milk Duds
for candy right,” I asked him but I was telling the girl behind the counter to.
I was kinda feeling proud of knowing things about him. However my smile
faltered when I saw the look on his face, his nose all scrunched up giving the
sign that he disliked something. “Ick…I hate those im more of a Mike&Ikes person,” he
explained to me. I just stood there looking at him like he was crazy, I was
confused. First off who hated Milk Duds, they were like the best movie candy
ever, second what does he mean he hates them…..the paper said…. “But I thought you liked them” I questioned him. He gave me a disgusted look, “No…there actually my least favorite candy here,” he said. “Why would you think I’d like them?” he added. I scoffed, “Everyone loves Milk Duds,” I explained simply. “I beg to differ,” he replied. “You’re just weird,” I told him. I turned back to the girl
behind the counter to ask for something else but Jake stopped me. “So im weird because I don’t like a certain candy,” he
asked. I turned back to him to see his face all scrunched up…..was he seriously
getting angry for calling him weird I thought. I opened my mouth to say
something but just looked away, totally ignoring me. ‘Who would have thought that he was such a drama queen’ I
thought. After that whole ordeal we got all our stuff and headed to
the back were the movie room was. The whole way there Jake didn’t say anything
and I was kind of getting mad at him for it. I mean it wasn’t my fault that he
didn’t like certain stuff. Although I did jump to the conclusion that he liked
them, but that was only because Nikki said he did. I sighed as I held the door open for Jake….this was not how
I wanted our date to start out. - Ronni I couldn’t help but laugh seeing how Jake was getting all
huffy at Christian. This is exactly what I wanted to happen. It also looks like
he’ll be mad at him for a while which only made things better. I gotta make
sure Jake stays mad at Christian, because usually being mad at someone ends up
in an argument which ends up to people breaking up and that what I need him to
do. I quickly made my way inside the theater, keeping my head down so the two
wouldn’t see me. I made sure I was sitting behind them, only a seat away to
keep watch. I could tell that Jake was still mad because his whole body
language screamed annoyed. My gaze them went to my beloved Christian who was
sitting in his seat quietly, his head was turned slightly towards Jake which
irritated me. I watched as Christian leaned over to whisper something in that
pricks ear. - Christian I seriously couldn’t stand Jake not talking to me so I
decided to just apologize….even though it was really stupid and I thought there
was no need for it I just did it anyway. “Jake, look I didn’t mean to call you weird okay,” I
whispered in his ear. He looked at me for a while before turning a bright red. “I know I just….overreacted I guess,” he muttered. I laughed
quietly before putting an arm over his shoulders. “You are so cute,” I mumbled as I kissed his cheek. “…im not cute,” he argued lightly. “You never did tell me what movie we were seeing,” Jake said after a minute. I smiled, “A little bird told me you love Tom Hiddleston and
you were just dying to see this movie,” I said softly. He didn’t get the chance to say anything because the lights
started to dim, and the name Thor flashed across the screen. I couldn’t help
but smile when I saw the look on Jakes face when it appeared. I have to give
Nikki props on this one because she was actually right. While watching the movie I had this feeling that we were
being watched. It gave me goose bumps and I know it wasn’t because it was cold
in the theater, someone was being nosy and it was getting on my nerves. I was
pretty happy when the movie ended because I was getting paranoid and I just
wanted out, however as soon as we stepped outside Jake let out an annoyed huff. “Didn’t like the movie?” I asked watching in amusement as he
crossed his arms over his chest, his bottom lip sticking out just a bit. “Hated the ending…”he muttered darkly and I couldn’t help
but laugh. “Yah only because Loki chose"“Don’t say…..I don’t even want to think about it,” he shook his
head back in forth. “You’re something else,” I said….”You wanna go grab
something to before I take ya back home?” I asked as I opened the passenger
door for him. “Sure anything in particular?” I stood there and thought
about the list of things on the paper and then it hit me. “I know a great Pizzeria down the street from here,”
replied. “Sounds good to me,” he said sweetly. God he’s to freaking
adorable I thought as I kissed his nose before walking back over to the
driver’s seat. - Ronni Jeez I just wanted to run Jake over with a truck or
something that’s how much I dislike him. When Christian kissed his cheek in the
movie theater I could already tell that things were not going to go the way I
wanted it to. It starting off so very well and then he had to go and pull that
crap, I sigh as I tried to concentrate on what the two were saying. Right now I
was hiding in the bushes….it might sound stalkerish but I’d do anything to get
them to break up. I heard Christian say something about a Pizzeria and I knew
for a fact that they were going to break up. Let me shed some light on this
little plan of mines; My older brother works there and he loves helping me f**k
with other people, I think it runs in the family, but anyway if I’m going to
pull this off I gotta get there before they do, or I won’t be able to do
anything. So with that in mind I took off towards the restaurant, determined to
get there as fast as I could. © 2012 Love U StylinsonAuthor's Note
1 Review Added on September 29, 2012 Last Updated on September 29, 2012 Author