![]() BodyGuard 16A Chapter by Love U Stylinson
Better watch ya back kid~ In the morning I felt like s**t and I really didn't feel like going to school but I sucked it up and got up. After getting out the shower I just threw a tee shirt on and some jeans complete with my favorite navy blue hoodie. I was going to get something to eat out the kitchen but was too afraid that there would be another note on the fridge. So I just headed into the living room and sat on the couch, my head lolled back to look at the ceiling. I was sitting there for at least five minutes when I realized my phone was buzzing in my pocket. -Hey come outside- It was a text from Christian and just reading it was giving me goosebumps. As I got up and headed for the door, last night flew through my mind and a smile came to my lips. It wasn't a perfect date but I enjoyed it right to the end. Walking outside I saw Christian's blue Jeep sitting in my driveway, he was waving at me from inside. Smiling I walked over to the passenger seat, and as soon as I got inside he pulled me into a breathtaking kiss. His lips were warm and soft and I could taste a hint of honey on his tongue. Smiling I gently pushed him back into his own seat, "We better stop before we get carried away," I said. He laughed before starting up the car and backing out, "I wouldn't mind being carried away by you," he replied, successfully making me blush. It was so weird that he could completely change my mood with a simple kiss. I mean not even a minute ago was I contemplating on my life and how sucky it is, and waking up with a headache to top it all off. Then Christians comes over and gives me one kiss and all my worries fly out the window. I guess that's one of the things I really liked about Christian; he was so care-free about everything. Once we got to school I took notice that everyone was staring at me and it was kind of unnerving. Almost every person we walked by to get to the front gate was whispering something to their friend next to them. I started to scratch my arm, a habit I have when I was nervous or embarrassed by something. It felt like the walk to the cafeteria was so much longer than usual; I could hear everybody talking about me, about what at the party. "That kid punched Nathan?" "Yah it was crazy," "Oh and he kneed him in the stomach!" "Omg what a prick, I mean what has Nathan done to him? 'Are you kidding me?' I thought. What hasn't Nathan done to me, what kind of bullshit are these people saying. Why are people so blind to these types of things, I just don't understand. Half the people talking about it have seen me get beaten to a pulp by Nathan and they still defend him? "I know right," "Hmp I wouldn't be surprised if Nathan was looking for him right now!" Im shaking with rage by the time we got to the cafeteria, it was so fucked up that everybody was acting like that guy was there king or something. I hated it, I hated it so much and it wasn't fair. We sat down at the table we usually sit at for lunch and I instantly put my head down, frustrated tears threatened to fall from my eyes. 'Why can't I just get a break?' "Jake don't listen to them okay," I hear Christian say as he ran his hand through my hair. "There all dipshits anyway," he added. And just that the fact that he's trying to make me feel better made the tears instantly stop. Picking my head up I gave him a half-hearted smile, "Thanks," I muttered as I laid my head on his shoulder. "No problem, it's what I do," he answered with a smirk. I was going to say something but I heard Nikki's laugh as soon as she walked through the double doors. Looking towards her, there was this really tall guy standing next to her and he was laughing to. "My favorite part was when he was like, "two plus two don't know what the f**k it is b***h!" oh hell that guy is hilarious," Nikki gasped. "I know and then all his friends were like, "He said she ain't got no nippppppllesss!" the tall guy said as they both sat down across from us. "What the hell are you guys talking about?" Christian asked, looking at Nikki with a very confused look. "Yah and who is this," I questioned looking at the tall dark guy. "It's Kevin Hart…Seriously Funny," she answered still laughing Nikki turned to us with a very wide smile, "This is my very good friend Terrell Taylor," she said elbowing him in the ribs. I watched as he elbowed her back, "You play too much man," he laughed. I watched them closely and I could tell that they were going down the path of dating soon; gotta remember to talk to her I thought. I looked Terrell up and down, he was one tall skinny guy, nice cut hair, deep brown eyes, and the skin of chocolate….in others words he was pretty cute but I could tell that he was very straight to. "So where ya from?" I asked. "Georgia, just moved over the weekend," he said, "Me and Nix's here used to be neighbors until she decided to leave me all alone," he grumbled. Nikki pouted, "Your acting like it was my fault that I had to move," she said playfully. "Well you could have just stayed with me….in my room," he smirked as he leered at her. "Pfft okay, not with that small a*s bed you had," she retorted. The smirk on his face fell, "Play too much Nix's," he muttered. She laughed, "Im just kidding with you," she said. "But anyway, how was yall guys weekend?" she asked us, and at that question my face instantly went up. "Oh-ho so it went well I see," she mused. "Well I""That list you gave me was complete and utter bullshit Nikki," Christian all but interrupted. I looked at him with a questioning look, what list was he talking about? Nikki's face puffed up in rage, "The hell, everything on there was true I swear I wouldn't sabotage your date," she growled. "Wait a minute, you guys datin," Terrell interrupted. Christian and I looked at him at the same time, "Um yah," Christian said giving him a hard glare. "Hope you don't have a problem with that," I told him. He held up his hands in defense,"Nah im good, my uncles gay so im used to it…I was just wondering," he answered. I stared at him for a minute to see if he was lying just so he could get out the conversation but I couldn't detect any so I turned my attention back to Christian. "What list are you talking about?" I asked him. Christian Great I thought I was supposed to ask Nikki about this in private but it just slipped out and it was no better that I said it in front of Jake. Now he was looking at me curiously trying to figure out what the hell I was talking about. Sighing I guess I had no choice but to spill the beans about the list she made me so the date would go perfect (which didn't happen). "Okay, I kinda asked Nikki to make a list of things that you like and didn't like so I wouldn't mess up are date," I confessed. I waited for him to rant at me for being a complete stalker freak, but when I looked he had this small smile on his face. "That's probably the nicest thing anyone has done for me," he said softly. I gave him a confused look, "So you're not mad?" I questioned. He shook his head, "It's kind of sweet that you took the time to actually ask Nikki about all those things," he smiled up at me. "But all you had to do was ask and I would've told you," he added, pinching my cheek (which was red from embarrassment). "I know but…well I don't know how to explain it, I just wanted things to be perfect I guess," I said sheepishly. Jake laughed at my antics but kissed me on the cheek nonetheless, "Yah it was an epic fail but I had fun…so what happened with the list?" he asked. That's when I turned my attention back to Nikki and gave her a look. She huffed before pushing her curly hair out her face, "Let me see the list," she said as she held out her hand. I turned to where my bag was and took the list out the side pocket. "Here," I said as I gave it to her. "Pizza with anchovies?" Terrell asked as he looked at the paper too. "Im allergic to fish," Jake said. He looked up in confusion and so did Nikki, "Um…this isn't my handwriting for one," she started as she analyzed the paper again, "And I didn't write in pen," she added. I really wanted to know what the hell was going on and who the hell was messing around because it wasn't really funny. "That son of b***h," she cried after a moment. "I knew I shouldn't have trusted him," she hissed. "Who are you talking about?" Jake asked curious to what she was growling about. "The day I was supposed to put that list in Christian's locker I ran into Ronni on the way out," she explained. Jake held up a hand before she could say anything else, "And why would you give something as valuable as that to Ronni," he asked, his nose scrunching up in distaste. I found it kind of ironic that he does that when he's really mad about something but the way he looks when he does it makes him look so adorably cute. "No No No listen, see what had happened was I was going to be late for this meeting with some friends and plus I didn't know where his locker was and then I saw Ronni and told him to put it in there," she explained in one breath. "I guess I wasn't really thinking when I did it," she said. "That little prick," Jake muttered. "That's a real a*s of a move," Terrell put in. "Damn right it is….im seriously going to kick his a*s," I agreed whole-heartedly. I didn't get a chance to say what else was on my mind because the bell rung and first period was about to start. We all stood up and filed out the cafeteria but before I could reach the door Jake pulled me back for a minute. "Hey, don't do anything stupid okay," he pleaded. I thought about it for a split second, I could just see myself kicking that little blonde a*s. I could easily do it; we pass each other so many times in the hallway on the way to class. But hearing Jake tell me not to do anything rash I just couldn't help but say okay. "Promise?" I wrapped my arms around his waist and bent my head down to kiss him on the lips, a gasp escaping that pretty little mouth. My tongue running across his in such a sexy manner that it was starting to make me hard. Eventually I pulled away with a smirk on my face at the look he had on his. A little dazed and his green eyes gazed over. "I promise," I stated. © 2012 Love U Stylinson |
1 Review Added on November 2, 2012 Last Updated on November 2, 2012 Author