![]() BodyGuard 18A Chapter by Love U StylinsonJake So I’ve been sitting in this desk for about ten minutes now
listening to Nathan poor his little heart out to me. He told me he was sorry
for all this crap he put me through, said that he’ll never mess with me again.
I felt bad for him because he was showing this side of weakness to me and I knew
that had to be a major blow to his ego. However deep down inside I couldn’t
help but think that karma came and bit him in the a*s for all the things he did
to me. “……So what should I do?” he asked me, his eyes looking up at
me with this sorrowful look. I stared at him, trying to figure out what I should I do.
This is all so fucked up, “So you put a note inside his locker?” I asked, just
making sure. He nodded his head, “Well no wonder he got mad at you, you
can’t just write him a cute little love note and think that you’re going to
together,” I cried. God and I thought was he stupid. “Listen from what you told
me, you and Cam got a lot history…..some that you fucked up before high
school,” I started. I watched as he nodded his head, “So first off you need to
fix whatever the hell you did to make Cameron mad at you like that, that day,
whatever you said you need to take it back.” Nathan looked like he was going to
pass out; whatever he said to make their relationship crumble like that must’ve
been pretty bad. “I guess you’re right,” he mumbled. “Um thank you…..and im
really sorry about everything, honestly,” he said softly. - The bell rung after he said that and I slipped out the room
a little confused and sated I guess. Hearing my tormentor tell me that he was sorry
for all the stuff he did gave me some sense of peace. I walked down the hallway
to my art class, which I full intended to take a nap in. Not like I needed to
pay attention anyway, as I walked though I saw Ronni waiting outside it. “Ah just the person I was looking for,” he exclaimed
dramatically his smile filling up his face. I actually considered just completely skipping art just
because he was standing there, but unfortunately I couldn’t so I walked up and
stopped in front of him. “Can I help you with something?” I asked irritated. “Nothing much just thought I come and say hi,” he smiled up at me. I felt the urge to punch him in the face and I had every right to since he fucked up me and Christian’s date. My fist balled up at my sides, my nose
scrunching up just a bit, I even took a step back to control myself. “Cut the bullshit and get out my way,” I hissed looking dead
at him. He narrowed his gray eyes at me, “That’s really rude I was
only trying to be nice,” he said simply. “Like hell you are, you don’t even have a class in this
building,” I growled. “So your point is?” he asked. I think I just popped a blood vessel, this kid was about to
die if he didn’t get the hell out my way. “Listen im going to tell you this
once, I know what you did about the list and sabotaging my date with Christian
and it didn’t work,” I said, “Were still together and he will never leave me
for someone like you, so get the f**k out my way and leave me and Christian
alone,” I said calmly. His shocked face told me everything as he hurriedly
moved to the side to let me in the class, ‘serves him right’ I thought. - It was the end of the day and I was waiting for Christian to
come from his photography class so he could take me home. I was twirling a
finger in my hair and nibbling on a chocolate bar, when I heard a click and a
flash, looking to the side I saw Christian with a smile on his face. I punched
him in the arm, “Is that really necessary?” I laughed as he swung an arm over
my shoulder. “Sorry I just couldn’t help it….you were looking all cute
with your finger in your hair,” he told me and I blushed. “And sexily eating
that chocolate bar,” he added, making me blush even more. When we got close to his car he pushed me gently against his
jeep, his hands resting at my hips. His eyes were shining in the sun making the
dark blue just a bit lighter. It looked like he was thinking about something
and wanted to say it but didn’t know how. He leaned in closer to me, his camera
pushing against my stomach where it lay from his neck. I tilted my head up so
his lips brushed across mine, his hands going from my hips to my back pulling
me closer. “Christian I"He
cut me off, his tongue completely invading my mouth, I wrapped my arms around
his shoulders. This felt good, so very good to have something like this, to do
this with somebody that I really like. I felt his knee ride up in between my
legs and I gasped in surprise; defiantly not expecting that. Christian backed
off in an instant, his face red with embarrassment, “Im sorry,” he said
quickly. I looked at him and the words Nikki told me before popped
into my head. What if Christian really wanted to have sex with me, or do some
other things that involved me and him….in a room….alone. My face flushed, it
wasn’t that the fact that I was embarrassed it’s just that im scared a little;
afraid that he’ll leave me or something. I sighed if Nikki was here she
probably would tell me to just stop worrying and do it…..just get it over with. “Do you want to come over?” I asked my eyes trailing off to
the side. Christian beamed, that beautiful smile splitting his face,
“Of course I do any time spent with you will be worth it,” he said. - Christian As I drove to Jakes house I couldn’t help but think about
all the naughty things we could do there. I mean I know that his living
situations are really bad and I honestly wish that he would just move in with
me…..even though I haven’t asked him yet. However the sexual tension between us
was getting too much for me. Every time he kissed me or touched me and even the
sound of his sweet voice was turning me on. Just everything about him was just
intoxicating, he was like a drug and I was getting addicted. I looked at him
from the corner of my eyes; he was facing towards the window with his eyes
closed. We were at stop light so I took the chance to take a picture of him,
and as soon as he heard the click his eyes snapped open. “Really?” he asked his pretty green eyes narrowed playfully
a pout forming on his lips. “Stop being so damn cute all the time and I wouldn’t have to
do that,” I said simply. He laughed lightly before settling back into the seat a
small smile on his face. As we finally pulled up into the driveway to Jakes house I
felt this urge to just jump him. But I just got out of the car and followed him
inside. I watched him as he threw his bookbag by the couch before turning to
look at me, his eyebrows raised. “Christian are you okay?” he asked me as he walked over; he
put hand over my head. I could feel my face start to turn red, having him so
close to me like this….damn hormones I thought. His face looked so concerned,
it felt liked being fussed over like a mother. “Nothing’s wrong Jake……but you are making it so difficult to
not….” I let my sentence trail off as I nuzzled his neck with my nose. He
smelled so good. “W…What are you talking about,” Jake stammered. I pushed him back against the wall, my lips already
attacking his, my hands on his hips. I felt his arms slip around my neck as he
bit my bottom lip, “You taste like chocolate,” I muttered as I nipped the skin
right behind his ear. “Hmm Christian…….do you…I think Nikki was ah….right,” Jake
stuttered as he pushed me away slightly “Nikki, what she got to do with this?” I asked. He sighed before looking off to the side his face becoming
really red, “Well she said something about us being sexually frustrated or
something and then we she brought it up at lunch it seemed like you didn’t want do anything with me, so I just
thought well maybe you didn’t like me as my much I thought and then you come
here an"“Jake….calm down for a
minute,” I laughed. I watched as he instantly shut his mouth. “First off you’re really cute when you ramble,” I stated,
“Second I will always like you so
don’t worry about that, and the only reason why I haven’t done anything than
just kissing is because I just wasn’t sure if you wanted to go that far with me
yet,” I explained. He looked back up to me, his face set in shock, “I really
like you and I didn’t want to go to fast,” I added. He started to giggle, “You’re so considerate,” he said his
arms tightening around my neck, bringing me closer to him. “But I think we can speed it up now,” he murmured in my ear
as he licked it. I leaned down again and kissed him, my tongue finding its way
inside his sweet mouth. His tongue wrapped around mine, his hands threading
through my hair. I pushed my hips against his and enjoyed the little sound I
got out of him from doing it. I smirked when he rolled his back, his mouth
falling from mine to moan loudly. I think it was time to take this to the room, so I hefted
him up his legs wrapping around my waist as I carried him up the steps and to
his room. Pushing the door opened I dropped him ungracefully on the bed; he
smiled up at me before grabbing the front of my shirt and pulling me down on
top of him. He hands found their way to my shirt and began to pull at it; I
lifted my arms so he could get the shirt off and when he did he grabbed me
again to kiss him. His lips were so soft and wet, and I loved the feel of his
hands running all over my back. I moved my lips from his and sucked on his neck
leaving a pretty little mark. ‘Mine’ I thought. I switched our position so he was on top of me, “How come
you’re the only one shirtless?” I asked him as I brought my knee up between his
legs, making him whimper. He sat up, gazing down at me with those clouded green
eyes. “Do you want me to strip for you?” he asked breathlessly,
his fingers playing with the end of his shirt….’teasing me’ I thought as I
smirked. “Be my guess,” I answered. He smiled down at me again before bringing his shirt up
slowly, his hands trailed down his body until they reached the button to his
pants. He eyes never left my face as he unbuttoned them, he sat up straighter
to get them completely off. I let my eyes rake over his body, from his lusted
clouded eyes, to his plump lips, and all the way down to his hard-on which was
still covered by his boxers. “Now why am I the only one pantless?” Jake asked as he
reached for my zipper. “You’re the one who wanted to strip,” I answered with a smirk. He laughed a little before pulling my pants and my boxers down to my knees. I saw him lick his lips as he stared at my c**k, and I couldn’t help but get even more excited. It was a big turn on to see Jake like this; I never would have thought that he was the type to be dominant in such a situation. He
trailed a finger down to the base of my dick; I could hear his breathing
becoming more faster as he moved it back up again. His eyes didn’t leave mine
at all when he completely wrapped his hand around it. I hissed through my teeth when he squeezed it before moving
his hand up and down. I couldn’t help but close my eye at the feeling; couldn’t
remember the last time I got a hand job from someone and apparently Jake was
good with his hands. My eyes are closed now and I didn’t want to do anything
but feel, feel Jakes hand stroking my c**k, his other drawing little patterns
on my chest. “…..Christian,” Snapping my eyes open I looked up to see
Jake face so close that our breaths mingled together. “Your….good with your hands,” I muttered, he gave me a small
smile before licking my neck all the way up to my ear. “I want you,” he whispered. - Jake The words barely slipped out my mouth before he flipped us
over, my head hitting the pillow softly. Christian kissed me before moving down
towards my n*****s; grasping one between his teeth. I couldn’t help the moan
falling from my lips; I looked down to catch the smirk on Christian’s face. His
hand went all the way down until they rested on the waistband of my boxers, his
eyes gazed into mine as he pulled them down. “Already so wet….did I turn you on that much?” he asked me as
he touched the head of my c**k, I bit my lip. He crawled back up over me, “I would suck you off, but I
don’t think I can take it much longer,” he said against my lips. “Lube?” he questioned. I twisted my body to my night stand and opened the drawer;
it took a minute since I had so much crap in there to find the bottle. “You need to be a little more organized,” Christian
chastised, waving a finger in my face. I threw the bottle at his head, “How
about you use that finger for something useful,” I stated. Christian moved in between my legs, “Hmm maybe I will,” he
challenged as he opened the bottle and poured a decent amount on his fingers. I
automatically spread my legs for him and he took a hold of my leg and hefted it
over his shoulder. He looked at me with a sly smile before pushing two fingers
in at the same time. It felt weird at first but after a minute or so I got used
to the feeling. As Christian prepared me I couldn’t help but think that we
really finally going to do this, we were going to have sex. And I was so
excited, everything seemed to be so sensitive to me, I could hear the squishing
sounds when Christian’s fingers were inside me, the sounds of his breathing,
the way he looked at me with those half-lidded blue eyes. “Ready……..” I breathed. His fingers left my hole, “Are you
sure?” he asked me. I nodded my head. He moved my legs over his shoulder, and put a generous amount of lube over his c**k. I kept my eyes locked on his as he slowly penetrated me, I heard groan come from Christian and the words ‘f**k…and so tight’ while I bit my lip. When he was all the way in I took in this moment, I looked at Christian out the corner of my eyes, his face buried in my neck. “You’re so tight Jakey,” he muttered. He pulled out before slowly pushing back in making me want more; he sat up a little his arms outstretched by my head. His
mouth set into a fine line, probably concentrating, I laughed a little, “Stop
overthinking it and just f**k me,” I stated. His eyes opened to stare at me
before pulling out and thrusting back in. “C…..Christian…..yes,” I moaned. All rational thoughts flew
out the window as Christian pounded into me, the sound of skin slapping against
skin was turning me on, making what we’re doing even more realistic. Christian
was going all out right now, his hands were finding it’s to my back; lifting me
up so I was sitting in his lap. “Jesus Jake,” Christian grounded out as he thrusted his hips
forward. I buried my face in his neck, taking in the scent of hair, his skin
just everything. The smell of sex, musk, and sweat filled nose and it drove me
to thrust myself down even more. I yelped a little when my head was flung back, Christian’s had a handful of my hair in his hands. I felt his tongue run across my throat, his hand tightening in my hair. “Chris"“Shhh,”
he muttered before he stuck his tongue into my mouth. A trail of saliva rolled
down to my chin as we kissed, I pulled away slightly, sucking his bottom lip. He let his hand fall from my hair and down my stomach to my
erection, where it stood hard, leaking, and ready to be jacked off. “So close Jakey,” Christian said as he started to pump my c**k in time with his thrust. Everything was happening so fast that I didn’t
noticed that Christian pushed me back down onto the bed until I was staring up
at my ceiling. His thrust became more erratic as did the stroking of my c**k, I
heard Christian mumbling something as he laid his forehead against mine. One….Two….Three
more thrust and I felt him come inside me; the same moment he came I did to and
all over his stomach. A contented sigh escaped my lips as I empty myself all over him, and it felt so good do so. The fact that Christian brought me to the point
of ecstasy was mind blowing. We collapsed on the bed together, him still inside
me, a wet sticky mess we were. “That was…--“F*****g
amazing,” Christian finished as he nuzzled my neck. “We need to shower,” I muttered. “To sleepy,” Christian argued “It’s not even six o’clock yet,” I said “Your point.” “Lazy a*s,” “Fine, we can take a shower,” he grumbled as he slid out of
me. “As long as we shower together,” he smirked. I smiled, “Sounds good to me,” answered. © 2012 Love U StylinsonAuthor's Note
1 Review Added on November 26, 2012 Last Updated on November 26, 2012 Author