Labor of love: Brody's Birth

Labor of love: Brody's Birth

A Story by Vanessa Rico

This is the story of the day that my little boy was born. I hope you enjoy it!


Today was the day. I had waited nine long months for this day to finally arrive. How did I know that today was the big day? Well, my water had just ruptured. Now, you might think that I was rushing around to get my bags in order and then dash to the hospital; however, I was already there.

 The day before, Monday, I, along with my boyfriend, Josh (he is my husband now), had gone to my regularly scheduled OBGYN appointment only to find that my blood pressure was abnormally high. My doctor wanted me to go to the hospital next door for a stress test just to make sure everything was all right. At the hospital, Josh waited by my side to hear the tests results of the stress tests. My OBGYN, Dr. Erica Fullerton, diagnosed that I was on the verge of developing pre-eclampsia so she wanted me to stay in the hospital overnight for observation. She explained to us that if my blood pressure did not stabilize that she would induce labor. I had read enough books on pregnancy to know the seriousness of pre-eclampsia; thus, I immediately agreed to the overnight observation. Josh went home to get a few things that would last me an overnight stay in the hospital; neither of us knew that the overnight stay would turn into a week’s stay.

I am not the world’s best sleeper, but Josh stayed by my side all night. I finally managed to fall asleep even though it was a restless, fitful slumber. At one in the morning, I woke up with an urge to use the restroom. So not to disturb Josh, I slipped past his chair, which was not an easy feat with my beach ball belly. Once in the restroom, I realized something was off. When I stood up, I looked down to see that water was gushing from me onto the floor. Believe me, I know how gross it sounds, I had to live it for goodness’ sake. Waddling back to my bed, I pushed the button for a nurse.

Soon, I found myself in the delivery room with a very nervous looking Josh at my side. He somehow managed to look pale considering his beautifully tanned skin (all thanks to his Mexican heritage). I could feel the stir of contractions beginning and thought that they were no big deal. Wow, I had never been so wrong in my life. My doctor gave me a medicine to help speed the delivery along. Within a few hours, I was looking at Josh with an intense desire to personally castrate him. I cannot even describe his look of unease and discomfort as I told him what I really, really wanted to do to him. The pain was unbearable. The contractions were piggybacking and I could not get the chance to catch my breath. Like any other woman, I had a plan for how I wanted my delivery to be. My perfect delivery plan had been to go all natural without an epidural or pain medication, thinking the labor could not last more than a few hours. How wrong I was! After ten hours of painful contractions, I changed my mind about that epidural. Turning to Josh, who looked a little queasy, I spat out that I wanted the epidural and I wanted it NOW! I swear I have never, ever seen Josh move like that. He was gone like the Flash.

In a half hour, I was flying high and pain free. True to point, I could even smile and sleep. For the next six hours, I caught up with my sleep. Who knew when I would get the next opportunity to sleep for an uninterrupted six hours? Around five thirty in the afternoon, I had this urge…an urge to push I have never felt before. Once again, I turned to Josh, who I could tell was afraid I would bite his head off, and asked to get the nurse. I was much sweeter this time when I asked, I promise. The nurse came in and checked to see how dilated I was (I will not churn your stomach as to how she found out that particular information). She smiled at me and said that it was time. Relief swept through me along with that persistent urge to push. For the next most intense half hour of my life, I pushed while Josh held my hand and whispered endearments to me. At one point during the labor process, I did not think I would be able to go on. The nurse said that I was crowning and that a lot of women felt that way during that time. I looked into Josh’s liquid, warm chocolate brown eyes and knew that I had to go on and finish what we started. With one last push, my little boy was born. I saw my little boy, my Brody, and I smiled. Brody was placed on my chest and I noticed how his hair stuck up, just like his father’s hair. His beautiful brown eyes were wide open and he was just looking at me and reaching out to me. Josh cut the umbilical cord. We both just held each other and our little boy, who was the most precious gift that we could have been given. Weighing in at a whopping 7 pounds 6 ounces, Brody Josue, was born on June 9, 2009, a day that has changed my life forever…a day I will never forget, a day I will always celebrate the birth of my little beastie, who is going on two years old.

© 2011 Vanessa Rico

Author's Note

Vanessa Rico
I do hope that you love this story!

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"Weighing in at a whopping 7 pounds 6 ounces, Brody Josue, was born on June 9, 2009, a day that has changed my life forever…a day I will never forget, a day I will always celebrate the birth of my little beastie, who is going on two years old."

This part was so cute! I am happy you have a great family :) This story was adorable.

Posted 13 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.


life is good...and you have shared with us those glorious moments...nice work on this event in your life...

Posted 13 Years Ago

Thank you for sharing such a personal story. It brought me back to the night my wife gave birth. Her experience was a walk in the park compared to what you had to go through poor girl. I truly think that women are tougher and going through the birthing process is one indication of that. Reading your story makes me think about writing my wife and I's experience.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Well what a touching story :) I like how you focused more on the emotion than the subject of the birth itself. Great write!

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

A tasteful account of an event that has never actually been distasteful to me.
Relatedly, more than once, I've had guys tell me that they didn't find their pregnant wives sexually attractive. This surprised me because--once I discovered sex would not hurt the baby--I thoroughly enjoyed being intimate with my pregnant wife. Her breasts were so full, her desires strong and that plump belly made it seem like I was making love to some exotic fertility goddess.
(Enough of my own ancient fantasies.) Your story is informative, charmingly told and professionally presented. Also, Vanessa, your obvious love for your family is quite endearing.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Great story, and congrats to you and Josh!

Posted 13 Years Ago

0 of 2 people found this review constructive.

Aww this was cuteee.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 4 people found this review constructive.

since i was eating breakfast as i read this i was a little worried, but it is
a tasteful and beautiful story. i love the emotional highs and lows and
how well you express it all

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

This was well written and not too graphic. I usually don't like birth scenes or stories, but I liked this. It's descriptive without being gross.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

i love this story!!! It brings back flash backs from both times I was in labor. And you hit it head on. It truly is a labor of love.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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i love birth stories- this is well written. i've never managed to put into words how i felt when my kids were born. well done you. the gross parts are so much part of the whole thing too. my youngest just had her 8th birthday. time goes so fast. enjoyed the read, thank you.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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44 Reviews
Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on April 9, 2011
Last Updated on April 9, 2011


Vanessa Rico
Vanessa Rico

Walhalla, SC

Hey writerscafe! Its been a very long hiatus since I have been on here and actively writing. I have missed both writing and this community. When I was first on here, I was a mom of 1 but now I have be.. more..

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