Bentley Dadmun

Bentley Dadmun


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Campton, NH
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About Me

I recently asked someone how their week-end went. They looked at me and said, “Well, it didn’t go as I intended.”
As I reluctantly enter the winter of my life, and as I (with something akin to horror) realize that I am now officially a Geezer, I can look back on that life and say, “Well, for the most part, it didn’t go as I intended.”
When I should have been laboring in Academia I was engaging in minor adventures in various parts of the planet. When I should have been writing, I was an existential drifter, albeit a curious one, and after x number of years observing and studying my fellow Homo sapiens, I have become somewhat of a misanthrope and a hard core Existentialist
At any rate, I should have started writing when the urge to do so occasionally flitted through my mind all those years ago. I finally did start writing and published a unique, award winning series in Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine. When I ran up against the archaic, arbitrary, and absurd enterprise that is the traditional publishing business, I decided to ‘publish’ on the Kindle. I now have four novels and eleven novellas on the device.
If anyone reads this, and has read my ‘stuff,’ comments would be appreciated.