Bethany Rose

Bethany Rose


Stars cannot shine without darkness

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About Me

Hi, I'm Bethany. I live in London, UK with my husband, my 3 year old daughter and my son who is 5 months.

I love poetry. I started writing my own when I was 13 to help me deal with the difficult emotions I experienced during my parents' divorce. I have only recently started writing again as a way of working through other traumatic events in my life. Writing (and long walks!) is my therapy.

At the moment I am drawn to dark, emotional poetry. I love to read as well as write it, so I'm always on the lookout for writing that really captures the agony and reality of emotional pain. It sounds odd, but I think there is something very beautiful in it.

All of my poems describe events that I have been through and emotions that I have or have had. It gives me pleasure to create something positive out of such negative experiences.

I would welcome feedback from anyone who has the time, thank you in advance. I am always looking for ways I can improve. I love the rhythm and flow of rhyming poetry, but one of my goals is to try writing in free verse too. As it is less restricted it may lend itself better to the unstructured, imperfect nature of emotions, any tips gratefully received! :)