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Schuylkill County, PA
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About Me

Hey there, I'm Starship - but you can call me Ally. I've been writing for about five years, and I've shifted from a lot of different websites trying to get some sort of critique on my writing.

I'm fifteen years young (though people mistake me for being older since I am [and I quote] "very mature beyond my years." Let's just say they've never seen me with my friends), and a sophomore in high school. I tend to procrastinate... a lot especially when it comes to school work. I love startrek, hence the name Starship.
I love playing Volleyball (beach volleyball quads mostly, but I do play rightside and middle for my high school team) and Tennis (If I could play both Tennis and volleyball in the same season, my life would be perfect).
I love video games and music. I listen to pretty much anything. Music inspires me to write a lot, so... yeah.

I'm definitely not good at these about me things so if you want to get to know me or whatever, just send me a message or something like that :)