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poem #1 poem #1

A Poem by bishmas

poem #99 poem #99

A Poem by bishmas

poem #82 poem #82

A Poem by bishmas

poem #FF poem #FF

A Poem by bishmas

poem #63 poem #63

A Poem by bishmas

poem #50 poem #50

A Poem by bishmas

poem #42 poem #42

A Poem by bishmas

poem #23 poem #23

A Poem by bishmas

poem #18 poem #18

A Poem by bishmas

About Me

I finally felt I needed a place to put these poems.

They were written on undetermined dates (for the most part) between 2007 and now, ongoing. They might have meant something at the time of writing and have since decayed or they may still form connections within my brain.

Some may be the basis of a song I would have written.

I'm not one for titles.