366 Days: A leap for life and the arts.  February 13, 2013 - February 20, 2014

Reading and Deliberating


Today, I began a project I call "365 Days." Of course this is in reference to a year. Each day I am writing a different poem based on emotions, dreams, events, and/or reactions to events that I experience that day. This is an exercise to see how I improve throughout the year and also an experience to see what I have learned by the end of it. In this contest I want participants to write a poem of any type and length to describe what they have learned the previous year. I am making this contest last for an entire year so that people may join me in my project and create their own "365 Days" book. Although there are 365 days in a year I want this writing to be a look back on the ENTIRE year so the last poem will be 366: the leap day of the year. I know it seems like a lot, but the poems don't have to be perfect and can take only a few minutes to jot down a scrap: this is mainly an experience and chance to look back on the previous year. I have created a group that I would love people to join and add their own year onto that page as it passes through :D We can all join the experience together, share, and write one poem everyday. It doesn't even need to be a year worth of poetry as long as there is at least one that sums up what you learned the previous year: the leap day page. I hope that everyone joins my group or at least thinks about the past and is inspired to add a leap day to the year. The winner will be someone who has had the greatest lesson/change (please no lying, I want this to be from the heart, no over-dramatizing; even the simplest and most innocent stories are great). :3 This contest will end FEBRUARY 13TH, 2014. MESSAGE ME IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO JOIN MY GROUP TO ADD YOUR OWN BOOK OF 365 DAYS OR READ THEM. REMEMBER: YOU ONLY NEED ONE FINAL POEM FOR SUBMISSION ABOUT YOUR ENTIRE YEAR AND IF YOU JOIN THE GROUP YOU DON'T HAVE DO A POEM EVERY DAY. I UNDERSTAND IT MAY BE A TEDIOUS THING TO DO. :3


A glimpse in the past at what you have learned and experienced :D


A Grand Finale A Grand Finale
A Leap of Time A Leap of Time
A Year Worth Remembering A Year Worth Remembering


Alice Crypt; Brittany
Alice Crypt; Brittany
Staten Island, NY


4 Contestants
4 Submissions
Created Feb 13, 2013

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  • Any WritersCafe.org Member can Submit
  • All types of Writing can be Submitted
  • All Genres of Writing can be Submitted
  • Each Contestant May Submit 1 Piece of Writing
  • Writing may be submitted 2/13/2013 - 2/20/2014
  • Winners will be decided by the Moderator


Alice Crypt; Brittany is solely responsible for the content of this contest, including all promised prizes. Take any promises of large monetary awards with a grain of salt. Contact Alice Crypt; Brittany if you have any further questions.