Give Me Honesty, Intelligence, and Throw A Laugh In There Too.  March 24, 2011 - April 24, 2011

Contest Completed


Disgustingly Gorgeous - Portrait of a Species
Sinister and Sincere - Just This Once
Gruesome and Honest - She Said No At Intervention
OI! OI! OI! - Welcome to Brazil!
OI!(sorry,ran out of OI!) - Overview Of A Bad Working Week


This is a constest to cut out the bullshit. I don't want to read your love stories about how he was saving a puppy and stole your heart. I don't care for your barroom stories where all of your buddies are laughing.

Give me a story where a guy is sitting in a bar, gets drunk off his a*s, and tell me what's going through his mind. That's good stuff.

Here's to sincere, disgusting, and brutally honest writing!





19 Contestants
41 Submissions
Created Mar 25, 2011