Halloween Season  October 5, 2011 - October 28, 2011

Contest Completed


Pumpkin King/Queen - Patchwork
Master Witch/Worlock - The Hallowed Ground
Vampiric Coven Leader - Devil's Night: Hallow's Eve
Minor Minion in Hell - The Dead Return On Halloween
Wraith Waxing Poetic - ^ A Bump in The Night ^
Sparkly Vampire Fairy - She Didn't Know


There is nothing like Halloween, and I want your Halloween inspired writes, no erotica, and no hate speak. Poems only, no short stories as this is going be judged in a time where I am publishing my second book, and trying to launch a radio show, and quite possibly a new radio station. I am busy but will make time for this!


J Todd Underhill
J Todd Underhill
Denver, CO


18 Contestants
18 Submissions
Created Oct 5, 2011