Limerexes  November 13, 2009 - December 31, 2009

Contest Completed


New England - [writing deleted]
Nantucket Nasty - My First Mistake Was Saying Yes...
Damn... - First Didn't Last
OMG...You, Too? - Wanderer
I Think I Married Her - Me or MaryJane?


Write a limerick about one of yoru exes. Be as horrid, frank and raunchy as you like! Let all of the pain come out in verse!

An example of a limerick:

There was once a hill covered with cedar,
Upon which the slaves she obtained would feed her
Said one to another,
Who was his own brother,
"I'd much rather feed her than eat her."

Disclaimer: If your ex is a WC user, it may be prudent to exercise literary caution. This contest also contains material that is unsuitable for readers younger than 18.


Profile Bling and Catharsis



7 Contestants
14 Submissions
Created Nov 13, 2009