Scars  May 14, 2008 - August 8, 2008

Contest Completed


Perfect - Scars
Kick Awesome - I Got Cancer because of Michelle Stark
Like, Whoa - Hermit Crab
Fantastical - You\'re Dead to Me
That's Some Good Stuff - The Strength of a Broken Heart
Yep, That Was Just Right - THEY ARE NOT RIBBONS
Honorable Mention - [writing deleted]
Honorable Mention - Bumps
Honorable Mention - Razorblade Art (My Exhibition)
Honorable Mention - Who Can Know It?
Honorable Mention - [writing deleted]
Honorable Mention - Vacant, Submissive
Honorable Mention - Broken Heart Syndrome
Honorable Mention - Lost hope
Honorable Mention - From a Bad Part of Town
Honorable Mention - [writing deleted]
Honorable Mention - Marks, Scars, and other Wonders
Honorable Mention - Car-Say.
Honorable Mention - Marissa
Honorable Mention - Heartless


Write me a story or poem about a scar you have, emotional or physical. Simple as that ;)


Pride in being the best


Crystal Lynn
Crystal Lynn
Tempe, AZ


98 Contestants
255 Submissions
Created May 14, 2008