Seasons of Life  November 8, 2010 - March 13, 2011

Contest Completed


I am one with life - Winter's Barren Stage
I stopped and smelled the roses - The seasons
I took a second and felt the grass - Serenade to Summer
4# place - Mother's Chariot
5# place - I'm sorry
6# place - poem: The Golden Season
7# place - [writing deleted]
8# place - Echoes of an Autumn Rain
9# place - A Day is Our Life
10# place - Ends Of Long Summers


This is a contest of stories or poetry about life weather it be the weather or things that may go on. But this inquires you to take a breath and smell the roses and we'll determing who stopped and thought about life. ONLY STORIES OR POEMS!=D



42 Contestants
42 Submissions
Created Nov 8, 2010