The past is the present is the past  September 23, 2007 - October 1, 2007

Contest Completed


Royal reincarnate:First Place - [writing deleted]


Write a poem consisting at least 5 lines
It can be any form/genre

Each contestant is allowed to submit 3 works, because 3rd time is a charm am I right?

The Content:
I want the poem or poems to be in the form of a person reflecting on a past life. If you do not believe in past lives, look into your mind and think of what it would be like to go on a journey to find out you had lived a life once before.

We're all creative, that's why we're writers

The deadline will be October 1st, 2007 at 11pm Eastern time. I should have the winner up within a day or two.


I will write an honest review for 3 of your works, and a cool badge, Neat right?


CK Kimball
CK Kimball
Elyria, OH


Created Sep 22, 2007