We're all equal  September 14, 2010 - October 17, 2010

Contest Completed


We're all the same - Winter Streets
Equality - [writing deleted]
Powerful people - Counting plastic bags


I have a soft spot for people with disabilities and am constantly amazed at their abilities, strength, possitivity and power. Many, many people with disabilities are far greater people than those without and I am forever in awe.

I want you to write about any mental disabilities or develpmental disorders (itellectual) Down syndrome, Autism, cerebral pulsy etc. Anything you can think of.

I will accept poems or stories for this contest and I'll ask you to refrain from using any derogatory terms or phrases (although I wouldn't expect to find any from any of you wonderful people on this site)

I look foreward to reading


Emily Quinn
Emily Quinn


9 Contestants
10 Submissions
Created Sep 15, 2010