GOJI ACTIVES : Forum : How Fast to Lose Weight

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How Fast to Lose Weight

9 Years Ago

In our efforts to get in shape and reduce our weight, we want to do so in the quickest manner possible. One of the most common questions asked during this quest is How fast to lose weight.The answer to this question depends on the type of weight you are trying looking to lose. If you are just looking to lose water weight, that can happen in a fairly short time frame. However, this loss of weight is only temporary and that weight will return again by simply rehydrating your body.If you want to know how fast to lose weight by reducing fat, then the 3500 calorie per pound fat rule comes into play. This rule simply states that you have to burn 3500 calories in order to lose one pound of fat. So... the next question then is how fast can a person burn 3500 calories?

So let's explore this.

The recommended daily caloric intake is about 1800 to 2000 calories for women and 2300 to 2500 calories for men. You can begin an easily manageable weight loss program by cutting your caloric intake down by about 300 calories per day. By doing so, without any exercise, it would take nearly 12 days to lose one pound of fat. That isn't the most encouraging news. (In fact, I was a little discouraged myself when I came to that realization.)There is one additional factor that will help shorten this amount of time and that is by adding an exercise routine into your daily schedule. A healthy effective routine should burn a minimum of 300 calories per day. If an exercise routine such as this is incorporated into your schedule, then you will have cut how fast to lose weight in half. That would be just under six days. 
This number can be further improved on by eating fewer calories and burning more calories. For example, when eating 400 calories less and burning 400 calories daily, one pound of fat could be lost in just over four days. In the most extreme cases, if a 500 calorie reduction and 500 calorie burn can be completed, that would translate into a one pound fat loss every 3.5 days. (For the sake of achieving successful and healthy fat loss, that is how fast to lose fat weight in the shortest time possible.)Attempts to limit calories to more than the last scenario above suggests is detrimental to your health due to your body's basic nutrient need for daily functioning. In addition, energy is necessary to complete the caloric burn required from exercise. That energy comes in the form of the food we eat.A bonus in adding exercise into your routine, especially from some form of weight training, is that you increase muscle. By increasing muscle, you naturally increase your resting metabolism. This results in burning more calories even when you're not working out. Plus your body will look better as well.