JotDownYourWords : Forum : Tuesday Trivia Crack!

Tuesday Trivia Crack!

8 Years Ago

I'm so sorry everyone, I'm very, very, very, very late and I missed a few weeks. But I'm back!

Here are the trivia questions:

#1: Who wrote the book Kidnapped by River Rats in the series Trailblazer?

#2: Who wrote the book Roll of Thunder Hear my Cry?

Joke! :D

You are trapped in a room with a piano, a table, a saw, a bat and a ball. How will you get out, using those 4 items?


Solution #1:
Get the key from the piano and unlock the door.

Solution #2:
Take the saw and the table and saw the table in half. Then put them together and you'll have a whole.

Solution #3:
Take the bat and the ball and strike three times, then you'll be out.

Have fun! :)