No More Bullying : Forum : Share your stories here!

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Share your stories here!

11 Years Ago

Share your stories here please!
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Re: Share your stories here!

11 Years Ago

It was a dark time that has yet to end. I’d get in fights---physical and verbal---everyday. The emotional scarring bullying leaves you with is indescribable.

I remember one fight in particular. It was in the fourth grade. I had two bullies then. One was physical, and one was verbal. They both took turns doing their damage on my soul.

One of the kids kept pushing me out of line. My verbal bully, who we’ll call London, kept laughing. Finally, after about the fifth time of being pushed out of the line and no best friend to hold me back, I punched London. I didn’t get in any trouble, of course. (Just goes to show what a great job public school is doing.)

A month later, my mom took me to be home schooled.

I’m lucky, I realize. Not a lot of kids get out that easy. But the thing is that I’m still being bullied by someone new.
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Re: Share your stories here!

11 Years Ago

When I was in seventh grade, people found out that I self harm. From them on, I was known even more so as emo, gothic, and so on. I was stared at constantly; people watched my wrist as I walked by, even if I was wearing a hoodie. They made it obvious that they knew, and they whispered as I walked by. 

For those of you that struggle or have struggled with self harm, I've been there. I know what it's like, and I know how terrible it is to be known as something you're not. Don't let those people define you. Whether they're calling you fat, ugly, emo, gothic; whatever it is, don't let them define you. You deserve better, and the day you realize that is a beautiful one. The day you stop caring what others think is the day bullying ends for you. Stay strong, beauties.
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Re: Share your stories here!

11 Years Ago

All through my elementary school experience I was bullied. I was bullied because I wasn't as smart as the others. They called me a retard whenever they thought I wasn't looking. They really thought I was an idiot too. They thought I was stupid because I worked my butt off every day yet I still didn't get it. It was because I needed glasses and didn't get them until a few months later. But you can bet that just gave them more material for their insults. Now I was four eyes. Alien. The more intellectual called me a Martian. It was bad. They started calling me fat. When I was outside if I got close to a group of kids they would scream as if I were a monster and run away. They started a game where they passed on my germs to each other. It was horrible. But I was ok all because, I think, my one best friend. she stuck with me no matter what. Ironic because she was actually the most popular girl in school. We're still best friends and we go to a different school now. I don't bullied as badly. I still have those moments but all I need to do is threaten to punch them and they back down. Probably not the best technique but it works. I actually kind of feel bad for the bullies, because all they were were self pitying jerks
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Re: Share your stories here!

11 Years Ago

I was known to be bullied all the time in school, people would call me names all the time throughout elementary and high school. I didn't really know if my friends were my true friends because they would end up doing things that were hurtful. Guys would pretend to like me and would make a show of it, which would feed into my self esteem issues. I came to really see myself for who I am when I went off to college for the short time I did, I was more confident, open to meeting new people, and I was happy and people could see it. So it made it easier to make friends that truly cared about me and really wanted to get to know me and be there for me! I know being bullied is not good, but for me it made me a stronger person
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Re: Share your stories here!

11 Years Ago

Id been bullied all my life for as long as I could remeber and I have a good memory I can remeber preschool and kindergarden.  It was mostly form the kids but the adults didn't like me either and would take the other childrens side more often than not.  I was a quite child, shy to the extreme and aparently fairly off-putting.  Things would happen like being stoned.  that happened a couple times to me while trying to make friends.  No one would pay me any attention unless they wanted to use me or felt like being cruel.  They would lock me in dumpsters.  They would throw food at me.  They would vandalise my property.  They trashed my yard and tore my pool.  They would stick gum in my hair and trip me.  They would shove my face in a window shield.  They were just so cruel.  The mocking hurt most of all.  By the age of six I was quite numb.  I would often question can I feel anything at all?  also, If I can't is that really a bad thing?  So I began to cut.  I was never suicidal but I very much wanted to know that what they said wasn't true.  That despite it all I was human.  I wanted to prove I could feel.  I was very discreet and cut along my knuckle lines and I would always cut shallow o it was rare that I scarred.  People would pretend to be my friends sometimes but I would always find out later that they weren't really.  This didn't really stop untill highschool and even then it wasn't quite gone only muted.  It didn't matter where I moved the horrible treatment followed me like a curse.  One day IO allowed myslef to hope.  A guest speaker came into my school on the subject of bullying.  They basicly said you shouldn't bully people becuase then they would have school shootings.  Everyone looked at me even this girl who sometimes talked to me whispered "that's you" in my ear.  I thought that might change things.  I thought it might scare them, might give me a weeks reprieve.  It didn't.  Immiedietly once we got back to class they joked about it and laughed at me.  They said " what your gonna shoot us all."  At the time the thought was tempting just to make them eat teir words.  But I never put actual thought into it.  I'm not that type of person.  My homelife wasn't much better.  My mom and dad din't want to marry I was the only reason they did.  They made it quite clear to me and anyone with ears that they quite disliked each other.  The screaming never stopped no matter how I begged.  They later had the gall to say I never said to stop... we both know better.  Things would be thrown and I would cower curled on the stairs.  They wouldn't hurt me on purpose but control wasn't in their forte and I wanted to avoid any accidents.  Once my mom was upset and threw a bottle on the floor instead of striking me it rebounded and I got a black eye anyway.  She was very guilty.  My dad accidently poisoned my when I was about to.  I know he didn't mean it and as far as I know there was no damage.  My brother wasn't much a comfort either.  He joined the screaming matches and the throwing matches.  He was bipolar and it wasn't rare for him to punch holes in the walls.  He didn't much like me either.  It might have been necuase he's only my half brother though I didn't know at the time.  What I do know is that he is jealous and envyied me.  He's jealous I had both parents but Im rather envious that he didn't at times.  I'm also jealous that he had the type of tempermant that he could defend himself and in a way fit into the chaos.  He fit into it in a way I never would.
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Re: Share your stories here!

11 Years Ago

A girl sometimes takes my glasses away so I can't even see who I'm talking to, then laughs at me and says stuff like, "Don't crash into anything!" or makes me read signs out loud before she gives them back.
My friend likes to do math and such during break, but the girl takes it away and tells him "No homework at recess!" and calls him bad and antisocial.
I used to have pins on my backpack but they're all gone because she broke them by ripping them off, kept them, or I put them away before anything could happen to them.
She just takes random stuff of mine. And when she can't get my stuff, she takes my friend's stuff. She stole some pencils from my friend and when I was wrestling to get them for my friend, she stabbed me with one, grinding it into my wrist really hard... It didn't really leave a mark though...
Should I report her? I'm afraid of the consequences - she might get kicked out of our school...

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Re: Share your stories here!

11 Years Ago

If people are making fun of you cause your being your self. So what they don't know you. If you want to be your self. Go right ahead, no ones stopping you for chasing your dreams or being your self. So go ahead, ask the girl of your dreams. If she rejects you theirs all ways more girls. Anyways if you wanna play sports or play Chess or whatever you like to do go right ahead. If you wanna be a singer or a dancer, just go ahead. But just start at home. Anyways if you wanna chase your dreams go ahead for example a journalese or a dancer/singer or what your favorite thing to do is. GO FOR IT.