No Texting and Driving : Forum : Hey :D

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Hey :D

11 Years Ago

I think that this group is an important one in fact. A lot of people should realize that they're not skilled enough to text and drive. Even though I love to text or talk on my phone, I leave it either at my house or in the glove box. That's the safest places then instead of in my lap. I only have my permit anyways, I can't be texting with my parents beside me. They'd then take away my driving privileges. I hope a lot of people join this group! :D
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Re: Hey :D

11 Years Ago

I do too. I can't drive yet but I see my parents and friends texting and driving all the time and it truly scares me. I was with my dad and we were driving i the country. He was texting my step mom to tell her that we would be home soon. He was going pretty fast and I noticed he was swirving to the right. I yelled for him to look. If I hadn't said anything, we would've found ourselves in a ditch and badly injured. It nearly scared me to death. From that point on I have been very cautious of telling people who are driving me that I am not comfortable with them texting and driving. But anyways Wednesday is pledge day and it is the national day of spreading the word for no texting and driving. The countdown is at So yah. lol -Kenna #ItCanWait
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Re: Hey :D

11 Years Ago

Haha well I'm glad someone else can agree that it makes them uncomfortable when the driver is texting and driving at the same time. I'm not that coordinated to do that even if I wanted to! Haha. Yeah, telling your friends and family how you feel is a great way to get a point across that it's wrong all the way around. I didn't know that had that National day about it or whatever you were mentioning! That's awesome though. :)
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Re: Hey :D

11 Years Ago

I agree with you. (: I hope that a lot of people join. Texting and driving is terrible, a lot of people die or are injured from it. It breaks my heart when I hear about another accident like that..

My parents would probably take away my driving privileges too. When I'm in thew car and they have to text someone, they make the person in the passenger seat do it. It makes me feel safe. (:

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Re: Hey :D

11 Years Ago

Yes. Ashley, as I was reading your post I noticed their was another commercial for it on mtv. :) And Madi, Thank you for joining the group. I do that with my step mom. When she is driving, she has me text for her. I'm happy she does that.