Role Playing- Adventure : Forum : The School for Story 1

The School for Story 1

10 Years Ago

and the types of people that are there (would all the foils be like the classmates of Carrie White or...?)

Re: The School for Story 1

10 Years Ago

 for my characters to meet haha. there will be suspicions of murder suspects in the school and that's how my two meet. :)


Re: The School for Story 1

10 Years Ago

Name of the school: Manta High School. Sittuated in California. It is a boarding school. I think we should write the strory switching: First I write a chapter, then one of you ect. That we are writing from our characters point of view. You know what I mean? First we all write a chapter introducing our character (in first person) and then how and why they got in to the boarding school. Then after that round (when everyone finishes their chapters we will actually start telling the story. I figured hat it will be interesting to see it from different point of views, as our characters are different plus they experience different stuff eq. there will be a party lets say prom or homecomming and we will all be there, but everyoune is doing something different, right? And some chapters only one person will write about an event, the most involved in it or sth.... So it is not repeating the same thing if for example they are having a "girls" nght. Comming back to the school and introduction: we also need to decide who is our roommate. We can be totaly crazy about that and everything else :D hue hue I already have an idea- and thsi is OF COURSE a love story for me hahaha <3 Ok so what more can I say.... hmmm I guess that is it :D

Re: The School for Story 1

10 Years Ago

Oh and grades.... everyone I guess can choose their grades. I will be a Junior and Ricky will be a senior :D

Re: The School for Story 1

10 Years Ago

Ok so the intro must have: 1. Introduction of the character.2. How and why did they get to boarding school.3. Their first day of school ( and oh I have an idea- if you guys ever watched the house of Anubis - they lived in like small houses in every house they had like 10 people living there... you can all choose your own house and the people in there, unless you want to live together... but I guess It will be more fun if we have to sneak out to go to each other after sleeptime xD )----Their roommate/mates and your grade...