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Stuff stuff Chat X) : Forum : That awkward moment when........

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That awkward moment when........

10 Years Ago

 you pull up at a stoplight and the person next to you just stares at you....
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Re: That awkward moment when........

10 Years Ago

Your walking next to someone and realise that they arnt the person you thought you were walking with.... O.o
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Re: That awkward moment when........

10 Years Ago

You follow the wrong family to their car while texting. 
You finally realize they like you (your stalker). 
You shout the wrong answer on accident. 
You get called out for texting in class. 
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Re: That awkward moment when........

10 Years Ago

you're left hanging and you just high five yourself
you're walking with your friends and they say hi to people and and they say hi back, but when you try to say hi to them, sometimes they dont say squat!

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Re: That awkward moment when........

10 Years Ago

When you call your friends name and it is not them....

When you hug a person you think you know but it is someone totally different....

The last one happened to me one Halloween when two sisters had the same costume as my friend and her sister...
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Re: That awkward moment when........

10 Years Ago

When you bump into a woman who looks like your mother but isn't your mother.
When you say a joke but nobody pays attention.
When you've run out of words and you just stare at the person. 
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Re: That awkward moment when........

10 Years Ago

When your with your crush and there's nothing to talk about so you sit there awkwardly...
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Re: That awkward moment when........

10 Years Ago

You forget the thing u were going to say and just stand there like uhhh or when youre chatting away with someone and all of a sudden u both run out of things to say and you just are silent..when your teacher asks a question and nobody knows the answer
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Re: That awkward moment when........

10 Years Ago

when your best friends mom yells her when youre in the room