The Mystery And Magick Of Nature : Forum : King of My Castle

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King of My Castle

17 Years Ago

King of My Castle

You've lifted the weight of the world off my shoulders
You've washed off the blood from my hands of my crimes
You've made me a wiser and a better man as I grow older
You were there for me during the good and the bad times

Thank you for for my life my love, the birds in the
trees abd the skies
They sing the song of peace and happiness
The song of peace and happiness ans you lifted me from
this darkness
When I'm in touch with you how time flies

Now I feel high as a kite like a bird on a wing
Everything is going so smoothly, I just want to sing
I feel like a person of royalty, like a grand king
Instead of feeling lost and destitute or someone
that is dying

We can all build castles of our dreams in the sky
Just keep your feet well planted on the ground
And your dreams will happen effortlessly by and by
Don't be too proud of what you are or the castle will
come crumbling down

Now I'm free to be king of my castle, lord of my dreams
I'm living them day by day, in each and every way
Becoming who I was meant to be instead of who I had been
I love and accept myself despite what others have to say