Sarah M. G.

Sarah M. G.


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About Me

Hi. I'm Sarah, my favorite color is blue, and I like to write. If you review my work, and are helpful, you will be my hero forever (and I shall most likely return the favor.) AP doesn't leave me with oodles of time to write, but I try.

Here's the little blurb I wrote for my story, The Shifter:

Lee Farre has lived free, hidden away in the mountains by her Shifter mother, for fifteen years. She has everything except for what she wants most.
All that changes when Aiden finds her on the cliffs, pleading for her help. He knows the side of shapeshifting that Lee has never seen, the price for the strength and grace that come with a second form, but will reveal no more than that. Following him back to his home in the city, Lee finds herself in a new and darker world that she didn't know existed-- a world where she is in danger of losing herself, and where things wait below for her to fall.
Lee must figure out who Aiden really is. But first she has to know herself.

And it is more difficult than it would seem.