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About Me

Tammy is a twenty-year-old Canadian that loves to write, act, and play guitar (though quite badly). Although she has her artsy side, she has a love affair with science and is double majoring in biology and psychology.

She remembers a time when the comics were four pages of just comics, and no adds. She remembers going to the library to do research for projects when she was younger instead of just Googling it. She remembers a time before YouTube and Facebook and Twitter when people still valued their privacy. She remembers when Harry Potter was just a book, and nothing else. And she remembers when texting and flip phones were a novel idea.

She loves getting to know people, and thinks that trying to describe herself in a few words is nearly impossible. She invites you to message her so you can get to know her on your own.

She also normally doesn't talk in the third person.


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Posted 13 Years Ago

Thanks, Tammy! I've thought that same thing every time I read it but want to make the point the police "know" it was him, even if it wasn't. I failed! I think you're right and I'm going to change it.