wordwarrior : Writing

This New Day

This New Day

A Poem by wordwarrior

Sun's warmth caresses a new day,earth rejoicing with smiles and sighs,miracles unfolding in other worldly elegance,a slice of spiritual beauty,God's f..
Gratitude To Night

Gratitude To Night

A Poem by wordwarrior

Beating timebleeding pain,Some daysI feel,I'll go insane.Insides twistas daylight churns,getting throughit always burns.Cracks appearthen swift comes ..
We Are Wild Horses

We Are Wild Horses

A Poem by wordwarrior

A stream of conscious thoughts spin and twist inside,jostling, pushing their randomness to force life onto virtual parchment.Racing to bleed acknowled..
Autumn's Queen  (Terza Rima Sonnet)

Autumn's Queen (Terza Rima Sonnet)

A Poem by wordwarrior

Golden footprints gently slide between those leavesqueenly steps beneath a forest canopyas magic froma shimmering soul she weaves.Owlflies down to res..
The Muse Plays

The Muse Plays

A Poem by wordwarrior

Can this inkfire poetry's passion,within the firmamentof a new galaxy?I twist and twirl words,throwing them into new spaces,exploring inner possibilit..


A Poem by wordwarrior

Written for a Contest
Winter Loses

Winter Loses

A Poem by wordwarrior

Dead leaves spill their laughterin brilliant reds, oranges and goldsstriking the sky with worldy wisdomcooling hands flushing away life of thisseason...
Notions Of Time

Notions Of Time

A Poem by wordwarrior

Just some musings
My Guardian Angel

My Guardian Angel

A Poem by wordwarrior

written for a contest about Angels
Why Did It Happen?

Why Did It Happen?

A Poem by wordwarrior

When didlife become a consequence of rules and regulations,duties performed in perpetuity, nothing spenton random love?Counsel was merely condemnation..