Lost In The Skies

Lost In The Skies

A Poem by Blue Bird II

I tried real hard,

and I did my best.

They weren't the same,

they weren't like the rest.


My very first pieces,

I don't know why

but now I've lost them

in the pale blue sky.


Was it worth it?

Did I do my part?

Wonderful magnificance,

is what I tried to start.


They were great,

and had alot to go for.

I can't seem to recreate

them anymore.


Since day one,

I was having fun.

Performing my passion

under the white light sun.


But now its all gone.

I'm back to the begining.

But I guess its not about

loosing or winning.


You know they say,

what don't kill ya makes you stronger.

But now have fun and play,

I can do no longer.


I tried real hard,

and I did my best.

They weren't the same,

they weren't like the rest.


My very first pieces.

I don't know why,

But now I've lost them

in the pale blue sky.






                              Tribute to the original poems of Into the Grey,

                                     Erased from life, they've faded away.


© 2010 Blue Bird II

Author's Note

Blue Bird II
Yes, this is a poem I wrote after finding out that my original six poems were deleted in an atempt to make the book Into The Grey. I am sorry, but I couldn't rewrite them in their original forms. However, I will write a 2nd version of Pain, the Essence of Forggotten Desire, The Other- World, and the Dream Boy. I will have to write replacements for CHAIN OF LOST MEMORIES, The Way We Used To Be, and Days of Deaths Coming. Thank you for your support.

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Added on December 5, 2010
Last Updated on December 5, 2010
Tags: poem, poetry, sad, regret, Into The Grey, Lost In The Skies


Blue Bird II
Blue Bird II

Nagasaki, LA, Japan

Prologue Prologue

A Chapter by Blue Bird II