3 or so

3 or so

A Chapter by Ceana

Ring… Ring… “Hello?” William asked, who could be calling at 4:30 in the morning?

“Hello, this is Dr. Ethan. Is this William Safe?” A woman’s voice answered.

“Yes, is something wrong?”

“Are you the brother of a Julia Safe?” Ok, what’s going on?

“Ya, did something happen?”

“Yes, your sister was in an accident,” she said. “Along with some friends of hers, three are in the operating room and I’m sorry but one of them didn’t make it.”

William was hardly able to get the name out, “Clara?” he asked.

“No, Jessica Tyson. Miss Edson is in the operating room,” he felt relief wash over him.

“And my sister?” He realized that the woman was confused as to why he had asked about Clara and not Julia, “is she alright?”

“Yes, your sister is very lucky.”

“Lucky?” How is that lucky?

“Oh, I’m sorry I should explain. Your sister only has a broken arm and a small concussion, the crash was pretty bad. She definitely got the least of it, I can let you speak with her.” Dr. Ethan asked.

“Yes! Please,” he added. “That would be great.”

“Will?” Came a chilled voice over the phone, “is that you?”

“Ya, are you ok? What happened? Is Clara ok? What about the others? Are…”

“Ya, we’re all fine except Jessi. She… she didn’t…”

“I know, the Doctor told me.” He interrupted her, “how is Clara?” He asked again.

“I don’t know, it all happened so fast. I… I don’t know.” Why am I so hopeless? She thought to herself.

“It’s ok, I’ll wake Jeremy and we’ll come to the hospital. Will that be alright?”

“Ya, that would be great. Thanks,” she sounded like a small, scared child.

“I love you,” how can I reassure her? “Everything’s going to be ok,” is that the best I got? Ya, and it will have to suffice.

“Love you to, I’ll see you in a bit.” She hung up the phone, what can he do? Nothing.


“Who was that?” Jeremy asked when William finally put the phone down, “and who’s calling you at this hour anyway.”

“That was Dr. Ethan.”

“Am I supposed to know who that is?” He put his head back under his pillow, “cause’ that name means nothing to me.” He said all muffled.

“It does now, Julia, Clara, and the rest who didn’t show up tonight were in an accident.”

“What?” Jeremy sat bolt upright in bed, “they were in an accident?”

“Ya,” dang, he was more shocked then I thought he’d be, William thought in amusement.

“Is Julie alright?” Oh, please be alright, please.

“She’s fine, get dressed and we’ll go to the hospital.” William began to silently get dressed, she’ll be ok, right? She’s gotta be, but what if…?

Jeremy watched William from the bed, what is he thinking? Is Clara alright? “Is, uh, William.” He’s completely ignoring me! “William!”

Will flinched, “ya? You scared me.”

“You were totally ignoring me, so, anyway how is Clara?” Jeremy saw pain flicker across William’s face, “is she alright?” He asked again.

“Julia said she didn’t know, Jessica didn’t make though.” Will looked down at floor he felt ashamed for not realizing what that meant before, Jessica was dead. She couldn’t come back; would Clara die to? “The doctor I spoke with said that she was in the operating room, Julie didn’t know if she’s ok.” I hope she is.

“Alright then let’s go, what are we waiting for?”

“You to get some pants on,” Will said as he threw them at his head and smiled when they hit their mark. At least you know that somethings never change, “You’re still a bad catch.”

“What?! I am not,” Jeremy laughed. “But let’s be serious, we need to get to the hospital.”

“Then let’s go.” William wasn’t looking forward to it, but this might be the last chance he’d ever get to see her alive. So, ya, of course I’m going. Why wouldn’t I?


They were both silent on their way to the hospital, nether wanted to say something they’d later regret.

“I’m sorry, who did you say you were?” The woman at the desk asked.

“I’m William Safe, and I’m here to see my sister.” What is her deal? “Can I please speak with Dr. Ethan?”

“I’m sorry but she’s busy, you need to come back during visiting hours.”

“We need to see her, now.” Jeremy stepped in, “please.” He put in, but didn’t look happy about it.

“Are you Mr. Safe?” Someone asked from behind.

“Yes,” Will said turning around.

“Dr. Ethan,” the desk girl exclaimed. “They were asking for you, I told them you were busy.”

“Thanks Emily, this way please.” The Doctor led them into a room, when Jeremy saw Julia he ran up and gave her a hug.

“Thank God you’re ok,” he whispered something in her ear, then gave her a kiss. “I was so worried about you.”

“Excuse me, ma’am. But where’s Clara?” William asked, please, be alright.

“She’s sleeping, but I’ll allow you to see her,” she walked out of the room. So, she’s ok? Will sighed.

“I’m glad you’re fine,” William smiled at his sister.

“Go,” she said. Then kissed Jeremy again, to which he looked really happy about.


He left the room and followed the Doctor into the next room, he was overwhelmed by the joy he felt. But he knew he couldn’t rush over and kiss her like Jeremy did, he had to have patience.

“Her surgery was a success, though I’m sorry she will never walk again. We were able to remove the pieces of bones in her lungs, though they’ll need time to heal. As for her head, she hit it pretty hard, I’m afraid that her brain was injured. She may have temporary amnesia when she wakes up, but in the meantime, I’ll leave you alone with her.” Dr. Ethan said, then left the room, closing the door behind her.

All William could do was just stand there and stare at someone who meant more than the anything to him. Yet, her bruised face, as full of pain as it was, had a sweetness that was always there. It had been there forever, ever since he could remember. That’s one of the reasons I love you so much, he brushed his hand against her face. “I’m so sorry, oh, I’m sorry. Why can’t I ever do anything right?” He whispered in her ear.


William’s head shot up. “What?” he asked. Had she said something, or was it just his wishing?

Clara could hear someone, but who? She wondered, “who…?” She tried again, she couldn’t open her eyes. Where am I?

“Hey, don’t try to speak, you’re at the hospital.” William said then remembered what the Doctor had told him. ‘She may have temporary amnesia when she wakes up…’ “It’s William, your boy… your friend.” Would that seem creepy to someone with no memory? I don’t know, “Dr. Ethan said you wouldn’t remember for a little while, so, it’s ok if you don’t remember. Just rest,” who am I? Her mother?

The voice sounded familiar, but she couldn’t put a face to it. “Why…?”

“You were in an accident; your brain took some damage.”

“Who…” Why can’t I get more than one word out? “Am… I?”

Was it supposed to be this bad? “You’re Clara Edson. You’re 17-years-old, and you’re the most amazing girl in the world.” At least to me, you are.

“Hmmm… You seem to… to know a huff, huff… a lot about… me.” Why… I having trouble breathing?

“Your lung, you shouldn’t talk.” She tried to speak again, but William put a hand on her mouth. “Don’t waste your energy,” please, don’t.

Why won’t you let me talk? That’s not fair, she tried to raise her hand, but the effort was too much. She felt her mind start to lose consciousness, Will removed his hand. “I lov…”

William’s eyes widened, as she slipped away from him. She remembered me, but, she’s asleep. Good, she needs to rest. “Goodnight, I love you too,” he whispered. Then left the room, I’ll come back tomorrow. I promise.


“What do you mean she’s in a coma?!” Julia yelled, she had come to the hospital to see Clara who had apparently fell into a coma.

“Please use your inside voice,” Dr. Ethan said. She was set as overseer for the group of teenage girls who were in an accident the night before, “and yes, I’m sorry but it looks like she won’t make it. If she does, it would be a miracle,” she turned toward Mr. and Mrs. Edson, “I’m very sorry, but I just don’t see how she’ll make it through this. Her strength is gone, and brain is torn in several places. I’m very sorry I can’t do anything.”

“It’s not your fault,” Mrs. Edson said through tears. “God gave, he can take away.”

William sat in the corner of the room staring at Clara, is she really not going to make? After everything, are you just going to give up now? You’re strong, so, you can get through this. I love you so much.

“There’s no way she’s going to die, oh God don’t take her away from me.” Why is this happening? Why are you doing this? Julia cried as she laid her head on Clara’s chest, you’ll make it. “Oh, please let her live.” She whispered.

“I haft to go back to work, what time do visiting hours end?” He asked, I’ll come back later when there’s less people. 


© 2018 Ceana

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Added on January 15, 2018
Last Updated on January 15, 2018



Mesa, AZ

My hobbies are reading, writing, cooking, sleeping, and not babysitting. more..

1 or so 1 or so

A Chapter by Ceana

2 or so 2 or so

A Chapter by Ceana

4 or so 4 or so

A Chapter by Ceana