Stars Falling From Heaven

Stars Falling From Heaven

A Poem by Philosopher

Expresses ideas on religion, spirituality and the individual. It's open for your own interpretation. Just starting with writing interest, and this is number one of many.

I see empty holes in the sky,
and stars falling from the heavens. 
Apollo chasing after Luna, 
and there is no change for them. 
As the days turn by 
and nights pass in the sky, 
new life steps into 
the light to be tried. 
We are not gods, 
and for that reason we can change. 
We are spirits, 
and we do not stop, 
but when we fall, 
we can rise again and 
continue our race across the sky.

© 2012 Philosopher

Author's Note

First efforts at poetry and writing. I hope some of you will enjoy it.

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Added on June 27, 2012
Last Updated on June 27, 2012
Tags: spirit, god, gods, individuality, life, trial, stars, falling, heaven, overcome, apollo, luna



Corvallis, OR

Adventurous mind still being put to the books. Pursuing higher education for chiropractic profession. Writer is a passion, but it has to remain one of my smaller investments for now. more..