

A Poem by K. A. Munn

Is there no justice in this world?
Is there no peace or serenity?
Are all the castles made of sand?
Is every wall made of ice?
How come we can foresee the future,
The tide,
The fire,
But refuse to change the construction?
So blatantly necessary it is to undertake the failure of others,
To witness death with one's own eyes,
Kick the weak when they are down,
This is all to ensure success and wealth in this world.
Talent is drowned and opportunity erased,
Hopes are smashed and dreams lay bleeding,
Cries are smothered and covered with laughter,
While the world looks on with empty eyes,
Their non-inference caused only from the ideals that,
"It won't effect me."
Ever seen a fire spread?
A mountain avalanche?
A disease or virus?
Hearts are one of the same. 
Is there no justice in this world?

© 2011 K. A. Munn

Author's Note

K. A. Munn
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Added on May 30, 2011
Last Updated on June 1, 2011


K. A. Munn
K. A. Munn

Summerville, SC

I believe that all we see, is but a dream within a dream. :) more..
