Hope for the Future

Hope for the Future

A Story by Elly

Just a Lord of the Rings/Charmed/ Harry Potter (maybe) fanfiction


It was said that there would be a couple,
the man, the Heir of Isildur, the woman,
the daughter of Elrond Halfelven, Lord of Rivendell,
who would bear a child who had a combination of their powers.
The child would follow in his parents footsteps and save Middle-earth
from a new Evil that would come.

This prophecy surround Aragorn, son of Arathorn, the last Heir of Isildur and Lord of the Dunedain and Arwen Undomiel, the only daughter of Elrond, the Elven princess of Rivendell. It had surrounded them before they were born into a peaceful world. They were born in a time where everyone lived in Harmony. However, they did not know the other had existed. It was only when they met in a shaded field that their Destinies were sealed.

But, an unseen Evil came and separated them for years. Once they were together again, they swore their love to each other. Again, Evil struck and they, with the friends they had made, were forced by Lord Elrond to go to a world that they had never known existed. A world were they would have to start over. A world were they could live in peace.

Arwen became a girl named Arianna Parker. Aragorn, a man by the name of Viggo Mortensen. Arwen's brother, Haldir, became Arianna's brother, Craig Parker. And, Arwen's friend Leilia Greenleaf became Lendria Halliewell.

The four of them were witches and wizards. And, like their pasts, Arianna and Viggo did not meet until they were much older when Arianna was nearly 16 and a Sixth Year at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Despite that they were meant to have relatively picturesque lives, unplanned events happened and Arianna and Craig lost their mother and their father turned to drinking when they were four and six. Leandria lost her mother and her three aunts when she was 15.

But now, a new and more dangerous Enemy was on the move...

Chapter One

He was a rugged looking man with short naturally highlighted brown hair. His hazel eyes seemed to hide a painful memory and his weather-worn face held a distantly sad look. He now stood on the edge of a cliff. He wore the clothing of a Muggle: worn down jeans, a black long sleeve shirt and winter boots. Despite it being winter in Northern Ireland, he wore no winter coat. The freezing snow clung to his hair and shirt as he stood there gazing at the winter wonderland before him. His brow was creased with worry, his serious hazel eyes filled with what looked like fear. His distinctive chiseled jaw clenched, his hands balling into tight fists. His strong, muscled body shook as unbidden images came to his mind, images of his young fiancée.

He could see her shinning emerald eyes, eyes that were always filled with laughter. Her waist length caramel hair swayed from side to side as she moved in what seemed a dance. She was wearing a white dress that spiraled outwards as she twirled 'round in circles. A smile twitched on his lips as he recognised the moment as just seconds before he had given her a silver band with a small diamond in a proposal of marriage. His eyes softened as he recalled her response, a yes, and reaction, happy tears.

The happy image quickly faded and melted into an event that hadn't happened yet. Once again, he saw his lover. This time, however, she was not laughing happily. Her lovely mouth was opened in a silent scream. Instead of joy shimmering in her brilliant green eyes, they were filled with fear. He watched in horror as she was cruelly stabbed with a dagger to her abdomen. As she fell to her knees, he saw that her shirt was torn, nearly into shreds. He yelled her name as she collapsed, dying, to the cold, hard stone floor. It wasn't until someone put a light hand on his shoulder that he realised he had been yelling aloud.

He spun around in surprise to see her there. Not dead but, alive. Very much alive. He reached out a shaking hand to touch her porcelain skin. She smiled warily.

"Viggo?" the lovely girl in front of him asked, her green eyes filled with concern. Her long caramel hair billowed in the winds. She had on a satin red, long sleeve turtleneck, tight fitting jeans and fur winter boots."Are you alright?" she asked again.

He nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine." he shook himself. "Just a bad dream."

"But, you were awake.." she said hesitantly.

"A bad day dream, then." he said, smiling wryly at her. He took her hand, the one with the engagement ring, in his and kissed her palm.

"Ari, my dear Arianna." he smiled, kissing her gently.

"Viggo, my dear Viggo." she returned, smiling.

He snaked an arm around her waist then, asked, "Are Craig and Leandria up yet?"

Arianna laughed, amusement on her face.

"What do you think?"

"Then.. No." Viggo gave her a feigned look of thoughtfulness. "Then, again... we should be up either. It is after all 3 in the morning."

"This part of the world's asleep." Arianna said yawning.

Viggo smiled at her and, with his arm still around her waist, he led her inside to the warm castle. She leaned against him and he swept her off her feet and spun her around, loving her crystal clear laugh. She was still laughing when they got inside and shook the snow off them.

"What's goin' on?" A sleepy voice slurred.

The couple turned to see Leandria in her pajamas, a sleepy look on her face. Viggo kissed her on the cheek in a brotherly manner.

"No need to worry, Lea." he said, chuckling. He then went back to Arianna's side and led her back to their chambers.

There, they both let their winter garments drop to the floor and curled against each other under the covers. Arianna sighed contentedly. She loved the feeling of his warm skin against hers. He smiled and wrapped his legs around hers. He let a hand slide down the contours of her silky smooth bare skin, enjoying the sensation. They weren't an extremely sexual couple but, they did treasure moments such as this one to revel in the other's caresses. It was moments like this that they rarely got. There was a knock at the door. Arianna sat up, completely forgetting to wrap the quilt around her torso.

"Yes?" she called.

"Ari! It's me!"

"Harry, what d'you need?" she asked.

"Professor Dumbledor wants to speak to the four of you." Harry told her.

"Damn." Viggo muttered. "Alright, we'll be there shortly."

Arianna sighed and got out of the bed. Viggo smiled to see her nude figure in the coming light of the sunrise. He joined her at the window kissed her neck, his hands on her waist. Smiling, Arianna turned to kiss him back. She then pulled away and pulled on jeans and a shirt. She looked at her fiancé who still stood there undressed. A hand on her hip, head cocked to the side, she grinned, giving him an amused look.

"What?" Viggo asked.

"Clothes. Now." She laughed.

"Alright, if you insist." He chuckled.

He pulled on some clothes and the two of them met up with their friends. Arianna saw that her brother, Craig, still rubbing his tired blue eyes.

Despite being brother and sister, the Parker siblings were complete opposite in appearances. Where she was light, he was dark. He had dark brown hair and piercing blue eyes. He looked exactly like their father while she looked like their deceased mother. However, they both had the same warmth and love in their eyes but, also, the same hidden pain. Craig being the eldest was extremely protective of Arianna. He had nearly raised her himself because their father was no longer capable of doing so. He tried to bar all the pain from her but, in the end, he hadn't been able to keep all of it away. When she had met Viggo, he had been suspicious of him, afraid that the American would break his sister's heart. Craig found himself proven wrong. Instead of having her heart broken, Arianna had been with Viggo for three years and he had just proposed to her, something he'd meant to do two years ago but wasn't able to because of everything they'd been through.

These four had been through more than any normal young adults should have to go through. They've seen terrors that are preferred not to be mentioned or spoken about. Mainly for Arianna's sake who has tendency to keep all the pain and terror hidden inside her. She's been hurt so many times that, it was always best to keep the pas in the past unless for some reason it did some up because of some present problem. Occasionally Arianna will have terrible terrors that haunt her for days if not weeks on end. When they finally ended, her eyes would be faded and her cheeks hollowed. It would take a couple of days for the other three to help her well again. But, once she was, she was back to her normal self, quick to laugh and smile.

A lot of the terrors that haunted her were the terrors from her past. She always remember her father and his cold eyes as he hit her every once in a while and caused her to feel as if she was the reason for her mother's death. Her mother had been murdered by what were thought to have been demons when Arianna had been four and her brother six. Arianna had been there, and had witnessed seeing the dark figures surround them and shoot a Fireball straight at Julie Parker.

The group of friends now walked down the dark and quiet corridors of Hogwarts to Dumbledor's office. They reached the gargoyle that guarded the entrance.

"Lemon Drops?" Craig tried.

"Sorry, sir, wrong password." the gargoyle's gruff voice responded.

"Butterbeer." Leandria suggested, sticking her tongue out at Arianna's brother who also happened to be her boyfriend.

"Incorrect, again." The gargoyle said.

Arianna laughed, nearly doubling over.

Viggo tried. "Chocolate frogs."

The password was once again denied.

"Firewhisky." Arianna said firmly.

"Correct, miss." And the stone gargoyle opened.

"What?!" Craig exclaimed, his blue eyes shinning with laughter. "Ari, what the hell? No fair!" He kissed her forehead.

She curtsied dramatically, accepting her brother's forehead kiss.

"Thank you, my dear brother." she laughed.

"Okay, you two, on the staircase!" Viggo said and he and Leandria pushed them in just as the staircase began moving upward.

The friends laughed joyously. They stumbled off the moving staircase and into the Headmaster's office. When they saw his grim and drawn face, they suddenly fell quiet.

"Arianna.. Viggo.. Craig.. Leandria.. " He started slowly. "The enemies from your world.. have entered into this one."

"What do you mean?" Arianna asked, fear in her eyes.

Viggo saw the fear in her eyes and close his own. He had hoped not to see it for a long while. He opened his eyes and looked back up at the elderly wizard in front of them.

"I don't know who they are or why they're here but, they're back." the headmaster said. "And you need to go home. I've already had the elves pack up your belongings and send them to the Halliewell Manor." He nodded at Leandria who acknowledge his nod. "Your father has already been made aware that you're coming home this morning."

"So soon, Professor?" Arianna asked.

"I'm sorry, my dear girl but, it's crucial. Your friends here will help as they can while you're there in America. As will I."

Viggo nodded and took his fiancées hand.

"Come on, Ari, let's go." With that, he drew her into him and Lighted them away. They were followed by Craig and Leandria and seconds later, they found themselves in the kitchen of the Halliewell manor.

Arianna looked around at the familiar room. She hadn't been here in years but, it didn't look at all changed. There were a few jars filled that were set out on the island. Otherwise, the kitchen was spotlessly clean as though it had just been used.

"Dad!" Leandria's voice called as she appeared in a blaze of Light, Craig with her. "Dad!"

Hurried footsteps sounded from the stairs and a sandy haired man appeared in the doorway. The four friends looked at him and he looked back at them. Leo Wyatt looked only a few years older but, other than that the same. His brown eyes smiled warmly at them, glad to see them again. He opened his arms to his daughter and to Arianna, his adopted child.

"Hello, Leandria." he said softly. "Arianna. Welcome home."

The girls ran to his open arms and embraced him, glad to be home.

"Hullo, Leo." Arianna said.

"Ari, I thought I told you to call me 'dad'.." Leo said teasingly.

"Oh, sorry, dad." she laughed.

"Alright, let's-"

"Arwen." A voice said.

Arianna turned to the voice and she saw a long dark haired man in rich coloured robes. Around his head, he bore a silver crown. His hair near his ears was braided in order to reveal that he had pointed ears. A blue light enveloped Arianna's lithe figure and when the light faded, she had chocolate brown hair and blue eyes. She too had pointed ears.

"Ada.." she said.

"Elrond." Viggo said, bowing, changing into a Man with dark brown hair and Ranger's garments.

"Arwen.. Aragorn, we need to talk. All of us." Elrond said. "Something is coming. Legolas, me and the rest of the Council are trying to figure out what."

Arwen bit her lip then turned back into Arianna, Aragorn following, going back to being Viggo. She walked slowly around the kitchen. She spotted The Book of Shadows on the small wooden table where she'd spent her years as a young girl eating her meals with Craig and Leandria. She smiled softly at the memory of laughter, spilled cereal and scattered eggs and pancakes. Shen went of over to the Book as everyone else in the room watched her every action. Arianna opened the cover, not hardly phased as it suddenly started flipping by it self to a page. However, what did shock her was that it was a page she'd never seen before. It was as if the page had just been written.

She glanced up at Leandria and began reading. To the side of the text was a drawing of who the text was talking about. Except, it wasn't a clear drawing. It looked shadowy. The Book called the shadowy thing Proshnak Vagor. That's what the creature itself was called As for a name, it was just called The Shadow. The Book explained that its actually name was too feared and to dangerous to write down, much less say.

"So, we're dealing with the Shadow world now.." Arianna sighed and sank into a chair. This was new territory for her and she didn't know where to start or how to go about defeating the enemy. Her voice failed as she said, "What are we going to do?"

"First of all, we have to be extremely careful and keep every place we can lit. If there's even a speck of shadow, avoid it. The Shadow uses shadows to his advantage. Even in the light, we must be wary." Leo started.

"Right, then."' Leandria said, trying to be cheerful. She knew that Arianna would thank her later if not now. "Let's get started."

Just then, the lights of the Manor flickered violently. Viggo moved quickly to Arianna's side, allowing her to squeeze his hand tightly as the the lights continued to flicker. A few minutes later, they stopped. Then, the small group heard echoing laughter. Craig's body was posed into one of defense. The laughter faded, leaving them in peace.

"Already, we're running out of time." Elrond muttered. "Let me know if you find anything. I must go back to Rivendell and see what they've found there." He smiled at his daughter then, his son. "Haldir, my boy," he said, looking at Craig. "Protect her."

"Will do, sir." Craig saluted.

Elrond disappeared just as he had appeared- in an elegant rustle of leaves.

Chapter Two

Arianna lay in her bed at the Manor, looking up at the celling Leo had painted for her many years ago. The room was brightly lit in precaution. In her mind, she was going through everything that had happened that day. Too much to deal with all at one time. She sighed and rolled over so that her face was hidden in her pillow.

"What would it be like to be a normal girl for once?" she wondered aloud.

"Incredibly and ridiculously boring." Craig's voice said as he came in with a glass of water for her.

"Craig.." She gave him a look that caused him to laugh.

"I know, I know." he replied cheerfully. "And, you're not really thinking of being normal are you?"

"No." She blew out a breath.

"That's what I thought. Besides, you gotta think of what would happen if you weren't an Elemental." He suddenly became dramatic. "The entire world would mourn to see such a beautiful and powerful creature, as yourself, leave all of this behind! I, your dear brother, would die of sadness. And, Viggo, well, I'm sure he'd want to go with you and then, the Saviours of this world would no longer be able to save us from the dangers of evil!" He gave a theatrical cry and fell to the floor, eyes closed, feigning death.

Arianna stared at him, shocked. She then started laughing and not being able to stop. She knelt beside him and played along.

"Oh! Oh!" she moaned farcically. "Craig! I would never do that to you! Please! Please come back to life!" her eyes sparkled. "If it is true what you say about me, then, I shall never become normal. This, I swear to you!" She let out an emotional lament and fell over him, giggling.

"Oh, good! Glad that's settled!" Craig sat up abruptly, causing her to roll off him. He laughed at her laying there.

"You're a prick, you know that, right?" Arianna grinned up at him.

"Yup!" He beamed. "I'm told all the time." He joked. He then began mimicking Leandria, "Craig! You prick!"

Arianna laughed. "Alright, stop! Stop!" she barely managed to get out, unable to stop grinning.

She sat up and took the glass of water he had set on the bedside table, drinking it deeply. She then stood next to Craig who suddenly had taken on a very serious look.

"Ari." he said softly. "In all seriousness, you wouldn't survive if you were normal. Our enemies would still be able to find you.." He trailed off.

"I know, Craig, I know." She whispered. "But, sometimes, I wish.."

He gave her a wry smile. "Don't we all."

"Touche." Arianna's face was an exact copy of her older brothers: eyes soft, a wry smile on her lips.

"Mum would be proud of you." Was the last thing Craig said before he went back downstairs.

Arianna stayed where he had left her, swallowing hard to keep back the tears. She took a deep breath, let it out, then followed him. He was right. She was needed as the person she was now. She could help. She could protect her self and the others she cared for dearly. Despite what she wanted, she wasn't going to disappoint her friends, her family.

She ran down the spiraled stairs to see the others in the den.

"What's going on?" she asked.

"Just discussing everything." Viggo said in his soft American accent, inviting her to sit beside him.

She did and kissed his cheek. He wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her close so that she was leaning against his chest.

"Dumbledor said that our enemy was coming into this world.. meaning the one we're in now and Hogwarts." Leandria continued. "All we know is that we're having to deal with the Shadow world. Which! if I may point out, none of us have any experience in dealing with. And, for once The Book doesn't give us much to work on."

"Well, either way," Arianna said. "We must warn the students. And we should ask the Headmaster to allow the older students to help us if it comes to that. Which.. I'm afraid it will." She bit her lip then, pressed on. "We're better in numbers. However, since it's shadows we're dealing with we need to figure out some way to protect ourselves from, er, Shadowly harm, if you will. Which means, Leandria, we'll need you to work on the potions here. You are after all, the best one." She smiled. "At the school, we'll gather all the best potions students and have them copy the potion you make here." She turned to face Viggo. "You and Craig should train the students old enough to and who want to fight. I'll join you."

"Ari, that sounds like a pretty good plan," Craig said. "But, we haven't figured out who's really behind all of this and what they want."

"Us. Dead." Leandria said grimly.

"Yes but, I feel like there's a different reason now.." Viggo said, clearly agreeing with Craig.

The group fell silent and Arianna went to the window.

"Maybe.." Viggo murmured. "Maybe it's not something we're doing now that's angering them. Maybe they've seen something in the future. Something that affects their existence."

"Like what?" Leo asked, finally speaking up.

"I dunno. Like..." Viggo trailed off.

"Like..?" Craig tried to get him to continue the thought.

"I know this sounds ridiculous but, perhaps children."

"Children?" Arianna and Leandria both asked.

"But, dear, we're not married and I'm not pregnant." Arianna said, confused.

"I know but, it's something, isn't it?" Viggo sighed tiredly.

"It's a better reason than any, I think at this point." Leo reassured him. "We won't know until either the first attack or we find some other clues."

"I hope it's the latter that comes first." Craig whispered worriedly.

No one answered him, everyone lost in their own thoughts. The sun was beginning to set. Somehow the day had flown by without them realising it. Leo got up and turned on the television. He was hoping that they'd hear something about what was haunting them. Though, the news, thankfully, was normal; reporting what it usually did. They watched the news until the sun disappeared completely. Arianna had fallen asleep half laying in Viggo's lap. Viggo himself was beginning to drift off. Both Craig and Leandria had already fallen asleep against each other. Leo smiled at the sight. Leaving the tv on, he left the room but, not before dimming the lights. He knew it was dangerous to leave them in darkness but, he had made sure to put a Light Shield around the Manor.


The next morning, Craig was the first one to wake up, the sun shinning in his eyes. He let out a moan as he covered his eyes. After allowing his eyes to adjust, he noticed that Arianna was no where to be seen. He panicked and got up and began looking for her without raising any alarm. When he passed the front door, he could hear the distant sound of Arianna's sweet, clear soprano voice. He smiled softly as he recognised the lyrics to "My Heart Will Go On" by Celine Dion from 'Titanic', a movie she adored.

"Every night in my dreams I see you, I feel you
That is how I know you go on.
Far across the distance and spaces between us
You have come to show you go on.
Near, far, wherever you are,
I believe that the heart does go on.
Once more you open the door
And you're here in my heart,
And my heart will go on and on.

Love can touch us one time and last for a lifetime,
And never let go till we're gone.
Love was when I loved you, one true time I hold to
In my life we'll always go on.
Near, far, wherever you are,
I believe that the heart does go on.
Once more you open the door
And you're here in my heart,
And my heart will go on and on.

You're here, there's nothing I fear
And I know that my heart will go on.
We'll stay forever this way,
You are safe in my heart,
And my heart will go on and on." She sang softly.

When she had finished the song, he went to the kitchen to fix her something to eat. As he cooked for her, he thought about the lyrics she had been singing, a smile upon his lips. He knew that those lyrics had meaning to her. He was interrupted from his thoughts when he heard the front door open and shut quietly. He met his dear sister in the hall with a tray filled with a eggs and panckes, a plate covered in fruit and a glass of green tea as was her favourite beverage. When she saw the try, she smiled and took the tray from him in a spin. He noticed that she had changed into a green summer dress, a colour that brought her eyes. He looked outside, forgetting it was summer.

"Thanks!" she sang.

"You're welcome, sis. " Craig laughed. "Now, I know it's not Lea's or Vig's breakfast but-"

"I'm sure it'll be fantastic." Arianna reassured him and took a bite of egg. Her face lit up. "That's good."

As she ate, she found herself to be quite hungry and remembered when he used to cook her breakfast when she was younger. He hadn't done it in so long because he, as well as she, enjoyed Leandria's or Viggo's breakfasts. It was only on rare moments like this where he would cook.

"So," she said in between bites."What are today's plans?"

Leandria came just as she asked.

"Well, I dunno," Leandria said slyly. "I was thinking about.. putting on a wedding."

Arianna's eyes widened and began to protest. "Lea, really, it's not necessary. We've got more important things to worry about like, protecting ourselves and the students at Hogwarts. And figuring out what's going on!"

"Ari, come one, you know you and Viggo have been waiting for so long. And he proposed a little over half a year ago and I know you haven't had time to plan anything." Leandria's eyes sparkled.

"What about you and Craig then?" She asked.

"Ari.." Craig trailed off, clearly embarrassed.

"You two have been waiting longer." Leandria replied softly, her blue eyes were warm and full of understanding.

"Then, what's waiting until this is over?" Arianna questioned, eyes downcast. She felt it would be best. For everyone. She, then, walked out of the kitchen and back to the den where Viggo was still sleeping.

Leandria and Craig exchanged a worried look as she left. Craig sighed.

"Maybe... she's not ready?" he queried.

"No.. I don't think that's it." Leandria said slowly. "Did you see the way her eyes lit up? She's ready to be married but, something's holding her back."

She doesn't want to be a burden, Craig thought to himself as he sighed. He could see where she was coming from.

Arianna sat on the recliner, eyes clouded over as thoughts flew through her head. She appreciated Leandria's offer but, she didn't want to ask anymore of her dear friends. They'd all already sacrificed so much for her over the years. She could wait a little longer for a wedding she'd waited for years for. It wouldn't hurt too much. 'Besides', she thought, 'it'd be better and easier for everyone.' She took a deep breath and mentally shook herself. And just in time. Viggo was beginning to stir. 'Maybe', she thought again,' if he agreed to it, I'll do it.' On the couch, Viggo yawned. He saw his fiancee sitting there, distant. He walked over to her and kissed her softly on the mouth. She seemed to suddenly realise he was in front of because she gave him soft smile and returned his kiss.

"Are you alright?" he asked.

She nodded silently.

Leandria sat at the kitchen table, her chin resting on her hands. Despite the good night's rest she had gotten, she still looked tired. She didn't really understand why her best friend, her sister, would reject her offer to have a marriage. It's something that she deserved. Craig stood at the oven, heating up some left over pancakes for her. After a few minutes, he put them on a plate and set it in front of her.

"Eat." He commanded.

"I'm not hungry."

"Leandria Halliewell." he looked sternly at her. "Eat. Now."

With a sigh, she complied, picking up the fork he handed her and ate.

"It's not too terrible." she smiled.

"Well, I'm glad the great Chef Halliewell approvs of my cooking." He joked.

She punched his arm, chiding him gently. When she finished, she put her dish away and took him by the hand. She pulled him up the stairs.

"We should at least get out of these clothes." she said.

"Mhm." Craig winked at her.

Reaching the upstairs, she pushed him into his room as she went into hers. In there, he changed from his dirty khakis and polo shirt to jeans and t-shirt. Leandria changed into a skirt and a blouse. He smiled when he saw her in something feminine. It had been so long since he had seen her like this. He bowed to her as if he was the Prince Haldir bowing to the Princess Leilia. She blushed lightly as he took her hand. He stood up and kissed her as he slipped a ring on her left hand.

"Say yes. Please say yes." he whispered in her ear.

Her eyes widened. "Yes," she whispered. "Yes!"

He picked her up and spun her around, making her laugh. When he set her down, she ran down to where Viggo and Arianna sat in the den.

"He proposed! He proposed!" she shouted, overly excited.

Craig was right behind her, chuckling.

"Is this true, Craig?" Viggo asked, his hazel eyes twinkling.

Arianna's brother nodded. "Unfortunately, yes." He grinned.

"Well, I was going to offer my congratulations," Arianna said slowly and jokingly. "But, since it's apparently unnecessary.."

Leandria laughed, hugging Arianna. She then, took her friend's hand and put their hands next to each other.

"Can you believe it, Ari?" she whispered.

Arianna shook her head, smiling. Suddenly, Viggo started choking, his face going blue. His hands clawing at his neck at something invisible. Arianna's face went from happy to fearful. She ran to him, trying to help.

"Viggo, Viggo!" she cried.

Suddenly, whatever force was hurting him, let go and he fell to the floor, still. Arianna placed his head on her lap as tears slipped down her face. She couldn't believe that she had near lost him.

Chapter Three

"We have to go back." Arianna was saying when Viggo came to his sense. "We'd be safer there."

"How much safer?" He heard Leandria asked.

"More than here.."

His eyes fluttered open and he found himself lying on Arianna's bed. He felt the cool sheets against his bare skin. He sat up suddenly, realising he was shirtless. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw it folded over a corner chair. He looked out the doorway and saw Arianna's silhouette along with Leandria's. He fell back to the bed as he recalled what he last remembered. He closed his eyes, seeing Arianna's worried face in front of him. Viggo gingerly felt his neck. He hissed inwardly at the surprising pain he felt there. It was if he'd been burned by whatever had tried to kill him. Hearing him, Arianna came into the room. He could see how much she was trying to stay calm. He gave her a smile and she returned it. He knew she'd been worried the entire time, however long that was, he'd been lying here. She took a damp cloth that had been resting on the edge of a bowl of cool water on the bedside table and placed it on his warm forehead. It felt good as he felt the light pressure of her hand on his forehead and on the bed. He closed his eyes underneath the washcloth, opening them when she took it off. Viggo saw her sitting on the chair, hands resting on the space of wood between her thighs, her eyes shimmering with tears.

"Ari..." he trailed off.

"Viggo, I was so scared." she said immediately, the tears slipping down her cheeks. "So scared. I thought..."

"I know." Viggo said. "I know. I thought the same.." He took her hand. "But, I'm here. I'm alright." His eyes were soft.

She smiled wanly. Then, he gently pulled her on the bed so that her head was resting on his chest, just over his heart. Her tears dripped onto his skin but, he didn't mind. He just wanted to feel her smooth, honey scented skin.

"Maybe.. Maybe Lea's right." He said quietly.

"What do you mean?" Arianna asked.

"Maybe we should get married." Upon his lips was soft smile as he took her hand in his.

"Are you sure?"

"Ari, when are we ever going to be able to have another chance?" He said. "Besides, I can't wait any longer. I want you to be my wife."

She lightly traced his cheek with the tips of her fingers, smiling. She kissed him gently then, pulled back and nodded.

"Let's do it then."

Viggo smiled, pulled on his shirt. He then took her hand and took her downstairs to where Craig and Leandria sat in the den.

"Leandria," he started. "We'd like to take you up on your offer."

The American girl's eyes widened with joy and excitement. "Really?" She asked, unable to contain herself. Viggo laughed, picked Arianna up by the waist and spun her around. Leandria suddenly started rambling things off a mental list, pacing around the house. Craig watched her amusedly while, Viggo and Arianna just stood there, gazing into each other's eyes.

"And, we'll need a wedding dress for you, Ari. It'll be absolutely lovely!" Leandria was saying to Arianna. Then, she slithered to Viggo. "Oh! And, you'll need the perfect tux! And, you'll need music for the dance at the reception! And, for when Ari goes down the aisle.." She kept listing things off.

Craig began to laugh. Viggo and Arianna joined him, their eyes sparkling. The girl turned to them, hand on her hips.

"Well, someone's got to do it." She stuck her tongue out at them.

"Thanks, Lea." Arianna grinned. "I'm sure it'll be perfect."

Leo came in the room, his face drawn, mouth tight.

"There's been an attack at Hogwarts." he said.

Arianna's face fell. "What?"

"Whatever attacked Viggo has gone to Hogwarts. It attacked a First Year Hufflepuff named Lana."

Viggo sank into a chair. An attack. This meant he and Arianna wouldn't be able to be officially bonded. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw his fiancee lean against a wall and slip to the floor. Her face was expressionless. Though, her emerald green eyes showed that she was afraid. Afraid of what, though? He sighed. He knew what. Afraid of losing him.. Afraid of losing her friends, her family.. Afraid of losing a happy and good future. He could see that being the other half of the couple that was supposed to save the world from destruction was beginning to take a toll on her. He wondered how much more stress and loss she could take, much less himself, before she broke.

He balled his hand into a fist, his body shaking. He wasn't going to loose her and she wasn't going to loose him. That, he was determined of. He knew that neither of them could take another close call. It was much entirely too wearing on their emotions and energy. Viggo slammed his plam against the arm of the chair, startling the others who turned to look at him.

"We will have this wedding." He said quietly, his voice filled with determination. "No matter what. And, before things get worse than they already are."

© 2010 Elly

Author's Note

Some of the story lines for characters may seem incomplete but that's because I've worked with these characters for several years and constantly write in different times of their lives. And, it's not entirely finished.

Also, I just re-read it and noticed some grammar mistakes. Please don't take them into account since it's too much of a hassle to go through and fix them.

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Added on December 13, 2010
Last Updated on December 13, 2010
Tags: lord of the rings, viggo mortensen, story, fiction, charmed



Lexington, KY

Hullo~ I'm 18 and a Senior at Bryan Station High and a Spanish Immersion kid (which means that when I graduate, 1) I'll be fluent in Spanish and 2) I'll be able to go to pretty much an college in Spai.. more..

How? How?

A Poem by Elly

Fate Fate

A Story by Elly