Set Free

Set Free

A Poem by KeeD

This poem is about letting go of that self conflict that we all seem to have to deal with

What if.. 
What if we sat at a table surrounded by calamity 
The end of man kind and all its depravity 
What would..
What would you say to the person on your left 
Are there any words even left to express
How you lived a full happy life
Was life the greatest gift that you've ever received 
If not..
If not for this sudden series of events
That is causing our world to end
Would you.. 
Would you collect memories of all that went wrong
Fix them and make the good list long
And now..
Now during our last meal as the oceans claim the shores 
Are we going to talk about how we could have done more
I know..
I know i'd rather not
Cheers brother and sisters, mothers and fathers, lovers and sinners 
If it's all over tonight
Lets go quiet, peaceful, smiling even
For heaven is what we make it to be, heaven is this table. 
This table that consists of people about to be Set Free~

© 2013 KeeD

Author's Note


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Wow this is a really almost darkly beautiful poem about death. A personal favourite. You speak of death as a peaceful event, of being "let free." Not of death and despair that it is normally set out to be.
Sitting around a table with, strangers maybe? Knowing you are about to die. Its a really crazy thought to think of and quite intimidating. Really great job putting this all together, but I still have one question that puzzles me, if you don't mind me asking, What provoked you to write this? I can typically decipher the meaning/message behind writing, but i can't with yours. It leaves me with a sort of empty mysterious feeling. Incredible poem

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Thank you for the amazing review, it was the song I used in the poem itself that inspired me..I was .. read more

10 Years Ago

Wow, very creative. The best writing always comes out of nowhere. Really great poem, unique idea I c.. read more
i like the flow to this poem, and the message. you have good wording as well, i give you props :)

Posted 10 Years Ago

If we all attuned to the fact that we make errors and are one, we could probably heal such a huge divide, great piece xx

Posted 10 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on June 23, 2013
Last Updated on June 23, 2013



Mumbai, India, India

Hey I'm Kee, I'm 32 and work as a journalist in Mumbai, India. I dabble in writing poetry and do it purely to pump out the creative juices in my being. Thank you for stopping by, live, laugh and love .. more..

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