Beauty, Divine

Beauty, Divine

A Poem by Cassiopia Summers

Short and Sweet

The vast expanse of nothing surrounds me,
white plumes golden against the pale blues and pinks.
Beauty, divine, in this never-ending morning sky.

© 2014 Cassiopia Summers

Author's Note

Cassiopia Summers
Just kinda popped in my head right before my flight landed in Vegas this morning. I know its short, but I like it! :)

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I find no reason to not like this. You paint (literally) a picture for the reader they can clearly see in their mind's eye. I like it too. :)

Posted 2 Years Ago

Quite a visual perception shared!

Posted 6 Years Ago

Yes short and sweet, not to mention full of positivity… any day I wake up and see that sky I thank God I'm alive.

Posted 9 Years Ago

Cassiopia Summers

9 Years Ago

Thank you :)

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3 Reviews
Added on August 19, 2014
Last Updated on August 19, 2014
Tags: sky, flying, clouds, pink, blue, golden, white


Cassiopia Summers
Cassiopia Summers

Tucson, AZ

Lets get to know each other. :) To start, I think music reveals to us the person within, so here are some of my favorite songs because of their lyrics. Sixx A.M. - Skin Paramore - The Only Ex.. more..
