There's no such thing as love

There's no such thing as love

A Story by NotAboutMe

Something to contemplate


There's No Such Thing As Love


There's no such thing as love; although we as humans are very often totally preoccupied with this word.  We seek love, we long to be loved and we want to give love. But love is no more tangible than God or Santa Clause. We can choose to believe in God or Santa Clause or even Love, but within the context of hard and fast reality, these things are concepts not physically touchable. 


Santa Clause is actually more real than God and Love.  At least Santa Clause once walked the earth as Saint Nicholas and probably still exists in the form of dust and bones. 


This article does not intend to debate the existence or non-existence of God or that Jesus walked the earth like Saint Nicholas, but from the point of perspective I am expressing, Jesus left no physical trace that would be considered solid.  There are many believed tangible bits of evidence to support the fact that Jesus did exist, the grail, the shroud and the cross are examples.  The scriptures also support the fact that Christ did in fact walk the earth. Unlike most other religious icons, Jesus is purported to have been God on earth; and as God is not real in the physical sense, no physical remains of the Christ seem to exist.  It is assumed by the faithful, he ascended into heaven.  Other spiritual prophets like Mohammad or Buddha also give us guidance to the intangible; but intangible it remains.


If love was real, it could be measured, weighed, photographed, tasted, smelled or sensed in some manner.  You can fill a house with love, but you won't need boxes and moving truck for it when you relocate to a new address.  To the best of my limited knowledge, no one ever filled a moving truck with love.  So if love does not exist in the physical sense of reality; then what the hell is it and why are we so obsessed by it?


When I first say love, most people immediately think of the common romantic variety, but that's just where it begins.  People love their cars, houses, phones and a long list of other material things.  Though a complete oxymoron; some people even love to kill people.  People love their pets, people love chocolate and people love to take a day off from work.  If we are alive, we all love something or someone; which is why we get out of bed in the morning.  When we stop loving we stop living.  This is the main impetus for many who consider taking their own lives.  Even though many of these people are actually loved; much more than they know; they no longer feel love.  Most who live and love, also love to be loved.


So if love does not exist, why is this word so intimately tied to our vocabulary, and so much a part of our core being?  Well maybe love does exist; but like God; not in a way we are capable of sensing or measuring.  If love truly exists, it can only exist in one place; our mind.


There are two halves to the human brain; the rational left half and the emotional right half.  I don't think love would exist in the left half, because it's pretty obvious that love is not rational.  I also don't believe love exists in the right half; although this is where the emotions that we attach to love have their beginnings.  In reality I think it can be explained with a simple analogy.  The right half of the brain is fire and the left half water, and together when the circumstances are right, they produce the steam that is love. If it can be considered a real physical thing to any extent, then this steam exists only fleetingly in the pineal gland between the two halves of the brain.  If it does not exist physically, then it at least exists esoterically in the third eye.  Just like steam; a good steady supply of this energy is required to maintain a warm healthy outlook.  Not enough steam and the outlook becomes cold; too much and perspectives can become clouded or explosive.


It is so easy to believe, that because we love people and things, love is something external to us; but it is not.  Love is always about our self. 


When we are single and looking for a partner for sex or companionship, the steam or fog of love begins to cloud our mind.  We can create a whole fantasy world about how we could be with a person we see, yet know nothing about.  I could love that person, I could take care of them, they would be nice for me etc.  These fantasies run wild if we are introduced and begin seeing each other.  The emotional brain begins churning out endless wonderful emotions and the rational brain begins to rationalize away any concerns.  Love is not only blind, it's actually quite crazy.


Love is a drug.  It makes us happy.  If I'd love to have a candy bar; I'm happy walking to the corner store to get it, happy selecting and paying for it and happy unwrapping and eating it.  Then comes the remorse; I'm going to be fat, I'm going to end up a diabetic, I'm wrecking my teeth.  You really thought you would love to go home with the person from the bar, now that your waking up with them, you remorsefully begin to question your decision and all of its implications.  If we could just go on forever eating candy bars and having first time sex with strangers we think we love, we would be happy all the time; but just like love, that's unrealistic.


If love doesn't exist, then what is the meaning of this word we use so regularly?  Well the truth is, it's a catch-all word for many things.  For the left side of our mind it justifies many of our actions such as caring, sacrificing, giving and being dutiful.  It also allows us to have a sense of commitment.  without love, the only rational reason we would have for raising children, would be to have them do things for us once they were old enough. For the right side of our brain love tempers our desires, wants and needs; without love our relationships could only be superficial at best.


Love does not exist; conversely the same can be said about hate; but we do exist, and we can do amazing things.  We can fill a home with love, and a moving truck if we choose to.  We can make commitments to others, to care for them, to share their concerns and empower their dreams.  We can extend kindness to strangers.  We can appreciate beauty and express it in art, music, gardening, dance and countless other forms.


People in the industrialized world are becoming ever more un-happy which seems so perplexing as many of us have so much to be happy about.  The reason for this is that we spend so little time loving.  If you find yourself being un-happy just look at what you are doing at that moment.  Are you loving something or someone or hating it or them? You will find that most of the time if you a happy or mad you are doing one or the other.  If you are neither happy or sad, you may be just busy living life and that's usually a normal thing too.


So when you're not too busy; why not spend as much of your spare time loving a you can.  This will make you as happy as you can be.  Love the Earth, it really is an amazing planet.  Love people; they may not think and act or look like you, but most of them are deserving of love. Love your family, though sometimes difficult.  If you have children, love them, but be sure to do so rationally; they need both love and direction.  They also more than anyone, are depending on you to show them how to love.  This is especially true for separated parents.  Love animals; they are kind of stupid, but really appreciate being cared for.  Love candy bars if that's what you are into; but all things in moderation.


You can buy a bunch of books on love, self help and being happy, but all you really have to do is read the slogan posted at most Hard Rock Cafe's "Love All - Serve All".

I have come the conclusion after many years of study and observation, that God,

love and Santa Clause do not exist; but I have also more importantly concluded, it is best that

I believe they do.   

© 2016 NotAboutMe

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Added on December 5, 2016
Last Updated on December 5, 2016
Tags: Love