Battle For Katharine Preview - Kivene

Battle For Katharine Preview - Kivene

A Story by PenguinEmpiress

A look into the close past of Kivene the young prince of Emperor Sorance - the one who destroyed Rouva's life...



I’ve never seen the sky, nor have I seen the grass. People tell me that the sky is blue and the grass green, but I don’t know what those colours look like… I was born blind and for that I’m considered useless. A blind child like me has no use, has no need to exist… My father curses and yells from my uselessness; all I can do is stand and listen to his fury….

Stupid Boy!

“Who gave you the right!?”

His voice reminded me, as so many other times of a drunken fool. He’d scream and yell, storming around the room that was meant for peace…

Something smashed on the ground. From the click of mothers tongue, I figure it was one of her many vases that scattered throughout this hell hole. I hear her mutter:

“Don’t take it out on my vase Sorance!”

She had always cared for the vases more than anything else. She wouldn’t care if she lost her husband at battle, as long as she had what she wanted…

Glass scattered on the wall behind me, cutting my neck and cheek... I hate the way I finch away, every time. I feel the blood drip from my throat and cheek.

“I do not care for your vase Eleanora!”

I felt the vibration from my father’s steps. He was furious. But that much I had already discovered from the smashed glass. His steps seemed to stop just before my on feet. I could feel the fury radiating from him, it’s almost as if he had bathed it in.

I feel his rough palm grab my hair; I lean into his hand to ease the pain, but he just pulls it harder. I bare my teeth slightly at the stabbing pain. My father pulls my hair towards him; making me fall into a step.

I don’t know where he is but I feel as if he’s stepped out of the way, for I don’t fall into anything when I do fall. On that one step my leg had collapses on me, it had frightened me but not as much as it had surprised me.

I hear him growl down at me. He tugs at my hair " I take that as I sign to stand.

He doesn’t even give me much more than a second to stand before he starts to drag me by my hair towards… well, wherever. I don’t hear my mother’s clicking shoes, so I automatically assume that she hasn’t moved. However my father’s steps are heavy and cascading as his feet slam on the ground.

Suddenly I get this feeling of darkness as if all light had died and disappeared. Than all of a sudden I trip at the sudden change of floor level. I stumble at the sudden increase of downwards stairs; catching my breath as I miss one and crash into father.

The sudden growl tells me all that I need to know. There’s a sudden scratch and creak as something drags along the stone floor. Father pulls me forward all of a sudden, I stumble and fall… I feel the floor its cold and…. Wet…

I hear the door slam and ring from the force. I let out a breath and feel a cold chill from it. ‘This room is freezing’

I shudder as a cool breeze blows through. Gripping my shirt I rub my arms to sustain any leftover warmth. I push off the ground and stumble to my full height. I grip my arms that little bit tighter as I lean against the cold stone wall.

Leaning my head back I look up " or what I suspect is up. A sound runs through the cracks in the wall. My ears feel as if they peak at the sound. It’s a low sound as if it was hollow… it sounds again…

I shift on the wall and move along it until I feel the next wall. Standing in that corner… I felt so little… so vulnerable… the hollow sounds screeches like a cry… I hold my ears as I sink into the dark corner…

They cry " scream…

Moans of pain and agony pierce my peace…

Than it comes… soft clicking and the rattle of a chain…

My head starts to hurt… than I hear them… that chain…. It rattles and drags… I pull my feet closer and drop my head to my knees. My hands fall over my head and my fingers pull at my roots. I cringe at the sound…




At the sound of crying…



At the sounds of my life…

© 2016 PenguinEmpiress

Author's Note

Ok, i dont really like the way this one turned out, so please tell me your thoughts, cause i dont really like the way it's come out.

My Review

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I think it came out great. But I like most everything. It paints a good picture, despite the fact that he's blind. Is he in a cellar, or a prison?

Posted 7 Years Ago


7 Years Ago

Thank you! And I honestly don't know ':) considered his father I would think prison, but- actually y.. read more

7 Years Ago

He sounds horrible. Didn't you know what he was being thrown into when you wrote it? It's kind of fu.. read more

7 Years Ago

Hah I don't even know any more, it was quite some time ago that I wrote it, but I think it was origi.. read more

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1 Review
Added on February 7, 2016
Last Updated on February 7, 2016
Tags: father son relationship, abuse, violence, fear



QLD, Australia

'Do not pity yourself. If you wallow in self pity, life will be an endless nightmare' ~ Dazai Osamu I'm a loner .o./ Guess i should write something other than that, hey? :p. Ok lets see, I pers.. more..

Prologue Prologue

A Chapter by PenguinEmpiress

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

A Chapter by PenguinEmpiress