Almost to Mexico!

Almost to Mexico!

A Poem by Phibby Venable

Almost to Mexico!

He said, Do you want to go to Mexico with me?
And I said, Yes. Just as a reflex maybe, just as
a cabin fever induced, spur of the moment move.
I was lost though, thinking of wild oats & the way
I would drop them, like in a fairytale.
He was enthused about the price of living,
believing we could exist there like millionaires
on a drop in the bucket allowance.
I was half listening & thinking of old movies.
The flower in the hair, finger snapping dance
in some flat white building, where I could not
be identified by a soul and the doors would swing
open & in and out & everyone would wear a hat
for tipping, pardon me ma'am tipping.
Some one surely had a horse & a hot tamale,
hopefully non related, and big red peppers gleaming
on a long table in the sun, right next to the wine
that was running a little short, so that I would have
to use my fleetness of foot for a cool, sweet stomp,
which would possibly win me points with the people.
So what do you think, he said, and I realized I was
dropping back in to the end of a long explanation
involving a trip i could not afford, even with the low
cost economy, except in my dreams of course,
so I said, I've already been there but thank you
so much for the invitation! And I picked up my wild oats
and went home.

© 2009 Phibby Venable

My Review

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back then, the god lived in was one of those had to go to get there...

The moon
does not speak to strangers.
You must wait
beneath its changing moods,
until your hands,
emerging from your heart,
embrace the stars.
Old time
will move your feet
and dance you in the naked night.

(and, there were three girls named maria...)

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


. . . and I picked up my wild oats
and went home!

Perfect! What he says, hardly ever translates to what we're thinking anyway. . .

Posted 15 Years Ago

back then, the god lived in was one of those had to go to get there...

The moon
does not speak to strangers.
You must wait
beneath its changing moods,
until your hands,
emerging from your heart,
embrace the stars.
Old time
will move your feet
and dance you in the naked night.

(and, there were three girls named maria...)

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

What a interesting romp. I liked it. Now, off to Mexico I go. Hope they don't want any carnitas. ;)

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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3 Reviews
Added on January 20, 2009


Phibby Venable
Phibby Venable

abingdon, VA

About I live in the mountains of Southwest Virginia. Although my passion is poetry, I recently published a novel called, Women of the Round Tabl.. more..


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