Chapter One: Dusk

Chapter One: Dusk

A Chapter by Skull Writer

Dusk's introduction into her life and her world.

My name is Dusk and I am what your world today describes as a Werewolf. However, I am no stereotypical Werewolf, and this is no stereotypical Werewolf story. I am what is called a Hellhound, or the Hellhound. My life's story is a little gruesome as I have faced many trials. Trials that have made me into the wolf that I am today. Trials, it is a simple word. It really doesn't suit the story of my life but I'd rather not start if off with too much blood and gore considering there is enough of that in my life already. Instead I choose to start it with the truth. I am a 18 year girl, I am the Hellhound. I live most of my life in my wolf form in the wilderness that is upper Canada. I have no family, and no friends. I trust no one and I only have one purpose. Revenge. Revenge on those who stole everything from me. Revenge on those who caused nightmares to plague my dreams. I wake up from the cave floor where I sleep and my claws slash through the night air as the after effects of one such nightmare shake me. I regain control of my body and convince myself that the nightmare is no longer reality. The cavern floor beneath me is warm and dew drips from the entrance as the moon rises in a half crescent outside. I step from the cavern and let the moon's rays light up my pale skin. I lied to myself when I told myself that the nightmare is no longer my reality, it is a reality and it always will be. It is not truly a nightmare that plague's me, it is a memory. A memory that I have to relive in my dreams every single night. The memory of my death. I close my eyes and when I do I can see it all again.

Yesterday was mine and my twin brother's 5th birthday. Mom and dad made us cake and my cousin came over to celebrate along with his parents. Thunder claps outside and rain splatters against mine and my brother's bedroom window pulling me from my soft sleep. The hair on the back of my neck stands up as a chill comes in through the open window and I huff. My brother must have left it open again, he does that sometimes when he watches the moon. A little ache of jealousy shoots through me. we may be twins but my brother was the first of us to shift. Last full moon he shifted with mom and dad and I didn't. He is connected to the moon in the way mom and dad are and I'm not. I shove those thoughts aside as I know I will be soon, I can feel it. Besides I love my brother, even if he is ahead of me. Suddenly a scream rips through the house and I slap my hands over my ears at the ferocity of it. It is a wolf's scream half-animal and half-human. Fear shoots through my bones and I tremble.
"Crane!" I call out to my brother's sleeping form but he doesn't answer, he doesn't even stir.
Carefully I pull my cotton black blankets from my body and slide out of bed. As my feet touch the cool wooden floor beneath me I tremble again. I move towards my brothers bed and reach my hands out. I shake his sleeping form only to find it way too soft to be my brother. Yanking the blankets away I see pillow's lined up beneath his blue blanket and confusion fills me. More thunder crackles outside as the storm intensifies. A snarl rings through the house and using my wolf hearing I can pinpoint if to the kitchen. Keeping my footsteps soft on the floor I move through our bedroom and creak open the door. Peering into the hallway I look left and right in the darkness of the house. I don't see anything out of place so I move into the hallway. To my left is my parents room and their office that they keep all of the things they work on in. If I went all the way to the end of the hallway it would open up into the family room which is connected to the dinning room where we always eat dinner. Near the end of the hallway is another hallway off to the right which leads to the kitchen. I move into that hallway and noises reach my ears from the kitchen. They are sickening ripping and crunching noises. It's noises like from the zombie move dad, Crane, and I watched just hours before. Zombies, I can't help but laugh at the notion of them, they are ridiculous creatures. They are one of human's dumb creations, much like vampires.
"Please, please, Crane!" My father's voice pulls my brain from it's sidetracked zombie thoughts as it vibrates through the kitchen door and to my ears.
I crouch to make less noise as I pull my body forward until I am just before the door. I almost squealed when my bare feet step into a nasty puddle of something tick and wet. I lightly dab my finger into the puddle and bring it up to my nose. The undeniable smell of metallic blood meets my nose and panic shoves into my stomach and throat. This is a lot of blood even, maybe dad cut himself badly. But he would heal, all wolves who use their powers regularly can heal at an amazing rate. Mom told me one time that there are wolves out there who don't use their powers regularly, instead they let them go dormant until the full moons. I don't understand those wolves, but mom said they were bad wolves who are trying to get all of us to bow to their rule. Mom said there was a war brewing. Ignoring the panic in my stomach and the blood on the floor I inch towards the door and slowly and quietly prop it open using my thumb. My night black hair spills over my shoulders and into my face. I brush it out of my eyes so that I can see through the sliver that I have opened the door. What I see sends my stomach rolling and I almost vomit as tears well up in my eyes. My mother lays twisted and broken on the kitchen floor beside the door. Her eyes look out at the world lifeless and her guts spill out onto the floor as does her blood that I stand in. Her mouth is twisted into a snarl that doesn't suit her and the first tears slide down my face as it hits me that my mother is dead. A white wolf stands beside her and it's muzzle and paws are red with blood. A snarl twists my lips and I keep myself from baring my fangs at it. This is my mother's killer, this male wolf who stands over her body like he owns the world. I flinch when another wolf prowls forwards and drags my father behind it by the tail. This wolf is a female, her pelt is also a brilliant white and her eyes dart over my dead mother in a laughing manner. A smaller wolf follows behind her, it is a wolf I recognize and that sends my body into recoil. What is Crane doing with these wolves? The female tosses my father into the kitchen counter sending a rumble through it as he moans. He falls into human form and my stomach falls into my throat at the sight of his cut and bruised body. His eyes are empty as they stare out defeated.
"Why, why son?" My father croaks out and I notice that they are all shifting.
I analyze the faces of the two adults so that when it is needed I can recognize them again.
"You are not my father, you never were. You and that women stole me from my true family when I was just a baby. You stole me from my birthright as being the next alpha of the white wolf pack!" My brother spits at my father and his voice is hoarse and filled with malice that I have never heard before.
"Have they really corrupted you that deeply. You were our son, we never took you from anywhere. You were birthed by that women and now you've killed her! You may have been our son but you are not any longer!" My father growls and his eyes glow brown as his anger rises at my brother.
"I am the only wolf in this family with white fur! Tell me why that is?" Crane demands as he stands over father with clenched fists.
"It happens sometimes with twins Crane, it is possible Dusk will have white fur." My father explains but both of the adults scoff at him and Crane snarls.
"You and I both know that Dusk would have a black pelt. Have you seen her night black hair?" Crane asks in disbelief and then he turns away from my father and I notice one single tear streaking down his cheek.
"They are manipulating you Crane. Look at your hair is it not black in human form? They have picked on your biggest fear and they are using it to control you and make you turn on us. They will wipe out all that aren't like them and they will use you to do it!" My father demands at Crane but his voice comes out more pleading then commanding and it is eerie.
"You lie!" Crane screams as he turns on my father and cuts his cheek with one slash of his claws sending blood splashing onto the counter behind them.
The two adults shift and move in one my father. He has no fight left in him and he will not beat these two wolves. He may be an alpha with powers but he cannot possibly win against two alphas at once. Especially not with the look of peace he owns on his face as his eyes flicker to my mother's body. A dark realization settles into his eyes and they flit right to me from where I crouch in the open door. I didn't even realize that in my panic and pain I moved the door open and now hold my mother's lifeless hand as tears streak my face and a small bubble of rage digs its way into my chest. His eyes meet mine and I see the fire reignite in them as he throws himself into the first wolf and punches it beneath the jaw.
"Run Dusk, run!" My father's voice bellows as Crane turns and his eyes widen when he sees me crouched with our dead mother and clutching her hand.
He almost looks guilty for a moment as he looks me over. Then that look is gone as I watch the wolves flay my father to pieces as he buys time for me to escape. I turn and flee my feet sliding through the blood and over the wooden floor as I retreat down the hallway. I should run for the front door as I can hear toenails slide across the floor behind me as my brother gives chase. In my haste I make a quick turn for the back door instead and just in time as a wolf huffs as it slams into the wall. I run but there is no way I can outrun a wolf in wolf form. I give up on the back door idea as I turn into our room and slam the door quickly. A scratching sound instantly comes at the door and it rattles as Crane throws his weight into it. I turn quickly and scan the room for an escape. I look at the open window and I know I have no choice. Taking a running start I launch my body through the screen of the window and land on the other side of the window on my side in the mud. I hear a crack but I have no time to consider what I have broken. I pull myself to my feet and take off across the muddy yard and bolt for the forest, if I can reach the forest I can hide. The full moon shines between the thick clouds from the sky above and suddenly a horrible pain digs into my whole body. I stumble and slow as my head spins and pain overwhelms me. No, this can't be happening right now. I'm shifting for the first time. I fall as my body hurts all over and I glance at the forest desperately as I try to drag my body across the grass. I drag myself to the edge of the forest and I think I'm going to make it when a strong hand grabs me by the back of the neck and laughter rings through the night. I snarl and snap at the laughter but I can't fight I'm in too much pain. I can feel my eyes glowing as I am turned and brought over to my brother and the women in human form. It is the man then that has me in his grasp. I struggle as his fingers hold me steady and drag me.
"Poor thing couldn't even make it to the forest without giving up!" The man's voice laughs and the high pitch of it makes me wince and I chuckle a little.
I flinch when a hand slaps against my cheek sending a new shock wave of pain to my brain and a deep sting into my bones.
"What are you laughing about girl?" The women hisses and I look up into her eyes and see my glowing ones reflected there.
"Are you sure your alpha male is truly that? A male? His voice suggests otherwise!" I smile wickedly and she flinches but this remark earns me another slap that vibrates through my skull and makes my vision swim.
"Kill her Crane, she is the last tie to your horrible old life!" The male's voice practically squeaks and I laugh again as I spit out blood.
"I can't she is innocent!" Crane says quietly as he looks at me and I snarl at him.
"She is not innocent, she is a monster. She is black fur who dares taunts alphas for fun. She is a threat to your future. End her!" The women whispers in Crane's ears and I spit at her and laugh when my aim is true and bloody spit lands square in her eye.
She screeches and pathetically at her eye and Crane looks at me with a deep sadness. In my heart I know, I know he has decided what to do. He is going to kill me. I look at him in pure disbelief, then for the first time in my life I feel real hate. I feel so much hate that it consumes me with a fiery rage and I look at my brother with new eyes. He is no longer my brother, he is my killer and he will pay for it. His hand shoves forward and I bite my lip to keep myself from giving my pain away as his fingers curl around my heart.
"I hate you, you will pay for this Crane. This isn't the end. I will come back for you. You are not my brother, you are a monster. You will be the death of all that is good in this world. I will avenge it!" I cry out in pure anger as I slash my transforming hand down his chest and leave a good long and deep cut that pours blood.
However, damn my luck the cut isn't deep enough to kill him as he looks up into my eyes with a new kind of awe.
"You've created this Crane. You deserve to die! I do not. Yet I will. Go ahead do it, death will find you and take you in the worst way for this!" I snarl and rage sets my veins on fire as I try to attack Crane again.
This time he steps away from me to dodge it and when he does so he takes my heart with him. Blackness consumes me and I can fly as I feel weightless. Death was swift for me thanks to that new boldness, swift when it could have been torture like my parents. Death owns me. Yet, I wish it didn't. I wish somehow I could have lived and been the revenge that my brother and those alphas deserve. I would destroy their pack slowly and methodically. Yet death is where I am, and death is where I belong.

That's what I thought when I died. But then before I could make it to heaven and my parents I was cut off by death himself. But he wasn't alone as he approached me. With him came the most beautiful wolf I have ever seen in my life. Instantly I recognized her to be the wolf god that my father taught us so much about. And from that meeting the wolf god, death, a human girl and I came to an agreement. An agreement that brought me back to life. I am alive because I am to fix the world and bring revenge on the white furs for killing off all of my kind. I am also to find a way to bring peace if I can, at the wolf god's request, but that on in my opinion is an option. Death agreed with me on that. So here I am, alive and hunting my brother and his pack down. I am getting revenge for his sins and my people. I am the only black furred wolf left. Part of the deal from death was becoming the Hellhound, but it cost me. As the Hellhound I have inherited enhanced powers from my parents bloodline. I am fire and hell in a package. I would say I'm like that movie with Nicholas Cage because I am only half-alive. I have no heart so like him so I am a skeleton wrapped up in fire when I use the fire. Also like him I have a human look for when I am not using my powers and a wolf look for my wolf form. Fire lights up my palms against the night sky. I toss the ball of fire back and forth around in my hands for fun and then I shift into my wolf form. At least Crane got one thing right, my pelt colour. I am black as the night sky and I blend perfectly into the night and the shadows. I've tracked Crane's pack back to his girlfriend's house. Her name is Fiona, such an ogres name. I smile at my horribly cracked joke. Fiona is my target of the night, the first of many. The white fur pack had dinner at her family's mansion tonight and my did they dine. But they dined on the wrong type of food, there was no deer, moose, or even any rabbit. I wouldn't call it a dinner without those. I turn my lips up in disgust at the thought of their leafy green meal. Now they sleep in their beds. I come up to the mansion and peer through an open window. I smile as my nose never lets me down. I see Fiona curled up against my brothers chest. For a single moment she looks so innocent and that stalls out my plans. But then I think about how innocent I was and that brings back my fire. This is a necessary evil to show my brother that the new death in town mean business and it is targeting him. I shift into my human form and glance down at them again. Oh how disgusting and pointless love is. How painful I make it be pleases me.
"Fiona." I whisper so lightly that the light wind carries my voice perfectly,
Fiona rolls against my brother and groans in her sleep.
"Fiona!" I call again lightly but this time I try the octave I have been practicing for the last three days.
My voice comes out perfectly and I know that I have nailed replicating her sister's voice. I see Fiona stir and then I crouch beneath the window sill as she moves from my brothers side. She breathes out a huff as she comes to the window and looks out.
"Fiona!" I throw my voice out and project it as if I were in the forest and again I smile when it works.
I guess those athlete humans father liked were not wrong when they said practice makes perfect. I notice Fiona looking out into the forest and she is torn between going back to sleep and going after her sister.
"Fiona, please!" I project again but this time I add a little more urgency to my tone and I know I've nailed it when she hurries from the room.
I move into the forest line as she comes outside. Silly girl is wearing her super expensive nightgown still and I laugh a little on the inside. I play her until I have her right where I want her. The lake in the forest of her parents backyard stands in front of her and the path through the forest is at her back. To the left an old bench sits coated in dew and to the right is an old gazebo twisted and cracked paint with age. The lake water is still with an eerie white tint from the moon above. Fiona calls out for her sister as she looks around wearily now. Good girl for finally sensing me.
"I think you and I might have gotten along if this were another life." I sate from behind Fiona and she whirls around to face me.
"Who are you?" She asks and her voice trembles which tells me that she can sense how dangerous I am.
"Good girl, be afraid of me!" I encourage and smile as it causes her to flinch before me.
"Where is my sister?" Fiona demands suddenly and her little bit of spunk sends a pinch of regret through me.
"Oh, her, yeah she is sleeping happily in her bed still, Fiona!" I explain in my practiced voice until I say her name at the end, saying that in my voice really hits home how alone Fiona is to her.
"How do you know my name?" She snaps at me and again I feel that tiny pinch of regret as her spunk makes me liker her.
"I know everything and anything that involves my brother, including his girlfriend!" I say in an annoyed tone and my eyes bore into hers daring her to know who I am.
"Dusk, but he killed you? He regrets that everyday!" Fiona says in surprise and then she adds the last part and that makes me flinch.
I wasn't prepared for her to say something like that. I don't care if he regrets it, that's his problem but this girl saying it makes the spot where my heart should be ache and I can't afford that.
"He killed me and now I'm back to show him a Hellhound's revenge. Sorry but this is going to hurt a lot!" I snarl as I look at this girl and I see a strange peace settle in her eyes as she understands exactly what's going to happen.
The thought of her understanding so easily makes my chest hurt and I almost can't do it. But I must. I have to be strong for my kind, for my parents. I have to be strong for myself. I focus and scorch my fire up her lungs and across her heart burning her alive from the inside. A strangled scream tears from her lips and I rip forward and rip her throat out as I shift mid-air. She dies instantly from both attacks and her body falls to a solid thud on the ground. I stand over her for a few moments and I do her one kindness. I close her eyes for the last time.
"I'm sorry you had to be part of this, you might have been a decent person. May the wolf god be good to you." I say in a little mourning for her since she deserves it.
Then I turn away from her and in another perfect imitation I scream out Crane's name using her voice. In the distance her house and family stir and I know soon they will come across her body. Moving like the ghost I am I settle back into the shadows and wait for the carnage to begin.

© 2018 Skull Writer

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Added on March 26, 2018
Last Updated on March 26, 2018
Tags: Werewolf, Romance, Gore, Action