angel of mine

angel of mine

A Poem by Destiny Locke

My little angel You gained your wings on january 24 2013. Ml My breath was gone when I got the news. My heart stopped I wanted to take you back and put you back in my tummy. How was I going to tell your dad? Your grandparents. Your aunts held me. You left to soon my dear erin. I didnt get to count your little Fingers or toes. I didn't get to look at your little face. I couldnt take it. The pain was to server. Un bearable. I was your mom. I was prepared and exited. You were my life. Now your a twinkle in the sky. Drops from the cloud. A angel. A color in the rainbow. The rays of the sun. The tug in my heart. The breeze I feel on my skin. Your my little gardian angel. You appear to let me know it will be okay. I love you my dear erin lee. And your memory will forever live on. In my heart. Forever mommys little angel <3

© 2014 Destiny Locke

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Added on April 8, 2014
Last Updated on April 8, 2014