Breaking Utopia

Breaking Utopia

A Story by IanLampkin

Centurys after today, after a terrible bomb destroys Utopia a currupt goverment takes over the new world, trying to bring back Utopia. A extraordinary man and his best friend try to bring Freedom back


 “People who make a peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable


It was the 5th day of the month of Huxley, on the 1st Turn; the new calendar has only just been made. Today was humid and sunny unlike most in the month of Huxley. Sabare (Suh-Bear) Malcoy ran, heading for the trees just outside of Armenster city. He held his gym bag close as he jumped over logs and bushes looking back only to see his allies’ right behind. “Run Sabare! Run! The Arkins are close behind!”  Sabare started move his feet quicker and quicker only to stumble and fall down a hill. As he fell he was able to get up again and then bash his head against something metal. He looked up and it was what we called Gearheads who where the footmen of the Arkin Republic. They had clockwork running their metal suites with steam running the clockwork. Those childish fools believed that the old city the supposed paradise the utopia was the key to happiness as many believe different. When the darkness crashed down from the sky in a metal container they wrecked the old city causing our elders to use an ancient weapon used by the ones before. To destroy the darkness, we had to destroy our city.

They shot the rocket into the air and made us, the citizens go into an underground bunker close to the city and it changed everything.  We learned then of freedom, we built new cities and moved around freely. There was no caste system, no rules to force us down. But then some still believed that we must be loyal to the old city. We call them Arkins and they will not stop till the bring back the old city. Sabare stood up, looked up at the Gearhead, and next to him was a man in a trench coat holding a gun up to his head. “Sabare Malcoy” He said. “Give us back the money and this bullet won’t go through your head.”

“You took this money from the people of Kroy they deserve it, they worked for it!” Sabare told the man in the trench coat

“It is tax, you stubborn child!” he told Sabare

“Unlawful! Unrepresented tax!” Sabare held tightly onto his gym bag. The man walked closer and took out a cigarette shaking his match out. When he was finished lighting it

“Kid” he said, “Where did you learn those words?” He asked with a chuckle and an evil smirk plastered onto his face.

 “Books and documents left behind from the library of the old city” Sabare told him with a grin on his face. Sabare loved to astound people.

“You know that reading books not made by the old cities publishing company is a crime punishable by death!” The general said with anger residing in his voice.    

“The old city is dead sir just go see; it’s a pile of rubble now. A new age is upon us, a powerful one too; the people know it, and I know it” Sabare’s Allies started to be seen coming out from behind bushes and trees surrounding Sabare and the Arkin General and his Gearhead. “And I am proud to be a part of this new age a small, incision into its history.” Sabare told them both. He walked closer to the General and took his gun and close to his ear He said “you give me my freedom or I will take it by force”, Sabare and his men left the two Arkins out in that forest tied to two trees with no weapon and no free will.

“You pious child!” the General yelled as Sabare walked away “You see yourself a saint. Don’t you!” Sabare walked back to him and held his hand up behind him to signal his men to stay where they are.


His face was close to the Generals, he could see Sabare’s bright green eyes “I am no saint” Sabare told the man as he took the Generals fedora. “I’m a savior.”

Sabare’s colleagues put their arrows back into their quivers and holstered there bows. Sabare smiled at the General and walked off with his men. They made their way to Kroy to return the unfairly taxed money. Passing Armenster and Makhee (Mock-He), small towns and villages, passing through the villages Sabare felt his stomach drop seeing the poor be put to death for not being able to feed an Arkin soldier. He saw men being beaten for not allowing a Gearhead to touch there wives, and Houses being wrecked in search for things without any consent, any paper work saying that they have reason. Sabare knew he had to do something. He pulled out his knife then a hand gripped his wrist. He looked up.  It was he friend and ally, Tucken. “Not yet, Sabare, they will Fall like the rest, but not yet” Tucken told him. They carried on through the cold northern mountains that would bring them to Kroy, Tasting the snow and feeling the sting Sabare put his hood up and carried on. Finally after six days of walking they found themselves in snow varnished city of Kroy. It at this time wasn’t a big city it was newly made and put on the map. Kroy’s population was two thousand. This was unlike the city of Nobay which had a population of four hundred and eight thousand seven hundred and fifty people. Sabare brought the money to the front of the Vanslaughts Mansion at the center of town. A Vanslaught was the leader of the town; he runs the City guards and keeps order in the city for the Vangart who is the leader of the whole Arkin Republic. Sabare stood in front of the mansion holding his gym bag in his hands.

“Listen to me my friends, my allies” Sabare spoke with clear diction in his voice, almost like a nightingale when it sings its songs.

Tucken came up to him “Sabare stop this madness!” Tucken told him worried and fear full of Arkin soldiers stopping his nonsense.

 “No Tucken! The people must know that they can fight back as I did, as we did” Sabare was about to turn back to resume his speech, then Tucken pulled him back.

 “Sabare the Arkins will come after us then!” Tucken reminded Sabare.

 “And they did not before? Let them we will give them a battle to remember” Sabare told him in a courageous tone. Tucken gave up; he knew Sabare would not listen to him he also in the back of his mind knew that Sabare was right. “I have fought the solders municipal to this and every city! And I have brought back the money stolen from your city from the repugnant filth that walks your city baring arms and stealing your food!” Many screamed at him in loyalty to the Vangart and many more cheered in love of him, Sabare “This behavior will be perpetual if we do not stand up. The Arkin Republic is incorrigible! We must stand up to this act of tyranny!”

Tucken could see the Vanslaught at his window staring down at Sabare with a blank expression on his face as Sabare dumped the money out of his bag and called for the mob to take it all. And then came the city guards who ran after Sabare. The mob attacked them to save Sabare and his band of vigilantes who soon were a mile away. Nightfall came quick; they where miles away from Kroy. Tucken and Alexandirr who was another Associate of Sabare’s set up the tents for the night. As they slept Sabare was still wide awake thinking of his next move upon the Arkins. How could he make the citizens listen? Every time he started a riot people would just return to daily life in fear of the Arkins as they watched rioters be thrown into jail. “My friend” Tucken said putting his hand on Sabare’s shoulder “you must sleep we need your help.” Tucken knelt next to Sabare.

 “Why won’t the people stand up to them? Why is it so hard to revolt? Tucken why are we the only ones who are ready to martyr ourselves for our cause?” Tucken moved to the front of Sabare.

 “Listen to my words Sabare. Many dream of these things but none do it. You, my friend are the lucky one to push them to take those dreams into action. And the recruits and me our behind you all the way.” Tucken told him gravely as he took out a flask and handed it to Sabare “here this will help you sleep” Tucken took a sip before handing it over “we need you well rested for tomorrow.”

Sabare woke to the sound of gunshots and men yelling. It seemed as though he was oblivion to the blurry characters. He rubbed his eyes and sat upwards. He looked around to see the Gearheads tying rope around the wrists of his men. “You!” one said as he walked over and pulled him to his feet “ah well look men it is the humble Sabare Malcoy!” the Foot soldier said as he held Sabare by his jacket.

“I hope you don’t mind if I drink this” Sabare said as he opened Tucken’s flask “look!” The Foot soldier said laughing “he’s not even a sober man!” Sabare looked around to see his men in hysteria. Some were hyperventilating while others were frantically looking for a way out of their predicament. There wrist were bloody from rubbing their wrists against the rope. Sabare silently came up with a plan to escape this mess. He hit the Gearhead holding him with the flask and pushed the man away. Grabbing his gun from out of his jacket he eradicated two Arkin soldiers. Sabare found Tucken and lead him into cover behind a nearby log. He cut the rope bounding Tucken. “Get the men untied I will remove the Gearheads from camp.” Sabare told him with savage smile on his face “not to bother, my friend but you seem to optimistic” Tucken informed him.

 “Aren’t I always, Tucken?” Sabare asked rhetorically. Then he pushed him off. Sabare fought his way taking half the men. Adrenaline took the place of his mind and took him away from cover and into the firefight straight on. Sabare relentlessly shot at an Arkin taking cover behind a tree. “Come on! You ghastly piece of trash!” From behind him came an Arkin soldier that knocked him to the ground. He came to the front of Sabare with his gun on Sabare’s forehead

 “It’s over Malcoy” He said readying his pistol. Tucken heard the click reside deep in the forest where he readied the men for attack. Sabare laughed a little.

 “I guess I really am a martyr” Sabare said to himself.

The earth stopped moving and the Arkin attack seized to exist as arrows flew through the air and ended on both sides of every Gearhead in Sabare’s sight. Sabare looked up; far in the moonlight was the silhouette of a woman holding a bow. Sabare could only distinctly make out the color of her hair, angelic brown but under it was all blonde coming out to become the tip off her hair. She wore pants that wrapped around very tightly on her and a plain black shirt. “Who are you?” He yelled out to the mysterious women. But she did not answer she stood for a moment and then ran off into the moonlight which made her silhouette. Who was the woman, the savior who kept Sabare from his execution? Tucken came with the others; there weapons where unsheathed ready to attack. They stopped and paused in astonishment of the body count. Tucken saw Sabare kneeling on the ground and ran to him. “Sabare what happened?” he asked “a woman Tucken” Sabare told him pulling himself up with the support of Tucken shoulder. “We must get moving” Sabare told Tucken and the others. As they packed up Tucken couldn’t help but think what Sabare meant by “a woman.” he couldn’t help it he had to ask Sabare, but when he did all Sabare said was “One day you will know who I speak of, one day.”

As they traveled down the dirt road trying to find a new place to camp Sabare felt as if someone was watching from the trees. Sometimes Sabare could see in the twilight a pair of beautiful green eyes peeking out from the trees. “So what is our next move sir?” Alexandirr asked Sabare as he tried to catch up to him.

 “I believe that Kroy is our best bet to reach out to people. They listen to me more there then Nobay or Armenster; it is the city of miners, steelworkers and lumber men. They are tough and don’t like pushy government or hard tax.” Sabare told him.

 “So we are staying in Kroy then?” Tucken asked as he tried to keep pace with Sabare and Alexandirr.

 “Not in Kroy on the outskirts, the guards don’t care for us inside so we will stay out unless we have business to do inside.” Sabare told them as he took a sip of the his own flask, there cargo was filled with alcohol since there attempt of to free the people of Sayiel (Say-el) which did not have very clean waters being very close to the old city. Most always there people would drink alcohol there.

They took a nap readying themselves for the next day. Sabare did not tell them of his plan to liberate Kroy he only told them to rest for they will have a long day tomorrow. They did as he instructed, trusting their lives to Sabare was like trusting your life to a guard dog. Sabare stayed up wondering of the mystery woman and planning out the deliverance of Kroy.  The sky was red and the sun was rising as they rose out of there sleeping bags and breathed in the cold air that the day had given to them. They all picked up their bags and tents and stuffed them into their knapsacks to walk into Kroy with ease. Small flurries of snow came down and Sabare pulled his hood over his head. “Sabare” Tucken said

 “Yes my friend?” Sabare answered in a groggy voice from just waking up.

 “What exactly is your plan? You have yet to tell us” Tucken asked.

 Sabare smiled at Tucken. “It is all part of the game Tucken. I leave you guessing, give you some tasked to do and then in the end you get to see how all your hard work ends with a surprise from me!” Sabare told him.

 “you know I hate surprises.” Tucken told him as he stuffed his duffle bag.

“Ah but there are more here that do my friend” Sabare persuaded him “this all sounds quite repugnant to me though” “c’est la vie my friend” Sabare spoke from an ancient tongue. Sabare and his allies entered the city, all still ignorant of Sabare’s plan. Sabare listened and drowned out the world around him to find something specific hidden among the cities loud streets. He then caught piercing through the air the painful sound of the loud speakers that rested on poles down the streets.

“Remember the Vangart is on your side” they would tell the people. “Keep calm and carry on” they would tell them to act as if nothing was wrong. They kept filling their heads with nonsense little quotes and rhymes so they would get them stuck in their heads and never forget them.

“Follow me” Sabare said heading towards the radio tower.

“Sabare what are you doing?” Tucken asked, while following Sabare ignorantly.

 “What must be done, what has to be done Tucken.” Sabare became filled with inspiration and a wave of emotion filled his being. “Alexandirr, Boric watch the stairs” he said as he climbed up the stairs “Tucken your with me” Tucken reluctantly followed.

 “You are not going to do this” Tucken questioned as it all started to fall in place right in front of him.

 “Tucken sometimes you gotta do what others wont to get things done” Sabare said grinning like always “besides isn’t this quite exciting!”

 As they got up to the control room the man on the speaker got up out of his chair in a rush of fear “hey!” he said with fear hiding in the back of his throat “you’re not supposed to be up here”

 “To bad” Sabare said pulling out his pistol and shooting the man in the knee cap. The man instantly fell to the floor; Sabare knelt down next to him “doesn’t it suck when the losing team gets the upper hand?” he asked rhetorically.

 “Sabare don’t get to vain right know.” Tucken reminded him.

Sabare looked at Tucken “you are right I need to stick to the mission, now turn the speaker on. I am ready now.” Tucken turned on the speaker and handed the microphone to Sabare.

 “I believe in you my friend” Tucken assured him as he took a couple steps back.

 Sabare winked and put the microphone close to his lips. “My friend, my allies” he paused “my brothers and my sisters. This is a battle cry! A call to arms! It is time we go to war!” those are the words that began his march towards freedom. As he spoke those words and walked outside the tower and onto the roof top next to it he saw a crowed standing, watching, and listening to his words. Inside the crowed of people was the bright green eyes he once saw in the silhouette and in the branches where he once walked. “It is time we stand up to them! They may have the strength and the firepower but we have the courage and the desire. So we must fight for the freedom that we long for!” they Arkin soldiers stormed through the roads in the background but stopped. Knowing that if they retaliated it would only prove Sabare’s point.

Sabare ended his speech and waited for the reaction of the crowed. If they denied his request of action he would have no way out and he would either die by their hands and his fight would be for nothing or they would accept freedom and they would join the fight. They sat quietly thinking what they should choose, and yet again the mystery women saved him. She started to clap and cheer. The others joined in choosing to join in his fight. And on that day Sabare Malcoy led his new found army down the streets of the Rebel city Kroy to drive out the Arkin Republic. Sabare and Tucken both escorted the Vanslaught to the gallows. Sabare Malcoy became General Malcoy, there leader there saint and their hero.        

© 2014 IanLampkin

Author's Note

Please give back any ideas, or compliments, or even complaints! any little bit helps! I am trying to make this into a full Fledged novel. Anything you have to say I would love to hear!

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Added on January 3, 2014
Last Updated on February 13, 2014
Tags: Utopia, Dystopia, Fantasy, Fiction, sci fi, Curruption, Magic, Action, Guns, Monsters




I am a young guy who wants to share my thoughts and ideas with everyone. Inside my head are these ideas about other worlds and cretures and places and I just want to share them with all of you. I'd lo.. more..

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