A Story by Kunal

Magic not only present in the stage where magician set the rules and show, magic is also in my life. Else, I can’t meet Alia again and again and again but I can’t murder her.Yes, I am Ragavan the ..



Author: Kunal Saha


It is the time when you think about life. Yes, “life” �" it is the four letter word which has different meaning for different people.

If you are thinking about what is good or what is bad that’s a not a moral view of life. Life should be the one you love the most, life is the thing you want to do the most, and most importantly life is a magic that you can’t expect.

Yes, there is a day or moments for everyone life when they do not understand what’s to do and what not. You are absolutely right. Expected versus unexpected - you will know magic not only present in the stage where magician set the rules and show, magic is also in my life. Else, I can’t meet Alia again and again and again but I can’t murder her.

Yes, I am Ragavan the Contract Killer. This Story belongs to me - this is my Only Identity.


14th August, 1947

“The Moon light is more powerful today from the expectation”, Hari Said.

“Yes, that’s why we can clearly view the army. You think one more” time Hari before we go for the next step, because here is not only life & death situation for ourself, it can change our family life also”, said Ram Manohar Singh.

“Let’s recreate the future my friend”, Hari.

The team of more the 100 people slowly move on with the hand gestures made by Hari Singh Chouhan.

Nita Singh Chouhan, wife of Hari, was afraid and one more time looked into her husband’s eyes and held his hands. Her left hand held Hari and with the right hand, she held her 5 year olsd son, Ragavan Singh Chowhan.

“Move On!”, said Hari Loudly.

Spot light coming from the Army Watch Tower to the Border line of INDIA-Pakistan that will be declared by Tomorrow Morning. Captain Shekar Malhotra Personally Watching Today the Border From the West-side Tower. He is watchful today and sees the entry of outsiders. He would stop any suspecting people as per orders.

“Stop”, announced Captain Shekhar.

But All the People are very firstly run to the inside of the Indian Border. Captain Start the Ring of the bell for Military Alert.

But No One Stopped!

Firstly, the Army Started Gun Shot  in the Air for the Warning but no one stop..Else they are started Firing....

After 15 minutes the Sound of Bullet Stop...Some People Died Some People arrested By Army...One Second Hold on..Some Sound of Crying Baby inside of Dead Body...Captain Shekar Pick up the 5 years old Boy..in the locket name is showing “  Ragavan Singh Chowhan.”

14 August 1959, Andaman & Nicobar Island India;

“The Cellular Jail, also known as Kala Pani, was a colonial prison in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India. The prison was used by the British especially to exile political prisoners to the remote archipelago.”�"Said by Ragavan.

“It’s that so! That’s amazing, When was Construction started?”

“Construction started: 1896.Please go inside all of you to know the more information about this place from your lovable guide come escort ”�"Ragavan.

After all Tourist Satisfied every time then the tour operator release the payment to Ragavan, So He trying to interact as much as possible. He also knows if he do not pay in this month payment to the Saraswati Home then they can’t be ignore in this time and Ragavan will be Homeless.

“So Carry on Ragavan”-Someone said inside of Ragavan.

The Blue Eyed Girl looking so pretty today. From couple of days some tourist are coming in Andaman and Ragavan help everyone as a tour guide. When some child has no parents and child home do not take care of him after age of fifteen then Ragavan decide to he will be go forward by himself. Take a Rent House and join as a tour guide for good.

“Ladies & Gentlemen please sit for the show begins”-Said by Show Organizer of Cellular Jail.

Everyone sat but that Blue eyed girl did not. Reason She wants to see more around by walk, so once more time called Ragavan to see her around. But, Ragavan little bit of angry this time because from the beginning of this tour this little girl is not sitting any where always keep smiling at Ragavan and going here to there with her lots of historical questions. The Girl coming with their School Boys and Girls Team For their education, Ragavan is trying to help everyone as per knowledge he has but this girl every time failed him with her lots of knowledge.

“Hi! Ragavan I am Alia.”   

The fifteen years old girl once more time coming to Ragavan for asking some historical questions , one time Ragavan think to run quickly as soon as possible but where is the fear of tiger there is always low light�"Ragavan can’t pass the counter when he caught by the Alia.

“What’s wrong with You”�"Alia.

“I can’t madam. I can’t answer all of your questions all the time please try to understand”�"Ragavan.

“Ok I understand but can you please say why in the jail the seven wings not nine wings!”

“OH! MY GOD..How can I know Madam!”

“What you know Mr.Ragavan? you are our guide when we come back from here we have to pass the exam why you do not understand..”

“I will be give you by documents do not worry you can defiantly pass the exam”

“ I don’t think so!”

“Why madam?”

“Because my brain is not that much powerful of yours, you have lots of knowledge about this place but I can’t remember all of this. What should I do? I am confused. Please Help Me Ragavan.”

Her blue eyes saying more word then her speech. So One more time Ragavan said to Alia about the history about the Andamans, Cellular Jail, etc.

“It’s 7.30pm Ragavan I have to come back to my Hostel. Thank You So Much for Helping me I definitely remember you. You are a good person and by the way I can’t come tomorrow because our tour end today and tomorrow morning is my flight, so Ragavan are you happy now, because you are free for me, aren’t you?”

“No! Please don’t go I am alone here”�"Said in a mind but Ragavan see the Alia’s Blue Eyes for the last time and said “life is very long if you remember me & if I also then definitely we will be meet again Maam. Safe Journey Madam.”

Say Alia..My Name is Alia...Ok Good By Handsome, let’s hope this is not the end this is start of a story..am I right Ragavan..”

Absolutely Madam..I mean alia..take care..bye..5 minutes they are do not say any word just feel the moments with the sound of seas.

“Alia please come in a hurry”-Said by the Group Teacher.

“Ok Bye. You also take care Ragavan.I will be pray to the god for your happiness..”


12 August 1966, ‘Kazan City of Russia’

3,750 Kilometer From New Delhi to Kazan City of Russia but in the Airbus A320 it’s take only 4 hours and 41 minutes. This City is 2.30 Hours less time from New Delhi India time zone. It’s all about the group in a life, that’s now understand Ragavan. After reached the airport exit gate one black car is waiting for Ragavan, from the specific signal they show to the Man who is the driver cum escort to the University.

            “Welcome Everyone to the Russia, All of you are specially selected for three reasons here, I will be tell you but before that you all more the 100 Boys are Here from round the world. We are approaching and You are agree to this mission to complete. Yes in This Two Years you are all explore how to physically fit yourself by racing, swimming, boxing, and many special acts with how to shoot with the gun and most importantly how to kill people!! Because of this three reasons you all are selected.1)You all are Orphan, 2) You all are homeless & You have don’t any others choice because if anyone do not agree after know our organization we have to kill you. So Let’s do who are showing terrorism to Country we show him to official death but unofficially..Welcome to World National Security Agency who are going to work internationally for the killing terrorist leader unofficially or WNS University. I Am Mosico once more time Say hello to Everyone..”---The 7 foot Long red hair Mosico see to everyone face to see the fear and the sound of pain.


14 Sep, 1968, “New Delhi, India’s First Target

Morning 4.00 am I and my 350cc Black Royal Enfield both sound good in the New Delhi morning, take the two short cut of the roads and right turn now I can almost reach my destination the Hotel Mounting Sky..hmm..the Hotel name is good but first of all I have to climb the hotel boundary wall..it’s very early morning..firstly just pack the bike first.

One Man slowly pack bike in the side of the road and climb the hotel boundary wall very silently. Then Walk very carefully to enter the hotel and take the lift for the room no 32 and knock the door with ring of the doorbell. The board is showing outside of the door is “do not disturb” but the royal Enfield rider man do not care he is continually disturb the who is inside of the hotel room. After some hard work the door is slightly open from the inside and say “Yes! Who is this?

“Are You Md Nazir from Afganistan?”

“Yes, but who are you?”�"

 “Thank You.”�"The bullet Sound of black colt35 revolver is not so much because the silencer only sound like beep..beep..beep..Three Bullet and The Gun Supply racket leader Sk Md Nazir is No more for his fans.

Ragavan left the hotel room one more time climb the hotel boundary wall very easily from the back side of the hotel and start the Royal Enfield Bullet engine which the bummm...bummm..sound..and drive away..5pm in the Hotel Clock sounding very clearly.

The Cafe house is full today ..So much people in the evening today..Ragavan pass the 7 boys and girls group and sit the right corner of the Table..

“Look at the Guy Nilam. He is so Handsome.” �"Rohini Said.

“Handsome more than me? What are you talking about?” Said Vivek

“You are fool..look at him..so gentle ..so powerful his eyes..I can die for him guys..I can do anything”�"Nilam said.

“Hi!�"“ said by Rohini to ragavan.

“Hello”�"Said by Ragavan

“Come join us”

“No! Thank You”�"Ragavan

“Please come in Join we do not mind at all”

Ragavan Just Moving back of his head for know who’s voice it is because he is guessing the voice by someone very known person..Yes Ragavan is see the Blue Eyes lady..She is Knocking him to Join her Group.

At last Ragavan Move on & Join the Table of boys and girls of more the 7 people. One by one tell her and his name..Group Boys are not so happy for joining of Ragavan but Ragavan do not care he is only want to know the name of Blue eyes lady name nothing else..it is the day when I can meet?! Said in Ragavan mind..

Hi! I am Nilam..this is Vivek..she is Rohini...Heart Beat of Ragavan take the Full Speed....He is Sanjoy..She is Puja...He is Mubarak and last but not the list She is Alia..


Look at her man so petty..so beautiful..her smile ohh..too much to handle my god..Said in Mind by Ragavan..

And Your Name...?

My Name is Ragavan and yours friends Alia Know Me..!

“What? Who are You and How can I know you?”---Said By Alia.

“How can you forget maam? I am your Andaman tour guide remember.”

“Ohh! My Good God Ragavan, Ohh! Look at you man how can I forgot how are you?----Alia.

“I am fine thank you what’s about you”

“Nothing Special Just Studying, Looking for Overseas jobs opportunity and how about you..you still single or any girlfriend?”

“Not really, I love to stay single and god always trying to helping me about this..By the way we are both talking to each others but everyone I must say it is very nice to talking with all of you..”---Ragavan.

“When you talk with ours you are always busy to talk with alia”---Rohini Said.

“Never mind Rohini please talk with him right now I am leaving it’s almost 7.00pm I have to go ..Vivek can you please drop me at home with your car?”---Alia Said.

“Yes Love to Sweetheart!”�"Vivek.

“Lovebirds”�"Nilam Said.

Vivek and Alia leave the cafeteria , with keep their hands lock.

Ragavan realised something is badly touching his heart..Ragavan wants one bullet to stop his heart but he can’t, Even Alia is also do not say Bye to Him..Oh! My Good God!

1975 Sarjah, 7 October     

The Full Sarjah Alimuddin Stadium is pack today for the Cricket Match of India vs Pakistan. Two Captains at the toss..From Indian Captain Indra and Pakistani Captain Alisahab both shake their hands for today’s one day international cricket match. Referee flip the coin and it’s head Pakistan won the toss and have decided to Bat First. Pakistan wants to high score at first and give India under presser.

After 25 Overs Pakistan 135 for 1 it can be a big total after 50 overs, some commentator said. Full Hall of Stadium is packs with full of sound, light, and colour of Indian and Pakistani fans. Mr.Natarajan Sekh in the VIP Box today. He do not worry about anything he is the drugs Team Captain, that’s mean he is the One behind the all over world the Drugs racket, His close source said to him in the morning someone coming to kill him, but he is laughing a lots..because he is no how much dangerous it will be. He is the King of Murders. His Bodyguards Specially trained for the any situation. Lets Come the Killer!

After total 50 Over’s Pakistan Runs is 294 for 7.Mr.Sekh one more time laugh and said “India it’s our day, you will be loose today.”

“No! India Can’t Mr.Sekh”

“How can you be sure about that..and you are Mr.?”

“Ragavan..My Name is Ragavan Singh”

“Nice to see you..but I must say India have to loss today..because I have made lots of payment for this betting deal..Just a Second Where is My all Bodyguards..ok!you are the Killer Mr.Ragavan?”

“Yes I am!”

“So what are you looking for go ahead..but I want to know how can you reach here, I always proud of myself for my bodyguards..but..it’s shame..!”

“Let’s Stop this topic..and 2nd half of cricket is begins now..Enjoy the show Mr.Sekh..and Bye...nice to see you.”----Ragavan.

Mr.Sekh Just see with the big eyes to the Ragavan and his attitude..but Ragavan do not care and leave the VIP Box.

Indian’s Openers Started their Innings.  

Mr.Sekh Do not understand what is going on here so he just call his partner in crime the RedHat full name Jahangir Hossain.

“Jahangir Where are You?”

“Hi!Buddy What going on? I am in VIP box Second Floor..Upper Level in the Stadium”�"Jahangir

“Someone trying to kill me. The Killer is coming to me tell him the name Ragavan and then go away.!”

“I think someone just joking with you my friend..or He is just a looser”

“No! Friend I have seen his Eyes very Closely. His eyes are full of red fire. I think I am in very Danger please Help Me..My All Bodyguards is Also lost..I do not know what to do..Please Man”

“Ok! Do not worry Redhat is coming with full red army”

“Please come First”.

Call ended..and within a 25 minutes more than 50 People with armed and the Redhat Coming very closely to dear friend Mr.Sekh and surround him.

“I want to kill the man..How fool he his..and I also beat today Indian Cricket Team For Earning the more money for investing to our dugs racket.”

“Now you can relax I am and my Team With You”

Another Wicket gone India are after 25 overs 119 for 5.India are in big trouble. Now the Rahul Dev is Coming the All-rounder and join with the Indian Captain Indra who his score 45 runs.

“Dev! Today is Our Day Let’s Make the History for Our Country”�"Indra Said.

“Let’s Do it! Man”�"Rahul Dev.

Slowly Stated they are Partnership do not take any risky shot, take one two single, and when gets the loose ball take the boundary..Score Card moving on After 39 Overs 199 for 5.And Suddenly 39.1 overs Indra Give his Wickets just misjudge the shot ball and catch out by mid on fielder. All the Pakistani fielder are very happy because there is no others batsman left all are tell ender now.

“Yes! Man Indra is Out..We are back in Game”---Said by Mr.Sekh.

“We are always in the game no one can change our Destiny we are the underworld Kings”�"Redhat.

Bummm! Using the Silencer Gun by Ragavan and The Slowly Bullet Sound Coming and one by one Redhat Personal Army’s total numbers is decreasing 50 to 49 to 48...

Rahul Dev take all the responsibility in his own arms..Started the counter attack take 24 runs in one over and India’s Total Runs after 43 overs 229 for 6.Remaing Runs have to take from 42 balls and 65 runs.

One Wicket fall India lost his 7 wickets..Match on fire..and Ragavan take the responsibly to take the Better Option for the World by Killing the High Value Criminal. But this time Ragaven in big trouble because he is the one but in the opinion there is a full of gang. One bullet touch the Right Hand of Ragavan...Ragavan Smiling...Second Bullet inside of the Ragavan Belly...But Ragavan is Non-stop, no Fear in Eyes..Continually click and bullet are going from both side with silencer guns..in a match there is no sound outside of Air Conditioners Sound Proof VIP box..One by one Step and Ragavan Coming to near Mr.Sekh and Red Hat..They are trying to Covering Himself but Ragavan is very fast he Can’t Covering himself. Ragavan Said his Mind “Happy Death Day To Me! Sorry Alia I Can’t Express my love to you. But you are the One I loved in this my Life..But you Do not love me. Today my body is going to dead but when you leave me without saying Bye that’s day my soul was dead just heart is breathing for you . ”

      Last Over India Needs 18 Runs Pakistani Speed Star The First Blower Washim Haq is started the Over to Indian last hope Rahul Dev....Last Wickets. Rahul Hit Six to the First Ball..12 Needs in 5 balls. Bowler using obscene language to Dev but He is not reacting.

Redhat Died with his full team Right side of Mr.Sekh.Ragavan Helth going bad from worst But He is Face to Face of Mr.Sekh and Said.

“Plan is Working Mr.Sekh..I am here for only kill you but when I saw Redhat I can’t be fool to take only one’s murder charge, I want full Redhat Army Killing Charge so I change my plan from 1 to 50. How it is Mr.Sekh.?”---Ragavan

“Amazing..But Why I am alive!”

“See behind Mr.Sekh One ball 4 Runs Needed”

Rahul Dev Hit Cover Drive For Four to Win The Match. Everyone in the Stadium full Excited.

“You have loss your Money Mr.Sekh Now It’s My Turn”�"Ragavan

One Dead Shot in the Body Head of Sekh and Sekh is permanently out of this world.

Everything is not under control. Ragavan Slowly Trying to exit his body to outside of VIP Box but he Can’t He is Calling Ajoy to Rescue him.

“5 Bullet inside of the body but he is still breathing it’s miracle Ajoy”�"Said By Dr.Gomes.

“No Doctor He is Our Ragavan. Timely when i reach the VIP box of the Stadium he killed to all our enemy so it’s our duty who his working for whole world can be Safe, We Save Him. Arranged the Ambulance and come to our this special hospital for helping Ragavan. Can He Survive Doctor? ”

“We did our best let’s see and One more Question to You Ajoy Who is Alia..because Ragavan is Saying Alia vey slowly continually”

“Alia is Ragavan One and Only Love”

“Is She Know Ragavan in this Condition. Can She know Ragavan Love Her like this!” 


God Bless Him---Said by Doctor.              


One Year Later 1976 , 7th October New York City

Today Alia is Very Busy to Complete His Official Work. More than 7 Years She is working for this Company but everyday she has to proof herself to achieve the company target. She is restless in this whole year. Apartment to office and office to Apartment nothing else.

Alia is very tired today just reached Apartment. She is Sharing with Apartment with Cristina. But Today Cristina is not at apartment alia fee lonely. After evening water bath alia reach the balcony of the 24th Floor Apartment to See the Night City..This city do not Sleep everywhere is light, banner, people.

Alia is Modern Lady When his Father denies to pay the education fees 5 years ago only that time her college scholarship and principal helping her to reach her dream city New York for Education then She completed the Education and Started Job. Her Father always call her to say marry some people but she can’t, she lost his mother in the childhood, she has some dream in her career to full filled. She Left her Father, She Left her Country India, She Left Her Boy Friend Vivek Who is Stop her to being here he is also try to hit her but she escape from his house also. But She Can’t leave to think about Ragavan. He is the one who help her in every situation but she can’t believe to see Ragavan to her own city like this so she was do not know how to behave , She know she hurted Ragavan but She can’t do anything because of her education, her career, there is no time for love..She know She Lost Ragavan for forever.

I am Alia Khan. My Father name is Rahamat Khan. He is a very big businessman all overseas. He is introduce Vivek Ali to me for life partner but when I needed him very positively he denies to send me New York and also trying to lock in the room but she escape and very hard way reach to New York. She Do not want to contact anyone for this behaviour to her. City light is very bright in night but in the morning there is always sunshine is waiting for everyone. Ragavan Said life is too big and world is very small..Can I meet Ragavan anytime or not..I do not know his address..or any phone number. I think he already married and right now father of 5 children’s..Alia Smiling..More than a Year She is Smiling..Balcony Fresh Air Blossom the Flower of Flower pot.        

Next Day Morning 5 a.m like Everyday Alia is doing his morning walk at Gramercy Park. The approximately 2-acre (0.81 ha) park, located in the Gramercy Park Historic District is one of two private parks in New York City �" the other is Sunnyside Gardens Park in Queens�" as well as one of only three in the state only people residing around the park who pay an annual fee have a key and the public is not generally allowed in �" although the sidewalks of the streets around the park are a popular jogging, strolling and dog-walking route. The laying out of Gramercy Park represents one of the earliest attempts in this country at 'City Planning'. ... As a park given to the prospective owners of the land surrounding it and held in trust for those who made their homes around it, Gramercy Park is unique in this City, and perhaps in this country, and represents the only neighbourhood, with possibly one exception, which has remained comparatively unchanged�" the Park is one of the City's Landmarks and Alia love to being here every morning for started her day perfectly.

After 30 Minutes of Jogging Alia is going out of the park and go firstly running to reach her apartment at that time suddenly one black car is stop front of the Alia and 3 people are take the advantage of Early morning and kidnap alia without any disturbance just showing the pistol to her.one of the guy of 3 people use chloroform spray and take alia to the car and drive away. 

      “So Much Darkness in the room! Where am I? Why my hands are lock by handcraft? Someone please give me the answer?---Said by Alia.

“Hello”�"Some Man’s Very Hard Sound.

“Who is this!”

“That’s doesn’t matter. The Matter is we want some help from you. We are sorry for being you here like this, But We Don’t have others choice and it’s very important to everybody.”

“I can’t understand can you please elaborate and please open my handcraft and light on of this room to see you.”

“Definitely Alia but before that we want some information. If we get proper answer and if you agree with our proposal we defiantly do what you wish.”

“Or Else!”---Alia

“If you do not agree we have to kill you right here right now..I already told to you we do not have any others choice.” 

“Ok go on!”

“You are working with Magnam International for more than 7 years now in New York. You are know everything about the company we think. This company dealings with Export-Import of Garments, Software, Leather Gloves etc.Right now your designation is Personal Secretary to the CEO.You have valid employee card to enter the office room of CEO.Right now company CEO is Mr.Malcom We want to kill him.”

“What?  After murder what will be happen? i will be go to jail for murder of own boss.Please shoot me right now that’s is better Mr.”

“Alia please listen to me He is a International Criminal. He is involved in Indian Terrorisms we have proof. We are the International Security Agency involved to work like this for safer world and safer tomorrow. You do not need to do anything you just enter our one man to your office and  he is totally professional he will be do rest of thing. Please do it for your Country it is our request”

“Request! Ok your Request is very powerful..Please give me proof I will be definitely do this but please send someone professional enough to do this”

“Sure Alia. Now you have to move on from here. We will be drop at nearest of your apartment, in your mobile we put up the video for the proof you are asking for..This video is only one time watchable after that video will be automatically destroy. Go your apartment dressed up and come down our car and the driver will be waiting for you. The Driver we are talking about, you just help him to enter the office and the CEO Room nothing else. If you can’t able to do this you can know what we can do because you are intelligent smart lady miss alia..Bye.”

Alia is waiting for her apartment, She already see the video in the mobile, yes she do not know about this if some organization is need her for end the terrarium Alia is ready to help. Alia take a leave today office as per plan, now she is waiting for the miss call and enter the car.

After one hour phone is ring two times. This is the Signal to take the lift and go for the action. Alia is very Nervous today.

One Black Car is waiting for the action begins..Alia Enter in the car and take front seat for see the driver face but After See the Driver Face her White Face becomes more white then ever in a Danger. Car is started running to the destination.

“Hi!Alia It’s Ragavan Again”

“How are you Ragavan? And you are here in this situation I was never expected meet with you like this honestly, so are you the killer? Why Ragavan ?

“That’s a big story after completed today’s project I am free tomorrow if you agree and if I am still alive after today’s mission then definitely we can go for a date?”

“Ragavan Why you are in this profession..No I can’t give you the passkey of the  office, your life is in danger sorry I can’t do it!”

“Why Alia”

“You do not know Ragavan Why? I have to explained you for this you sure!”

“No! You Don’t”---Ragavan

“Please don’t do this for me Ragavan”

“This time I can’t Alia..Please try to understand. I promise you I will be meet to you tomorrow morning 7 am in the front gate of  Gramercy Park”

“If you don’t, then?”

Alia See to the Ragavan Eyes and she stated crying. Alia lock her hands in Ragavan’s hand.

“Please don’t cry Alia”---Ragavan

“Why you do not Shave Ragavan, you are looking more handsome after the shaving face. You give me the promise no one care for me I know how much you care about me, if it’s so please prove me right tomorrow morning”

“Definitely Alia”  ---Ragavan .

Ragavan remain cool there is no nervousness in his face. He know what have to do what’s not specially in the worried Alia. The one and only his love Alia. He wants to close alia by his two hands and kiss Alia’s lips so tightly but he can’t because right now my project is better important for me. Ohh! God please help me to stop give love to the alia.”

In the office Gate Car is Stop. Alia give the Employee Id Card and use her Fingerprint to office system to enter Ragavan.

Ragavan said to alia please stop and go back to your apartment but Alia Can’t.

Ragavan cover the Alia’s face to his both hand and kiss the cold lips of nervous alia very passionately and said to Alia.

“I love you Alia.You are mine only mine no one can’t take you from me. Do not worry your ragavan will be back to you very soon.”

“If you can’t then I will be die Ragavan without you I am nothing there is no any one day I do not think about you, you are the one I loved the most .Right now in this situation I feel  the love of pain”---Said by Alia.

“Miss you Sona! Take Care Bye! Please go outside for me”---Said by Ragavan.

Alia Can’t Denied this time she just see the Ragavan. Ragavan Slowly going inside of the Lift and alia exit from the office.

Tomorrow Newspaper. New York Times:

Alia see the news of someone is enter the Magnam International CEO office yesterday and killed the Mr.Malcom very badly by knife. Killer is also trying to escape but he can’t he killed by the Mr.Malcom’s  Body guard. Bodyguard Statement is recorded by police.

Alia’s eye’s do not stop from water dropping. she crying so much more than a hour then she realise it’s 7am she have to go Gramercy Park there is a date is waiting for her. She one time Crying and one Time Smiling and she gets ready to dress up for her first date with Ragavan.



------The End----












© 2018 Kunal

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Added on February 19, 2018
Last Updated on February 19, 2018
Tags: love, romance, fiction, best, story, bestseller, you



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