I Know

I Know

A Poem by Mizuki Tsukiakari

So Shine in Your Light


I don't know why I let the rain fall

Maybe because it proves to me that the Angels are in pain too

Every cold drop from the sky once rolled down the silky cheek of an Angel so innocent

Even in death, an Angel cannot escape the horrors of their past

Dark shadows casting upon pallid wings, noble wings

Haunting the depths of their pure minds with the evils of reality

Pain freezing over top of their silent hearts, hardening like a stone

All the while, heartbreak carves away at the stone, leaving permanent scars



I don't know why I let the rain fall

Maybe because it proves to me that the Angels know there is always a dark before light

Sun and moon, rotating in perfect harmony

The sun, light in day

The moon, shining bright in a world of inky darkness

Hope in a time of despair, light in the dark

A beauty, an enchanting wonder of nature

Proving life can exist in a world of death



I don't know why I let the rain fall

Maybe because it proves to me that the Angels cleanse the soul, and the moon lights the path

Hide your darkness from the world, cover your hurt, shade your pain

Illuminate the sky to a life of joy

Show all existence you can glow

The dark within will never leave you miserable

You possess the strength, burning a fire on the inside

You only look beautiful Shining within the Moonbeam of your own Light







So Shine in Your Light









        -Mizuki Tsukiakari

© 2013 Mizuki Tsukiakari

Author's Note

Mizuki Tsukiakari
Just something that spoke out from my heart. I know, I went from Angels to the moon to other stuff, but besides that, you like?

Should the 'so shine in your light' be at the end? I'm still undecided...

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Another great commentary on rain and it's emotional connotations, both the highs and lows...well done^^

Posted 11 Years Ago

Mizuki Tsukiakari

11 Years Ago

Thank you! :)

11 Years Ago

No problem :)
This is a really beautiful poem. I think angels are rigid creatures but they may feel cold and alone. Now everytime it rains it will remain me of your poem.

Posted 13 Years Ago

I love how you made the pure angels have bad pasts and their "innocent minds" with "evils of reality", because usually when you think of Angels you think of divine beings from heaven and so you don't think of bad things. I agree and believe that the "So Shine In Your Light" should be at the end because it leaves the poem on a positive note. Besides the "So Shine In Your Light" goes great with the second from the last quote of "You only look beautiful Shining within the Moonbeam of your own Light". They flow greatly together, I believe. Your poems are really deep and seem to come from the depths of your very being. I enjoy reading your poems so please grace me with more read requests. :) ~Ashleigh =^.^=

Posted 13 Years Ago

Inspirational. You did great with this poem, like always, and I think it is one of my favorites from yours. Yes, yes the 'so shine in your light' should be at the end. It's a good closing.

Posted 13 Years Ago

This is beautiful Mizuki. I love it and I hope you win :}

Posted 13 Years Ago

a beautiful inspirational piece casting out the shadows with its brilliant light~ =)~

Posted 13 Years Ago

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6 Reviews
Added on August 25, 2010
Last Updated on October 20, 2013
Tags: pain, heartbreak, angel, moon


Mizuki Tsukiakari
Mizuki Tsukiakari


Rain is the tears of angels, and the angels cry because they live in darkness... I will do my best, even if they don't earn it, I will keep giving. -Tyler Knott Gregson Sun breaks throug.. more..
