Hayley : Writing



A Poem by Hayley

You are a swollen tide, blue in sincerity; winged eyes and floating elbows surging, stealing my breath. I once plucked a wi..


A Poem by Hayley

Stagnant awakening, my heart deep in muddy water, or love, I reach to the bottom and grasp hold of you, a star amidst all ..
Letter opener

Letter opener

A Poem by Hayley

I want to open my arm like a knife to a letter, so swift- to see little red flowers dot between my eyes like an Indian girl ..


A Poem by Hayley

I am in a daze, not consumed by my days of unyielding sadness, but a whim of a flowered tongue of love, of a flame that lick..


A Poem by Hayley

I want to be like heaven for him, deep as his kiss and light like laughter, where the stars are drawn to his lips and he harb..
A poem in the middle of the day

A poem in the middle of the day

A Poem by Hayley

A poem in the middle of the day calls and you, stagnant hot and heavy stitch a little more of you into me with just a side..
A poem in the middle of the night

A poem in the middle of the night

A Poem by Hayley

A poem in the middle of the night calls and you, a glittery shadow, catch the tip of my tongue like a slip and a snore. ..
This Room Feels like Prison

This Room Feels like Prison

A Poem by Hayley

This room feels like prison but really my mind is alright, air-tight I can feel him stealing my breath and gracing my throat ..
He is a poet

He is a poet

A Poem by Hayley

He is a poet like trickling pond water down the rugged stones of my heart, smooth, yet cold to disturb my depression and rai..


A Poem by Hayley

I shiver like a fish with a tattoo running down its spine, meaningful and meaningless pretty curly words that slide off my back ..

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