Kristin Brecoe : Writing

The Authenticity of Honey

The Authenticity of Honey

A Poem by Kristin Brecoe

honey tinted lyrics linger and lull, tease my lips, my tongue, my soul, a waltz of our internal expression, as my body sways into you..


A Poem by Kristin Brecoe

her new found presence, gentle, fresh, and tender, lingers against my body, a sweet discovery in bodies that mold to fit the empty notche..
Sweet Presence

Sweet Presence

A Poem by Kristin Brecoe

Sweet sugar graces my lips, Sending shivers down my spine, Offering breaths to my heart, A steady, comfortable rhythm A synchr..
My Jumbo Shrimps.

My Jumbo Shrimps.

A Book by Kristin Brecoe

This will just serve as a collector of my sudden inspirations. I do not know if I'll flesh them out of not, but here they are.
Ignite Guilt.

Ignite Guilt.

A Chapter by Kristin Brecoe

"i'm in love with the words of affection. oh sweet darling words, kiss me with your tender spark, ignite a guilty passion."


A Chapter by Kristin Brecoe

"sweet sentiment found in the lyrics of his passion."
melting pot.

melting pot.

A Chapter by Kristin Brecoe

"take the culture from whence it came, and love it for its originallity before it's lost in the melting pot of conformity."
ego lullabye.

ego lullabye.

A Chapter by Kristin Brecoe

my spooned-fed lullabies rock your self-esteem to sleep, and when the night blankets your ego, i slip out into the moonlight and confess my sins.
mathematician, sweet magician.

mathematician, sweet magician.

A Chapter by Kristin Brecoe

"don't over-calculate, my dear, or we'll divide."
Ignite Guilt

Ignite Guilt

A Poem by Kristin Brecoe

A random quote for you. =]