The Shadow On My Shoulder
There is an angel who sits upon my shoulder who goes by the name of Death...
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Ai Taniguchi : Writing

First Day In NY

First Day In NY

A Story by Ai Taniguchi

We woke up a little bit late and left home before 12.We went to Time's Square and had lunch after taking pictures.Theatmosphere was nice and I was hap..
Arrive in NYC

Arrive in NYC

A Story by Ai Taniguchi

Rochel and Kevin, and Junior came to see me off and I flied for NY by myself.I laid over at Chicago, but I didn't have enough time to look around the ..
Happy Happy Merry Christmas!

Happy Happy Merry Christmas!

A Story by Ai Taniguchi

I woke up and studied as usual:)I cherished the limited time with Rochel and we were talking about the things that I did for this past 4 months.She wa..
Cherish this limited time with friends

Cherish this limited time with friends

A Story by Ai Taniguchi

I got up before 9 and it was hard to wake myself up.Rochel said I didn't need to go to the church and stay at home, then she can pick me up when she w..
Marina, Yo-Han, Rochel, and Family Dinner, Girls night!

Marina, Yo-Han, Rochel, and Family Dinner, Girls n..

A Story by Ai Taniguchi

I woke up and headed for the Second cup to see Marina and Yo-han.I met them when I came to Winnipeg and I can't believe this time was our last time to..
Compartment 114
Compartment 114
Gamujutang and Pictures and  Presents and Camera

Gamujutang and Pictures and Presents and Camera

A Story by Ai Taniguchi

I woke up and a piece of the spinach quiche which I made the other day.I enjoyed talking with Rochel and her dad picked us up for Kimbeak to eat my la..
Good talk with Myckaila, hang out with Junior and other guys.

Good talk with Myckaila, hang out with Junior and ..

A Story by Ai Taniguchi

I woke up at around 9 and bussed to downtown to go to the Second Cup.I wrote diary and met up with Mychaila who is one of respectable friends who are ..
Making spinach quiche and Studying about camera

Making spinach quiche and Studying about camera

A Story by Ai Taniguchi

Sonner after I got ready, I ate cinnamon bum which I bought yesterday at the Forks.I have disliked cinnamon since I was a little kid, but it's ok now...
Ice-skating and Ramen day!

Ice-skating and Ramen day!

A Story by Ai Taniguchi

I woke up around 9:30 and listend to my voice that I recorded lately.I don't feel comfortable every time when I listend to my English because I have t..
Date With Rochel

Date With Rochel

A Story by Ai Taniguchi

I woke up around 9:30 because I went to bed at 3 last night.I finished things to do and went to Vietname restaurant with Rochel, the restaurant was pr..